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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

new patch = FAIL


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yes their is an easily exploitable bug to get more people on your team.

When half the original pvp population of your low pop serv has already quit the game, you can try this exploit in vain, as no more players will join no matter what.


15 min to join a warzone, starting at 6 or 7 players most of the time :rolleyes: and that is during peak login hours mind you.


I think there is bigger issue regarding pvp overall when you see less and less people playing and longer queues before joining a warzone :p

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Its not that bad at least they fixed the extremely game breaking frostshock water that gave people extra medals..........


I can really only laugh at how bad Bioware is at this mmo thing


it wasnt about extra medals it was about being about to bust out of combat and then instantly heal. Thus an advantage for 1 class. But good job keeping your eye on the ball.

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it wasnt about extra medals it was about being about to bust out of combat and then instantly heal. Thus an advantage for 1 class. But good job keeping your eye on the ball.


That's strange I can still do the same thing with Bio health packs just with out the medals of course.

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and sadly (on my server at least) it favours the imperials , since the reps are lucky if we actualy get 7 players let alone more than 8


Its like this for most servers.


My belief is they will never move to fast to change something that favors empire, much like the Illum fiasco. They will wait until a bunch more imperials farm valor for Battlemaster using this bug, then when they are done it will get changed. Also if republics ever start to get anything out of it, they will immediately change it.

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yes i realize this fix wasn't in the patch, but this patch did fix one of those most abused items in the game, so it wasn't a total failure.


I hear you and agree , and it is only my point of view that they are not fixing what is one of the worst bugs/exploits in the game , people complain about the medals earned by frozen shock water , but how many medals they earning when we are so outnumbered its almost instant death when we leave the safe area? a damn lot more than they ever earn with the water

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