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A Noob healers rant


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Sorry for the wall of text, but I'm going to throw my hat into the ring with this one.. I've been healing for a long long time and with just about every game or MMO i get my hands on..


With that being said, i have a Tier-2 geared lvl 50 Sorc healer as one of my mains. I run all sorts of guild HMs, Pugs, PvP, and Ops... I can honestly say that i am JUST ABOUT ALWAYS topping off my group in between pulls, regardless. It speeds things up and I RARELY EVER have to stop and I NEVER run out of force. I have also been doing this far before i hit 50, so it's not just my gear.


IMHO it has been and always will be the JOB of a healer to pick up the slack in a group. It's also within the power of a good healer to pull and even carry a bad group though an instance. IMHO a good healer in this game should not only keep people alive (especially with this games quasi-hokey aggro system) but get people through the damn instance as fast as possible if the opportunity presents itself.


I do see both sides of the coin having a 50 Powertech tank and DPS toons; And I do take the time in-between pulls to self heal as long as it doesn't slow down the group as a courtesy to the healer... Granted, if i see a DPS not self healing and he's at half health between pulls I'll smack them upside the head, but I'll also be thinking the healer is just being prissy.


Bottom line for me; If as a healer you CAN keep the group at 100% and get done with the instance faster... ....why not just suck it up and do it? Where is the down side outside of pure laziness? Who cares if the group sucks... Just get it done with as fast as possible, be the "unsung" hero, and "blacklist" them if it means that much to you.


Just my 2c

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Man this has happened to me b4 with my healer alt. I just won't heal the *******s. You should try and grp with guild members if you can. Pugs = fail. Its not your fault and to me it sounds like your not the noob. They are; plain and simple. Any good player knows to respect his healer and that just isn't respect imo. Might just be the fact that your on the sith side lol jk.
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