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Server status, bad sign.


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considering it's a monday.. thats pretty good.


Like the other guy said WoW isn't that much better.


You are right on the wow point. I logged into wow to check their servers and 90 percent are medium and low. But then again I think their server caps are MUCH higher.

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Just looked at server status for NA.


Most standard, a few light, and a few Heavy.


So again, this entire thread is fail.


Did I not post exactly that in my post? Way to read.


And there is more than a few light.

Edited by lightumup
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So, it is prime time right now on the east coast in usa and there is one heavy server, 8 light servers and the rest standard. I see doom for SWTOR.


So friggen sad. FU Electronic Arts for messing up one of the greatest potential games of 2012.


You have been reading the press releases saying how many subs the game has and how fast it's growing right.........


But I'll believe you because you looked at some server statuses and saw doom...cause you're a reputable source and all....

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So, it is prime time right now on the east coast in usa and there is one heavy server, 8 light servers and the rest standard. I see doom for SWTOR.


So friggen sad. FU Electronic Arts for messing up one of the greatest potential games of 2012.



Not everyone who plays on East Coast servers are actually on the East Coast. It may have been 6 where you are, but that would mean it is 5 Central, 4 Mountain, and 3 Pacific. 3/4th of the entire country is still at work.

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Did I not post exactly that in my post? Way to read.


I just wanted you to repeat that.


So standard is SWTOR IS DOOMED?




Oh, but most of WoW's servers are light and the response is "they must have higher caps"


I lol @ this fail thread.

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I just wanted you to repeat that.


So standard is SWTOR IS DOOMED?




Oh, but most of WoW's servers are light and the response is "they must have higher caps"


I lol @ this fail thread.


You are on the defensive as if I am hoping for the games failure, like some GW2 fanboi. I am hoping for its success. The status of the servers had me worried. Was a simple obersvation.


Coupled with the fact that I rolled my first republic toon to find out there was a whopping 50 people in fleet. How do you find instances with that?

Edited by lightumup
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The Light, Standard, Heavy server statues are dictated by Bioware. That means Light could, in theory, be 1 - 1,000,000,000,000 players and all servers would display as Light until they hit 1,000,000,000,001. It's not an accurate judge of the population.


This is a bad post and you should feel bad for posting it.


I would guess that given the ability Bioware had to adjust and the assumption that they spent some money on good servers that the average load for a Standard server would be around 10k players. Light is probably a range from a couple hundred to 9k. and heavy would be anything over 15k.

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I would guess that given the ability Bioware had to adjust and the assumption that they spent some money on good servers that the average load for a Standard server would be around 10k players. Light is probably a range from a couple hundred to 9k. and heavy would be anything over 15k.


You may be right but we just don't know. We can guess but they won't ever tell us numbers. No MMO company does.

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I would guess that given the ability Bioware had to adjust and the assumption that they spent some money on good servers that the average load for a Standard server would be around 10k players. Light is probably a range from a couple hundred to 9k. and heavy would be anything over 15k.


But there has to be a hard cap. It doesn't matter if the range is 1 - 9,000. If it is 1, it says light, it WILL display the same amount as 9,000 people.

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So, it is prime time right now on the east coast in usa and there is one heavy server, 8 light servers and the rest standard. I see doom for SWTOR.


So friggen sad. FU Electronic Arts for messing up one of the greatest potential games of 2012.



You are on the defensive as if I am hoping for the games failure, like some GW2 fanboi. I am hoping for its success. The status of the servers had me worried. Was a simple obersvation.


Coupled with the fact that I rolled my first republic toon to find out there was a whopping 50 people in fleet. How do you find instances with that?


Your original quote betrays you.


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So, it is prime time right now on the east coast in usa and there is one heavy server, 8 light servers and the rest standard. I see doom for SWTOR.


So friggen sad. FU Electronic Arts for messing up one of the greatest potential games of 2012.


To quote Chicken Little: "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!11!1!1!"

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But there has to be a hard cap. It doesn't matter if the range is 1 - 9,000. If it is 1, it says light, it WILL display the same amount as 9,000 people.


Why does it require a hardcap for the minimum capacity? a Light Server is a light server. unless Bioware carries a "New Server" tag for it's servers the minimum load carried on a light server is redundant. It won't show a death or dead server population. The only real way to tell if a games population is surviving or abundant isn't based on how many servers are up and what the average population is. It's that a range equal to half of what the total amount of light servers available are show a standard or high population.

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Your original quote betrays you.



I personally don't like EA. They are cheap, quantity over quality, corner cutting, shiesty salesmen. They picked a ****** engine to run a massive mmo, because it was cheap and it is causing loads of issues because of it.


Because of their unstable engine, they were forced to create way too many servers with low population caps just to keep above water. Now the servers are paying for it with horrible performance in warzones and player heavy areas, and dead server populations - for the republic faction especially.

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