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This will make PVP 3billion times better


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It just dawned on me after losing a war zone since my entire team wanted to run around getting kills away from the objectives. If there was a team death match war zone and we were allowed to queue for that war zone specifically do you guys think it will separate the "good" players away from the ones who just want to have fun and go out killing people? I do understand that it might make queue times longer for Huttball and the original game modes but personally I think it would be a great addition :D
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Or they can introduce medal for passing the ball, defending the ball carrier, getting an assist score (passing to someone that scores), increase the medal value significantly for scoring the ball, and nerfing the values of kills, heals, etc. unless they're related to the ball carrier (which means more available medals.)


Same applies to Alderaan and Voidstar. Make medals for playing the game type worth waaay more then medals for contributing nothing.

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Or they can introduce medal for passing the ball, defending the ball carrier, getting an assist score (passing to someone that scores), increase the medal value significantly for scoring the ball, and nerfing the values of kills, heals, etc. unless they're related to the ball carrier (which means more available medals.)


Same applies to Alderaan and Voidstar. Make medals for playing the game type worth waaay more then medals for contributing nothing.


I agree with everything you said except the nerfing heals ^^

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It doesn't.


Learn to interrupt/stun/knockback during casted heals.


In other words, stop sucking?


exactly, im a sorc in full champ gear, and if i have 4 ppl on me and im stunned even once im screwed, your obviously not doing something right if a healer is able to live with 4 of you on him


and i agree with creating more medals for assisting in winning the game instead of blindly killing the enemy, but i dont agree with giving any extra medals for being the person to score the ball, that will only cause people to hold on to the ball and not pass, as well as having someone like a squishy trying to carry the ball all the way in

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objective based pvp is why pvp sucks, in every game that has it.


take away the objectives and just make it all about kills. if you suck at killing people, you shouldn't be rewarded as well as people who are good at killing people, and yes you would need bracketed pvp for this.


get rid of the healers. get rid of the huttball. get rid of the doors and stupid **** you have to click on and just make it all about killing people. player versus player combat. not player run with ball, player click on object, player run circles around the huttball arena and get 1000 valor for everyone else's work.


just killing. then, it would be good.

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objective based pvp is why pvp sucks, in every game that has it.


take away the objectives and just make it all about kills. if you suck at killing people, you shouldn't be rewarded as well as people who are good at killing people, and yes you would need bracketed pvp for this.


get rid of the healers. get rid of the huttball. get rid of the doors and stupid **** you have to click on and just make it all about killing people. player versus player combat. not player run with ball, player click on object, player run circles around the huttball arena and get 1000 valor for everyone else's work.


just killing. then, it would be good.


How's Illum working out for ya?


Objective based PvP is the only playable PvP in this game currently, as borked as it is it's FAR better than the zergfest, collusion filled mess that is Illum.

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How's Illum working out for ya?


Objective based PvP is the only playable PvP in this game currently, as borked as it is it's FAR better than the zergfest, collusion filled mess that is Illum.



i've never heard of Illum.


reminds me of this place called Ilum though. but I don't go there because there is never anyone else there on my server.

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objective based pvp is why pvp sucks, in every game that has it.


take away the objectives and just make it all about kills. if you suck at killing people, you shouldn't be rewarded as well as people who are good at killing people, and yes you would need bracketed pvp for this.


get rid of the healers. get rid of the huttball. get rid of the doors and stupid **** you have to click on and just make it all about killing people. player versus player combat. not player run with ball, player click on object, player run circles around the huttball arena and get 1000 valor for everyone else's work.


just killing. then, it would be good.


If that's what you're looking for, there are plenty of other games purely designed for PvP where player skill matters more than character ability.

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objective based pvp is why pvp sucks, in every game that has it.


take away the objectives and just make it all about kills. if you suck at killing people, you shouldn't be rewarded as well as people who are good at killing people, and yes you would need bracketed pvp for this.


get rid of the healers. get rid of the huttball. get rid of the doors and stupid **** you have to click on and just make it all about killing people. player versus player combat. not player run with ball, player click on object, player run circles around the huttball arena and get 1000 valor for everyone else's work.


just killing. then, it would be good.


You sir, are a fool.


PvP is about emulating war. War is about objectives. apture that hill, hold this town, keep supply routes open (otherwise known as defend this road/railway).


PvP that is nothing but killing is pointless, foolish, and requires zero skill what-so-ever. Anyone can kill anyone. Only working together to accomplish a goal shows skill.


If all you want to do is kill people, FPS games are that way ->

Also...if all you want is to kill people, get a shrink...you need it.

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