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Open Star Wars Haiku


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A few days ago, I teasingly said in guild chat that I had a minor crush on the Consular companion Zenith. A guildmate promptly returned, "really, because I thought it was all-encompassing." And being the weirdo that I am, it immediately made me come up with the following Haiku.




My love for Zenith

A black hole light can't escape

Spinning endlessly.



I showed the poem to a friend who also is a Zenith fangirl, and she laughed and then said now, she wanted to see a haiku written in Zenith's voice. That it oddly seemed like composing haiku would be a dirty little secret for him, something he did when out on sniper duty to help pass the long hours in the stillness, you know, when it isn't time to take that shot just yet, and he has to stay alert. A few minutes later I came up with this:




Faith in friends is gone,

But the rifle is steadfast.

One more Imp is dead.



So now, I want to see what you guys can do. This is meant to be a fun thread to spur on your creativity--write a haiku about anything you want. From your pov, your character's pov, or their companions. Or just about Star Wars in general! Let's see what you got!:cool:

Edited by Minniyar
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