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Score one for the casuals


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Nerf surge? All I see is another move by Bioware to protect the casuals.


First it was the 50s bracket to keep all the slow levelers from complaining about getting blown up by 50s.


Now it's a nerf to surge to keep all the new 50s from complaining about getting blown up by 50s in full champ or full BM gear.


God I wish companies like Blizzard and Bioware would stop coddling these casuals.


I think you wish MMO companies would reward vast amounts of time spent doing something with game breaking gear so that you can gather every advantage and claim victory. You wish to be a big fish in a small pond. But what would have happened if you and all the other 'hardcore' players had no more fodder to feed upon and the other, more skilled players, began to feed upon you? Would you have returned and begged for a nerf to surge or some other change to suit your needs?


I agree with many of the other posters in this thread. Defining 'hardcore' is probably more in line with dedication and skill than simply having the best gear available so that you can haze new players.


Incidentally, someone here mentioned that CoH pvp was ruined by...something--it doesn't really matter. CoH pvp was an afterthought at best. It is a turn based game in which only certain very refined specs of certain ATS and powersets can compete. Every AT is so homogenized in the zones that they don't remotely resemble what they are on the PVE side. That's not pvp, that's just raw number crunching.

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