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Anyone has any Macros, Scripts or Tips for a CM Storm Inferno Mouse??


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Hello everyone,


We wanted to share this response from a member of our Customer Support team regarding Macros:

Greetings everyone,


When talking about anything macro related we would like to provide the following guidelines:

  • No automation
  • No delays or looped commands in macros
  • It is okay to bind a macro that performs abilities after each other as long as it still requires the user to press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed

These rules apply regardless of which peripheral you are using.


Hope this clears it up a bit, but if you have further questions regarding the topic please get back to us!


If you have any other questions, or would like some more clarification, feel free to ask in the Bioware: Official response on keyboard/mouse macros? thread.


Thank you!

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I rest my case, you can't fix stupid. Everything I said is true, as I knew it was...


actually I personally requested that information tbh


and basically any macro that have loops or pauses are covered there as illegal, which are the "i win buttons"


if you want to put all of your buttons on one button and mash it I guess you can be bored and you can do way less damage because there is priorities not rotations....


stupid is arguing without any proof,


stupid is wanting to mash one button for hours a day,


stupid is wanting to make this easy game easier than it is


I guess we can go through this thread and figure out who is who


i can just use auto-it to do the same thing, has nothing to do with the pretty graphics you overpaid for on your keyboard mouse


(i won't use combat macros because, well this game is too easy for needing it unless you are stupid)

Edited by Yazule
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actually I personally requested that information tbh


and basically any macro that have loops or pauses are covered there as illegal, which are the "i win buttons"


if you want to put all of your buttons on one button and mash it I guess you can be bored and you can do way less damage because there is priorities not rotations....


stupid is arguing without any proof,


stupid is wanting to mash one button for hours a day,


stupid is wanting to make this easy game easier than it is


I guess we can go through this thread and figure out who is who


i can just use auto-it to do the same thing, has nothing to do with the pretty graphics you overpaid for on your keyboard mouse


(i won't use combat macros because, well this game is too easy for needing it unless you are stupid)


Being that somehow my post was removed but yours wasn't, I'm putting it back here, though slightly altered.


I argued because I knew the answer already, and I was correct, you were not. I can argue all day if I want, when I know I'm right.


How is making a few macros mashing one button and being bored? I have all 14 side buttons on my Naga mapped. 14 is not equal to 2. I also use 123456QERTG, among others. People who know how to play Merc use more than 2 buttons.


And I don't even have an SWTOR mouse, I have a Naga, which is the same damn thing, and uses the same damn software, and I WAS STILL RIGHT. Yeah I said I had one, darn rights. I wanted to get your panties in a bunch because people thought it was silly to admit to hacking on a forum. I'M A HACK YO!


And I'm going to laugh my macroing arse off when Bioware officially implements macros and you start using them, and don't even begin to say you won't...


And what are you talking about doing less damage with macros? lol, don't comment on something you don't have any knowledge of.

Edited by Frankee
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  • It is okay to bind a macro that performs abilities after each other as long as it still requires the user to press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed


and basically any macro that have loops or pauses are covered there as illegal, which are the "i win buttons"


Im guessing you didnt read the part where it says .. Its okay as long as it requires you to press the button again .. it was in my understanding thats a pause action..


correct me if im wrong .. plz!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
It's not a malicious program, its built into the drivers for the mouse...get smarter. Check the site for the mouse, it mentions programmable macros twice, and has SWTOR TM crap all over it.


Bioware endorses a product that has built-in macros, THAT IS THE SELLING FEATURE OF THE MOUSE. It even has a macro recording software built right in. Man some people need to be learned. Good day!


Please post a reply from SWTOR support asking them "Hello, if I buy the SWTOR endorsed mouse and keyboard, can I use the drivers and macros that come with it?". Please post their response.


If you really think Lucasfilm and Bioware thought people would pay $139 for a mouse and $250 for a keyboard, when it's main functionality is frowned upon or banable in the very game it was designed for, then you sir, are not very smart.



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  • 1 month later...



You're sooo right, Please read the post before trolling.

It is quite obvious that if BW allowed Razer to make TOR products( and don't say they didn't allow it), then of course their going to supervise the programming going into these products.


TBH when you are clueless on the situation, don't post!

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wow someone bumped this? from the BIOWARE EMPLOYEE POST IN THIS THREAD


When talking about anything macro related we would like to provide the following guidelines:


No automation

No delays or looped commands in macros

It is okay to bind a macro that performs abilities after each other as long as it still requires the user to press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed


These rules apply regardless of which peripheral you are using.


Hope this clears it up a bit, but if you have further questions regarding the topic please get back to us!


so basically any delays, any loops, any automation and you are using the "aproved" software/hardware in a way that is bannable. Having made many a macro in many a game, reemoving loops, pauses and automation make macro's pretty useless except for spamming text for guild recruitment or sales.


why would anyone resurect this ancient post, and why would they comment on the "validity" of it when there is a bioware employee already defining it IN THIS THREAD... oh fyi, I personally put in a petition to get that information posted here because a lot of people are clueless and will define what is "ok" by what they want.

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