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PvP is a disaster


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What he says is true. I'm sure they will fix these things soonish though.


I disagree with they're being too much CC though, maybe it's just the way CC is handled in this game. There are many solutions of course.


I'm still having fun though.

Edited by DarthVita
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From what I noticed you groups consist of a wide range of level of players. I have seen 13 to 48 all in the same group instead of similarly leveled players (probably to allow those power levelers to enjoy pvp while waiting for the norms to catch up). Now depending on which classes they are this could make for an serious advantage/disadvantage.


What is the final answer...who knows.


I will agree those stuns do last for an eternity while the break out takes forever to cooldown

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Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once... MMO's are balanced for max level PvP. It is physically impossible to balance the game for every level, without everyone playing one class.


If you don't like it and feel they have done such a bad job, WoW panda expansion is around the corner. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


This is like letting the people in the special Olympics compete in the regular Olympics. They'll never win but at least they get to compete?

If the game is balanced for level 50 pvp then why setup lower levels for failure, don't let them in warzones. Warzones are boring enough as is and on top of that I have to try and carry a bunch of low level people. OMG FUN!!!

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Ability lag is certainly a real problem in this game as far as PvP. On my op I can easily go from cover to standing abilities so seamlessly in PvE that you don't even see him kneel. In pvp the delay is so bad that sometimes they are out of range before the kneel animation even pops up. My ping is always 40ms or under so it's not isp lag. Many people deal with this, and it makes it very difficult to time interupts at times. This has been an issue since beta, and even though things are not as bad as they were, they are still very much effect the game in a very negative way. I guess we can thank BW for the beautiful animations though. :rolleyes: Edited by Macsimus
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Unplayable lag, underpowered healing, comically broken ranged DPS choices (spam lightning top damage win game lololol), unoriginal battleground/PvP ideas and a complete and utter lack of abilities that really let a single player be an awesome single player?


Yeah, sounds like a horrendous mess of a launch with regards to PvP to me. Can't wait to try again in a year or so, I guess...


Also, all levels in the same battlegrounds is the worst idea that has ever been implemented in a competitive player versus player environment.




^just in case anyone feels the need to HURRR U NO KNOW WHAT U TALKIN BOUT

Edited by PAPPAP
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Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once... MMO's are balanced for max level PvP. It is physically impossible to balance the game for every level, without everyone playing one class.


If you don't like it and feel they have done such a bad job, WoW panda expansion is around the corner. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


laffo these are level 50 problems too, bugs in the game are not level exclusive.


you people just use any ol' reason to say GO BAK 2 WOW KIDDIEZ THIS AN ADULTS GAEM XDDD DONT U HAV SKOOL 2moro???/

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I editted this entire thread since it got outdated but some of the point still stand which I will repeat here.


Lag in abilities - It used to be worse but recently it started to lighten up a little bit. There still is the ability lag where you can use something like Force Kick, for example, to interrupt someone's spell cast. The problem is Force Kick typically won't go off until about 2-3 seconds later, therefore is not an instant cast when you really need it and because of this, you can miss an interrupt entirely while blowing the CD.



Technical Bug, 100% verifyable, i hope fixes will come soon.


Master Strike - Channeled ability, however sometimes it shows the animation and acts as if you actually are casting master strike but the problem here is, it never activated. It bugs so you get stuck in the loop of the channeled ability but not actually doing damage, therefore you have to use an attack before this ability and THEN use this for it to work. There is other abilities that have issues like this that can destroy your PvP experience.


Technical Bug, 100% verifyable, affects many other abilites too, i hope fixes will come soon.


PvP Vendors - They are extremely unorganized and poorly thought out. I hate to say it Bioware really blew it on this one. If you filter by useable, it will still show level 40 gear when you're level 20. Level 40 gear is NOT USEABLE. Also, they mash the gear into one long list so you have to go one by one to find the piece you actually need. If I were a Jedi Guardian, why should I have light and medium armor gear in my list? I don't fricken use those and it's a waste of time!


Annoyance, GUI improvement necessary.


Force Leap fails, just like Charge did in WoW. It typically never works properly if the target you're attacking is in motion or on any type of ledge. If they are on a ledge, you glitch behind them, then back to the location you force leaped from, then back behind them again. It's super glitchy and sometimes you can actually get stuck underneath the map.


Technical bug, pathing issue,100% verifyable. There are more pathing issues then just this one. I hope a fix will be coming soon.


Death Delay - For some reason when you kill someone, occasionally they don't die until 2-3 seconds later. So during the time you're trying to kill someone that is technically already dead, you could be focusing on something else or might even die in the process. Everything that should be "instant" in this game is usually never instant.


Technical Bug, Server load and latency related.


Republic vs Empire - The classes are mirrored on paper but not in game. Stock Strike on a trooper is not instant at all, the animation is delayed but Bounty Hunters equivalent is instant as instant can get. Full Auto, takes about 2 seconds before the Trooper starts channeling. Bounty Hunters equivalent, takes about 1 second but actually ends when the duration ends. There is many, many other abilities I could list that have these problems and because of these, Republic will always be at a huge disadvantage.


Systematic bug, Republic loses 9 out of 10 battlezones for various reasons. Balance fix needed.


Too much CC - This game doesn't need that much CC. CC destroyed RIFT's PvP. I can't tell you how many times I've been CC'd to death as a sentinel in warzones. I get the jump, get stunned, typically my break free is on cooldown because of other previous stuns and I sit there for the duration of the stun, dead. Sentinel is THE MOST squishy class in this game and when I'm stuck in a stun that lasts an eternity against a ranged class that already has the advantage on me, I'll never win. It's impossible and the sad part is, Jedi Guardian/Sentinel don't get any sort of useful CC until 24 and that isn't even that good.



Systematic bug, major lack of MMO development expirience. This destroyed DAOC and many other games. Developers are usually so blinded by their own ego and hubris that this is ignored until game is dead. We will see how it is handled here. The whole CC issue is bewildering to me, as anyone with about 6 months of MMO expirience could a) make a better system (resolve doesnt work) and b) adivse to reduce massive amount of CC. Current MMO dev line is to have no CC at all. Retro attitude of Bioware is a) due to lack of MMO expirience b) some secret plan to suceed where everyone has failed.

Edited by Gezak
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referring to OP's post:


this is a logical, well written post that should be looked at by devs. the amount of flaming homosexual fanboys "defending" their precious new favorite game is overwhelming.


face it people, the game has problems, and he has every right to ***** about them.


I just hope the dev's read this post only from this thread and with an open mind.

Edited by norfpole
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MMO dev line as regards NO PvP CC (or very limited and different from the pve version) has been that way for years and years...


So BW loads this up with 10 million ways of making the player unable to play.


I forget who said it, but preventing the player from playing is the single biggest mistake in pvp, or even in pve.


It's *not* fun to sit there, stunlocked, knowing you're going to die, so you might as well go get a sandwitch.


All the throw around, root, snare, push, pull, etc with no recourse are not fun either, but at least you can sort of react to them. Sort of.

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I editted this entire thread since it got outdated but some of the point still stand which I will repeat here.


Lag in abilities - It used to be worse but recently it started to lighten up a little bit. There still is the ability lag where you can use something like Force Kick, for example, to interrupt someone's spell cast. The problem is Force Kick typically won't go off until about 2-3 seconds later, therefore is not an instant cast when you really need it and because of this, you can miss an interrupt entirely while blowing the CD.


Master Strike - Channeled ability, however sometimes it shows the animation and acts as if you actually are casting master strike but the problem here is, it never activated. It bugs so you get stuck in the loop of the channeled ability but not actually doing damage, therefore you have to use an attack before this ability and THEN use this for it to work. There is other abilities that have issues like this that can destroy your PvP experience.


PvP Vendors - They are extremely unorganized and poorly thought out. I hate to say it Bioware really blew it on this one. If you filter by useable, it will still show level 40 gear when you're level 20. Level 40 gear is NOT USEABLE. Also, they mash the gear into one long list so you have to go one by one to find the piece you actually need. If I were a Jedi Guardian, why should I have light and medium armor gear in my list? I don't fricken use those and it's a waste of time!


Force Leap fails, just like Charge did in WoW. It typically never works properly if the target you're attacking is in motion or on any type of ledge. If they are on a ledge, you glitch behind them, then back to the location you force leaped from, then back behind them again. It's super glitchy and sometimes you can actually get stuck underneath the map.


Death Delay - For some reason when you kill someone, occasionally they don't die until 2-3 seconds later. So during the time you're trying to kill someone that is technically already dead, you could be focusing on something else or might even die in the process. Everything that should be "instant" in this game is usually never instant.


Republic vs Empire - The classes are mirrored on paper but not in game. Stock Strike on a trooper is not instant at all, the animation is delayed but Bounty Hunters equivalent is instant as instant can get. Full Auto, takes about 2 seconds before the Trooper starts channeling. Bounty Hunters equivalent, takes about 1 second but actually ends when the duration ends. There is many, many other abilities I could list that have these problems and because of these, Republic will always be at a huge disadvantage.


Too much CC - This game doesn't need that much CC. CC destroyed RIFT's PvP. I can't tell you how many times I've been CC'd to death as a sentinel in warzones. I get the jump, get stunned, typically my break free is on cooldown because of other previous stuns and I sit there for the duration of the stun, dead. Sentinel is THE MOST squishy class in this game and when I'm stuck in a stun that lasts an eternity against a ranged class that already has the advantage on me, I'll never win. It's impossible and the sad part is, Jedi Guardian/Sentinel don't get any sort of useful CC until 24 and that isn't even that good.


There is plenty more problems with PvP in this game that will detract people like me who are trying to take it seriously. PvP in this game is the most forgotten and least serious thing I have ever seen in any MMORPG I have ever played. It's a shame and there is a lot of work to be done before this can be even used properly.


I agree with all of this. Especially the part about CCs. They need to make resolve come into effect waaaaaaaay faster. Ability lag is still horrible as well. Instant cast abilities begin the animation when you press the button, but the actual ability is not used until a second or so later. Basically, this games PvP still feels mushy and unresponisive like most MMOs such as Rift and Warhammer. WoW really nailed the feel of combat and I really hope Bioware is able to match that level of responsiveness.


Basically, Bioware desperately needs to make combat more responsive.

Nerf CC/ Buff Resolve

And just general ability bug fixes


I am aware that the game just came out and I am willing to wait a while for fixes to be implemented but not TOO long. They should of had combat down at launch but we still have a mushy, unresponsive combat system.

Edited by fauxhammer
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The kiddies who were no good at PVP in wow or such think the pvp in this game is awesome cause there is absolutely no skill needed to win. its a button spam no need to try to stay behind a target or anything. ranged just sits and spams instead of trying to get away.

AS MUCH AS I HATE WOW......... cant stand wow anymore but as of right now their pvp is far superior to swtor's. All of you trolls can cry all you like and try to flame, I have been playing MMO's since you were playing with your sisters barbies and I know fail when I see it.


BTW BW your UI is bad you really need to atleast let us move bars and customize some!

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Problem is that without ability to chain cc any class with self healing will be op vs anything else. The best change would be to make active resolve cuting snares by 50%. Soo 50% snare will be 25% roots=50% snare.


This is already a problem. But chain cc is one brutally bad thing. Interrupts are another perfectly fine thing. But there arent enough of them, and what there are, are on stupid long timers so that the chain self healer can be interrupted, oh no cant cast it for 6 seconds, well thats done i'll do it again... meanwhile the interrupter has another 30 seconds to go.


Chain CC is not the answer. Especially because it gets applied to ALL players, and the broken resolve thing is just a joke.

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A decent Target of Target option...

A decent Set Focus option

Cross realm Battlegroups f- Same server pvp mixed with lv10's and bolster buffs = fail

2v2 and 3v3 Arenas - Real test of pvp skill... World PvP ganking is fun but nothing beats a balanced 2v2 or 3v3 match.


Honestly I cant help but think that they could have allocated capital a few different places like reduce cut scene investment by half and provided 2 more Warzone Maps on launch.


Just some constructive ideas. Good game overall, thanks EA.

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Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once... MMO's are balanced for max level PvP. It is physically impossible to balance the game for every level, without everyone playing one class.


If you don't like it and feel they have done such a bad job, WoW panda expansion is around the corner. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


let me explain this carefully....that argument is completely irrelevant as long as non 50s are forced to PvP with 50s....if you are going to use a bolstering system....then EVERYONE must be competative...gear should have no meaning once so ever....it should be skill that determines the winner and loser....Bioware missed that....that being said brackets are on the way so the whole debate is pointless.

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The op is right! This game doesnt really know pvp. Ive done it and its ****! Its almost impossible to hit pple when your walking. You have to stand still and hope that your ability or move will hit. I know the game is new and a lot have to be done. But come on. What is this?Is it so hard to hit other pple? Its like they didnt tested pvp at all.


Not only the lagg is an issue but the battlegrounds are not interesting at all!

They shouldnt call this game MMORPG but just MORPG. There is nothing massive about the game. 10 vs 10 fighting for a ball? Is this Star Wars?


Im not even a fan of Star Wars. Just liked the movies and even there the battles where massive. Its a shame really. Trying to beat game like WoW with this. Maybe its not the company's perspective to beat WoW. But I know a lot of pple here hoped for it.

Pvp wise it will be hard for them. Story is ok but nothing special. Side quests are boring as hell and even the voices are not that interesting.


They have 2 come with something better. Outfoor Raid events or larger battlegrounds and a different que system for your abilities. (Heck they can even steal it from WoW as long as it gets better!) Cause like this it doesnt feel like a pvp MMORPG. And believe it or not. They need pvp for the game to be great because its in human nature to compete against each other. Even pve wise pple want better gear then somebody else.

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"Too much CC - This game doesn't need that much CC. CC destroyed RIFT's PvP."



What CC? It gets spammed so much everyone is immune most of the time.


Heals, What heals? All the dps lobbied to get heals nerfed and now all you see is them trying to get Trion to make Bard/Chloro better healers because all the clerics went DPS and told all the whiney dps to fug dhemselves.


Or how about the pvp exploits that allowed people to reach Rank 8 within a day of it going live and having full top end pvp gear. Was anything done? Nope, they were allowed to keep their stuff.


The whiney players are what killed pvp in Rift. They kill pvp in every game.


And I ask? If you are suck a pvp star why are you hiding in a story driven MMO?


I hear Eve and GW are the best pvp games out there, why aren't you there?

Edited by Amiracle
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PVP is not supposed to be minigames its about taking your character and beating the crap out of other players. after you kill a player you loot them and take all their crap and laugh as their hard earned hours are lost to your might
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I also think that they need to work on the PVP side. Alot of issues I see come from letting the lvl 40+ with all the pvp gear that is there for them in with those that are under that lvl. My thoughts on that are that they need at least one grouping filter for those 40 and over and the 39 and under plaiers.

Also if i que as a group with a friend or two I would really like to pvp with them. there have been many times were some friends of mine and i have qued as a group and ended up in different pvp matchs or when one person is qued and the other gets nothing.

Looking forword seeing more thought put into the pvp and seeing what they come out with. All in all i like the 3 warzones and how they are set up just think there are some things that need to be looked at and nudged alittle.


Edited by Kithmeir
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