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Most OP class


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no class is op....only thing that is op is the abundance of ccs in this game and best thing is they give every class a cc except for mines (sentinel here, personally i think its a slap in the face and the devs just laughing at us) btw REMOVE ROOTS they are highly unneeded
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Explain how the weakest class in the game is OP.


Hidden strike got nerfed in damage, but it now doesnt fill resolve all the way now. That means that a smart OP can just chain CC you and even double hidden strike you if they want and deal massive damage to you before you can do a thing. If you seriously think that their 3 stab rotation isnt OP, where other classes actually need to hit procs and think things through, that can take someone down almost instantly esp medium/light armors you are delusional. The only "nerf" they had at all was the acid blade.


They can get the jump on you (which an operative should) deal massive damage at the very start, pop a complete immune to damage buff, pop hots, and do a 3 button out dps every class rotation in 1 v 1 scenarios and can stealth in combat anytime and let their hots heal them and repeat the process before most can even respond/heal up and they just repeat the process.


Operatives/Scoundrels only cry now that they are too weak because they cant crit people for 6k+ with a hidden strike anymore and nearly kill juggs/guardians instantly. They still need to work for it some but the one class that every class has trouble facing is Operatives/Scoundrels. The only classes that really even have any counter measure against ops is Trooper/BH with stealth scan, which doesnt do jack when they get the jump on you..You cant expect troopers/bh to just throw stealth scans down every CD randomly and hope they find a random operative/scoundrel.


Take out the in combat stealth, then the class would be balanced imo :)



Edit - Forgot Vanguards/powertechs.


Basically they can hybrid specced for insane dps and insane self heals/armor.


On my 674 Expertise BH i get stock striked for 2-3k by champ geared. I can get hit for 3-5k by those who use the last shared tree skill thermal grenade. (Idk the name of the trooper version)


The class has amazing self heals, armor, defensive cooldowns, and insane dots/burst that in 1 v 1 scenerios most cannot out dps them because of their heavy armor/huge bursts/self heals/spammable attacks. Most just run in circles spamming stock strike/some random dots while shooting that electro shock crap (again, dont know name of the trooper version) that they can spam near infinitely that hit my 613 Expertise marauder for 1-2.5k. Note this is a spammable attack where they can out dps my annihilation spec (and yes i play the class correctly, ty) in 1 v 1 scenarios at almost 1-2k per use, as my dots barely bring down their self heal/guards.



But still, i find OPeratives much more difficult to kill on all of my classes in 1 v 1. vanguards/powertechs i can still kill but overall they are just an insane class, but still extremely difficult to 1 v 1. Most OP for me though are OPeratives.

Edited by Kayse
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I regularly see single Sorc/Sage top both healing and damage charts. If that's not OP, then I don't know what is.


Personally i believe thats why is because most just dot everyone up while spamming splash damages with the occasional heals on the side.


Some i even see just spam corruption or w.e it is (drains hp for force) then spam heals for easy medals. Its very common.


In terms of 1 v 1 though i honestly find most to be extremely easy, but this is from my personal experience.

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Hidden strike got nerfed in damage, but it now doesnt fill resolve all the way now. That means that a smart OP can just chain CC you and even double hidden strike you if they want and deal massive damage to you before you can do a thing. If you seriously think that their 3 stab rotation isnt OP, where other classes actually need to hit procs and think things through, that can take someone down almost instantly esp medium/light armors you are delusional. The only "nerf" they had at all was the acid blade.


They can get the jump on you (which an operative should) deal massive damage at the very start, pop a complete immune to damage buff, pop hots, and do a 3 button out dps every class rotation in 1 v 1 scenarios and can stealth in combat anytime and let their hots heal them and repeat the process before most can even respond/heal up and they just repeat the process.



Holy exaggeration Batman! If Operatives could do this they might actually be OP!

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Holy exaggeration Batman! If Operatives could do this they might actually be OP!


deal massive damage to you before you can do a thing -


Hidden strike - Acid blade - spam 3 stab rotation before someone can even stand back up then chain cc, repeat, stealth, repeat.


can take someone down almost instantly


What the class is mostly about, fact is they do it too fast. If you cant tell that much, you are an idiot. And im speaking for heavy armor classes too.


pop a complete immune to damage buff


Its called Evasion, or w.e :) Avoids all incoming damage (Green Shield)


3 button out dps every class


3 Button stab rotation with extreme bursts that are basically spammable, uninterruptable, no channels, with high accuracy that all benefit from their armor penetration crit rate + surge , so yes :)


Anything else, trollolol?

Edited by Kayse
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deal massive damage to you before you can do a thing -


Hidden strike - Acid blade - spam 3 stab rotation before someone can even stand back up then chain cc, repeat, stealth, repeat.


can take someone down almost instantly


What the class is mostly about, fact is they do it too fast. If you cant tell that much, you are an idiot. And im speaking for heavy armor classes too.


pop a complete immune to damage buff


Its called Evasion, or w.e :) Avoids all incoming damage (Green Shield)


3 button out dps every class


3 Button stab rotation with extreme bursts that are basically spammable, uninterruptable, no channels, with high accuracy, so yes :)


Anything else, trollolol?


Show me any proof where an Operative takes someone from full to zero before they can do anything post nerf.


Evasion only works on white damage


Their 3 button rotation is limited to a 6 second cooldown and a 9 second cooldown and being in melee range of someone who isn't going to just let you hit them.

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Show me any proof where an Operative takes someone from full to zero before they can do anything post nerf.


Evasion only works on white damage


Their 3 button rotation is limited to a 6 second cooldown and a 9 second cooldown and being in melee range of someone who isn't going to just let you hit them.


I'll get a video for ya then of a guildy of mine who can take my marauder down (again full pvp gear) in 6 seconds flat with double hidden strike/cd's


It still is a damage immunity.


and most wont let ops just stab them in the face, but they still are always stabbing regardless and even if you manage to kite them enough they can just dot you up, hot up, and stealth again to get close and chain cc once again. And how are Melee classes/cqc classes supposed to kite them without facing them up close?

Edited by Kayse
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Pics or its BS.


I don't have pics, bit I've been top of both Heals and DPS before on my heal specced sage.


Unfortunately, it wasn't because I'm epic, it was because my team was the worst I've ever played in.


When you top the DPS at ~100k, you know there's something wrong.


However, what everyone conveniently ignores about Sages/Sorcs is that to get good scores, your enemy have to be a bunch of idiots and all stand around in the same spot. Their Single Target DPS is pretty poor, and get most of their super high scores through AoE (this accounts for both healing and DPS, although DPS more so). As soon as teams play sensibly (Pair up to kill people and don't stand together, a sage's scores plummet. Especially if, as one of the squishiest classes on the field, those same people employing actual team-work correctly asses them as being a primary target.


I personally think things are pretty balanced, and that most classes have functioning counter classes. I have most difficulty with fully geared and skilled OPs (who can still kill me before their stun-lock finished if my break-free is on cooldown) and Pyrotechs.


But to be honest, nobody can tell you what is overpowered until they have played every class and know them inside out. A lot of people call sages/sorcs OP, but if you are specced for spike damage and know how to handle them, they are quite easy to take down. I guess most classes function like that.

Edited by Tyrias
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I'll get a video for ya then of a guildy of mine who can take my marauder down (again full pvp gear) in 6 seconds flat with double hidden strike/cd's


It still is a damage immunity.


and most wont let ops just stab them in the face, but they still are always stabbing regardless and even if you manage to kite them enough they can just dot you up, hot up, and stealth again to get close and chain cc once again. And how are Melee classes/cqc classes supposed to kite them without facing them up close?


Make sure that marauder doesn't stand there like a derp and take it when he could pop his defensive cooldowns/CC breaker.


White damage is generally very weak and evasion only lasts 3 seconds.


How would that Operative close the gap? They can only walk towards their opponent while in steath. Also Operatives have Corrosive dart/acid blade as their only DOTs unless they are lethality.

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You ever try to HS a Sage or a Sorc? They pop up using their immunity CD and use Sorcerer/Sage AOE knockback with 4 secs root only on 20secs cool down. after that bubble themselves and either run, nuke the heck out of the op, heal themselves and then nuke and run, or just laugh at the now useless operative because he's now out in the open, unstealthed, and rooted. A sorc/sage who dies to a operative is either not paying attention or has their force of will on cooldown.
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i think Operative and scoundrels are much closer to being balanced then they were. I can actually get up and fight one with a chance to win, instead of getting knocked to the ground and 3 seconds later when I get up being at 20-30% health while wearing Cent/Champ gear and having over 16k health. Is the balance perfect? probably not but I have now killed Op/Scoun after getting attacked from stealth. Was hard to say that before the nerf.
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i lolled hard. are they the best class in the game? no, probably not anymore. are they the weakest class in the game? rofl even considering that is..... just rofl


Explain what they contribute to a warzone that another class can't provide better or do just as well, with some extra benefits.


How a class fares in 1v1 is irrelevant to balance at this point in time.

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I'll get a video for ya then of a guildy of mine who can take my marauder down (again full pvp gear) in 6 seconds flat with double hidden strike/cd's


It still is a damage immunity.


and most wont let ops just stab them in the face, but they still are always stabbing regardless and even if you manage to kite them enough they can just dot you up, hot up, and stealth again to get close and chain cc once again. And how are Melee classes/cqc classes supposed to kite them without facing them up close?


Wow you sir are really something.

And all this is assuming u have equal gear?

I agree there should be some sort of CD on Hidden strikes so that u cant do HS > CS > HS but then again when does it happen? how often does it happen? I sure dont think this happens to u every Warzone u play? Most Ops/scoundrels use this neat ability as a defense mechanism because, im sure u're aware, our survivability out of stealth can't match any other classes.


Also the scenario u're talking about is completely bollocks.

There's something called a resolve bar, im sure u're familiar with it, it usually extends to a white bar after HS > 4 s stun, and in ur scenario, another HS. thats it. after that u're immune.


When a ops/scoundrel opens on u, let him have is fun, once u're out of the stuns (ofcourse u used ur cc breaker on the 4second stun if u had it off cd) pop defensive cds, and begin ur dps rotation. This will leave dots on the ops/scoundrel which makes it impossible for him to restealth, maybe he time it between ticks but max 1 sec in stealth.

He has now nowhere to run and u successfully wasted his cloaking screen.

Assuming equal gear u wont probably lose any more health after this and the ops will most likely stay and die or try to flee but in vain (unless team mates come for rescue)

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Show me any proof where an Operative takes someone from full to zero before they can do anything post nerf.


Evasion only works on white damage


Their 3 button rotation is limited to a 6 second cooldown and a 9 second cooldown and being in melee range of someone who isn't going to just let you hit them.


if i dont have trinket up, ops can usually take me down before i can act. if i have trinket, then they get me to 30% before i can act. (half champ half cent)


still, at least post nerf you can actually FIGHT an op for a few seconds before dying. not nearly as overpowered as they used to be, and i hesitate calling them OP (even though quite honestly i hate your class more than anything else) when compared to assassins or sorcs whose damage is not as good as an op but provides much more powerful (and in some cases overpowered) tools to teamplay. ald and void wzs are determined by which team has the most ops/sins/sorcs.

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Hidden strike got nerfed in damage, but it now doesnt fill resolve all the way now. That means that a smart OP can just chain CC you and even double hidden strike you if they want and deal massive damage to you before you can do a thing. If you seriously think that their 3 stab rotation isnt OP, where other classes actually need to hit procs and think things through, that can take someone down almost instantly esp medium/light armors you are delusional. The only "nerf" they had at all was the acid blade.


They can get the jump on you (which an operative should) deal massive damage at the very start, pop a complete immune to damage buff, pop hots, and do a 3 button out dps every class rotation in 1 v 1 scenarios and can stealth in combat anytime and let their hots heal them and repeat the process before most can even respond/heal up and they just repeat the process.


Operatives/Scoundrels only cry now that they are too weak because they cant crit people for 6k+ with a hidden strike anymore and nearly kill juggs/guardians instantly. They still need to work for it some but the one class that every class has trouble facing is Operatives/Scoundrels. The only classes that really even have any counter measure against ops is Trooper/BH with stealth scan, which doesnt do jack when they get the jump on you..You cant expect troopers/bh to just throw stealth scans down every CD randomly and hope they find a random operative/scoundrel.


Take out the in combat stealth, then the class would be balanced imo :)



Edit - Forgot Vanguards/powertechs.


Basically they can hybrid specced for insane dps and insane self heals/armor.


On my 674 Expertise BH i get stock striked for 2-3k by champ geared. I can get hit for 3-5k by those who use the last shared tree skill thermal grenade. (Idk the name of the trooper version)


The class has amazing self heals, armor, defensive cooldowns, and insane dots/burst that in 1 v 1 scenerios most cannot out dps them because of their heavy armor/huge bursts/self heals/spammable attacks. Most just run in circles spamming stock strike/some random dots while shooting that electro shock crap (again, dont know name of the trooper version) that they can spam near infinitely that hit my 613 Expertise marauder for 1-2.5k. Note this is a spammable attack where they can out dps my annihilation spec (and yes i play the class correctly, ty) in 1 v 1 scenarios at almost 1-2k per use, as my dots barely bring down their self heal/guards.



But still, i find OPeratives much more difficult to kill on all of my classes in 1 v 1. vanguards/powertechs i can still kill but overall they are just an insane class, but still extremely difficult to 1 v 1. Most OP for me though are OPeratives.


Says the

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if i dont have trinket up, ops can usually take me down before i can act. if i have trinket, then they get me to 30% before i can act. (half champ half cent)


still, at least post nerf you can actually FIGHT an op for a few seconds before dying. not nearly as overpowered as they used to be, and i hesitate calling them OP (even though quite honestly i hate your class more than anything else) when compared to assassins or sorcs whose damage is not as good as an op but provides much more powerful (and in some cases overpowered) tools to teamplay. ald and void wzs are determined by which team has the most ops/sins/sorcs.


If you are getting bursted down to 30% health in an opener post nerf then there is a severe gear disparity between you and the Operative. In equal gear Operatives can't do that even if they pop relics and adrenals.

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