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"Advanced Classes = Fundamentally Different Class Designs"


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But using one of the Anti-AC Switch camps favourite arguments, giving a Trooper the ability of Force Choke would take away class identity! It would dilute the classes! What's the point in having different classes if they have the same abilities shared? Why stop there! Why not just make them all one class with all the abilities!


Those are all the exact same arguments that are being used against AC switching btw.

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But using one of the Anti-AC Switch camps favourite arguments, giving a Trooper the ability of Force Choke would take away class identity! It would dilute the classes! What's the point in having different classes if they have the same abilities shared? Why stop there! Why not just make them all one class with all the abilities!


Those are all the exact same arguments that are being used against AC switching btw.


You mean, adding a channeled stun that also damages, which is somewhat similar to the already existing BH ability "unload" (albeit a bit better) completely change the class... Sure, nice argument there.


You can't even use the arguments well. I have posted that many classes already shared abilities. Just different names and different flavors for it. However, one or 2 abiltiies do not define a class.


Operatives have stealth, assasins have stealth. They also have a "vanish" ability, they have an opener attack from stealth, yet somehow, they do not play the same, and are quite different... How come?


Class defining abilities are another matter. The ability to heal, or tank, or stealth, ranged, or not ranged, and different combinations of those are what defines a class. Simple concept really.


Edit: Your argument would be valid, if they gave shield generators to sorcerers, and extra armor, and stealth... Then yes, those changes would put one class far too close to another class. I do not see that happening though...

Edited by Raximillian
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Now you know how we feel regarding your arguments. :)


No, that argument helps my position, but not yours.


I still maintain that AC switching would dilute classes, and make them pretty much irrelevant. But adding force choke to a trooper does not somehow make the sith warrior completely redundant. Adding one or two abilities to one class does not make it the same as another.


Please come up with better arguments. "Because I say so" is not a good argument.

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No, that argument helps my position, but not yours.


I still maintain that AC switching would dilute classes, and make them pretty much irrelevant. But adding force choke to a trooper does not somehow make the sith warrior completely redundant. Adding one or two abilities to one class does not make it the same as another.


Please come up with better arguments. "Because I say so" is not a good argument.


Yet that seems to be another favourite from your camp.

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Yet that seems to be another favourite from your camp.


And your counter-point is... what? If you want to have a discussion, then you need to counter with something. Otherwise, it's not even a discussion.

Edited by Raximillian
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Warzones that are in brackets for reasons just like this.


You mean the whole 2 brackets? And the 50 only bracket that only exists because of the expertise stat?




Its a choice that shouldn't be allowed. Stop new characters from skipping making the choice and force all those who already did to make the choice before proceeding with the game.


Proceeding with the game how? You won't let my toon move before pushing the K button and choosing? Mine sits on the fleet and runs warzones. With your system he could sit in the Korriban cantina forever and level through warzones that way-unless you plan to disallow warzones without choosing an advanced spec? Then he could be a crafting mule-let me guess, no crafting or GTN access without choosing? Could he even talk to toons with 'real classes' or would he be muted as a sign of official disapproval?



An ops groups is different from a "party". More intentional dimness?


So why not allow companions in a raid group format and simply scale the mob accordingly? More members in group=more NPCs to deal with. Make a group of 4 with companions really work to finish that Heroic 4.




It wasn't a personal attack. It was dispelling a myth. Its an oversight by developers. They simply assumed people would complete the quest and pick an advanced class - rightfully so since that's where you gain your core abilities. Its an oversight that warrants correction.


It's a choice by the player (don't most people opposed to advanced switching say it's a choice that should matter?). Why force the choice? Hell, even the game allows you to say 'no' to anything besides the class story. If we were disallowed from interacting with 'real classes' in warzones and flashpoints would that be more acceptable? I mean you can see I'm a Consular-not a Sage or Shadow-if I'm out questing in the world, so you have no reason to interact with me and see how my 'gimp' dps drags down your efficient leveling.


By your logic I might as well flip a coin to choose-since I can just reroll and play up to level 10 anyway, right?


Its posts like this one by you that makes me think you're just here to argue and not make any points for or against the topic. All you do is ask questions. While it can be effective you're overusing it. Significantly. The main issue, however, is that you seem to think that anyone who is opposed to you in this topic must also oppose you in every other topic. That tells me that you're just looking for an excuse to get into a fight with someone. You get defensive at every single post.


Don't assume everyone disagrees with you about everything and the discussion will go far more smoothly.


I'm opposed to treating advanced spec like some sacred cow by the same people that clamor for dual spec when I see it as effectively the SAME THING. From what I've seen most people that oppose my opinion shriek about with one-liners like 'choices should matter' and 'advanced specs are classes, not specs'- which means I might as well attempt to challenge their opinions.


Of course most of them write me off-that's fine, I've pretty much accepted that Bioware wants unlocked races and story events to happen their way even if it involves retcons (more their single-player games at this point but Taris did a lot to make me feel my light-side Revan actually ruined the lives of everyone he met there-sorry Rukil).

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And your counter-point is... what? If you want to have a discussion, then you need to counter with something. Otherwise, it's not even a discussion.


It's really annoying isn't it? You try so hard to reason and find middle ground, to discuss and open minds but all they do is repeat the same wild conjecture, broken theories and "because I said so." arguments.

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It's really annoying isn't it? You try so hard to reason and find middle ground, to discuss and open minds but all they do is repeat the same wild conjecture, broken theories and "because I said so." arguments.


Which is precisely what you are doing.


It has been stated many times that allowing AC switching with make the ACs redundant. It would make them glorified specs, which is what many people do not want. They are viewed as different classes (and they play as different classes. All the assassin vs. sorcerer comparison for example, ranged caster/healer vs. melee tank/stealth class). Many people do not like that. We have posted skills comparisons, passives skills, etc, that show how they are quite different.


Your side of the argument is that since BW made them under the "sith inquisitor", and share a few abilities, then they are automatically the same class... Which I have yet not seen a good argument proving how a a melee tank/stealth class is the same as a ranged caster/healer class.


So no, there are no "because I said so" arguments, we have posted plenty of interesting data. The ones that have posted "because I said so" arguments is your side. "because I already leveled a trooper to 50" is an argument I see a lot, etc.

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You are taking things out of context. I did not mention just raiding, I mentioned PVP, FPs, whatever you want to do in the game. And yes, whatever you do in the game, it is designed for an advanced class to perform, not for the base class. If you try any role in PVE, or even PVP, there is NO WAY you will be even remotely effective with your base class. It just doesn't work, because the game is not designed for them.


Really? So the screenshots from level 50s that didn't choose are photoshopped?


The game is designed to solo with companions and to play with groups of 4 people. So companions will fill those slots in the group so you always have 4. If you have 2 players, you have have 2 companions (2+2=4). If you have 3 players, you can have 1 companion (3+1=4). If you have 4 players, then no companions. That is the full group. If I have to explain such a basic concept to you, then you need to play the game more before you come here and try to discuss about it.


Why is the size capped at 4? Why not scale the mobs to the size of the group, whether it be 4, 8, or even 16? Raids aren't capped at 4 are they? Make my group of 4 with companions have to work just as hard as the 4 without-or is the game truly designed to encourage trivializing the content by having groups of 4 run through missions designed to be soloed?


No, different classes do not necessarily need different storylines, or companions or abilities. Where do you get such a wild idea? I can play diablo as any of the different classes, and they all get the same storyline. They are still different classes. Same in WoW, same in mass effect, same in pretty much any RPG out there. This is one of the few games that actually gives different storylines for different classes, but that is not a rule that defines a different class. I really have no idea how you reach such conclusions. They make no sense. A class is not defined by storyilne or companions. They are defined by abilities, roles, etc.


Then why bother with separate stories here if they don't matter? And if abilities define classes then Sentinels and Guardians might as well be the same class, right?


A stealth class (assassin) does not learn the same abilities as the ranged caster (sorcerer). Sure, they both have force lightning. But where, oh where do you get the idea that a 10m force lightning is the same thing as a 30m force lightning? They are nowhere in the same vicinity. Or where do you get the idea that a class with 500 force uses abilities in the same way as a class with 100 force? Or where do you get the idea that a class with stealth will fight the same way as a class without stealth? Or a class with large amounts of armor will fight the same way as a class with little armor?


They are different classes. Every way you cut it, an assassin and a sorcerer are completely different classes. Not even in the same universe at all.


They are different specializations-although how an inquisitor that never even hints at stealthing on Korriban becomes a super Sith ninja makes no sense. Why not a Warrior? Just give Marauders a stealth generator. At least they use melee from 1 to 10 as opposed to some half-baked hybrid that has a joke range for lightning and a couple of paltry saber attacks.


Please explain how Juggernauts and Marauders are different classes-is it just the shield offhand and the heavier armor? In-game the tank spec doesn't exist so that can't be it.

Why can't a Marauder pick up that shield generator and slice and dice with one saber?

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Which is precisely what you are doing.


It has been stated many times that allowing AC switching with make the ACs redundant. It would make them glorified specs, which is what many people do not want. They are viewed as different classes (and they play as different classes. All the assassin vs. sorcerer comparison for example, ranged caster/healer vs. melee tank/stealth class). Many people do not like that. We have posted skills comparisons, passives skills, etc, that show how they are quite different.


Your side of the argument is that since BW made them under the "sith inquisitor", and share a few abilities, then they are automatically the same class... Which I have yet not seen a good argument proving how a a melee tank/stealth class is the same as a ranged caster/healer class.


So no, there are no "because I said so" arguments, we have posted plenty of interesting data. The ones that have posted "because I said so" arguments is your side. "because I already leveled a trooper to 50" is an argument I see a lot, etc.


Interesting that you ignored all the arguments in which we stated how they were in fact glorified specs already and why it would be a positive improvement to the overall length of the game to allow switching.

Also you ignored the sheer amount of people whose arguments were simply "Bioware said no so there.".


But please, continue to believe that somehow your broken theories, wild conjecture and "cause I'm right." arguments actually hold any ground. At least we were willing to find a mutual answer. Reason it appears is lost to you.

Edited by chaosdefined
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Interesting that you ignored all the arguments in which we stated how they were in fact glorified specs already and why it would be a positive improvement to the overall length of the game to allow switching.

Also you ignored the sheer amount of people whose arguments were simply "Bioware said no so there.".


But please, continue to believe that somehow your broken theories, wild conjecture and "cause I'm right." arguments actually hold any ground. At least we were willing to find a mutual answer. Reason it appears is lost to you.


No, I have not seen a single good argument showing how a melee tank/stealth class is somehow comparable to a ranged caster/healer class. So comparable, that they can be views as simple "specs". Not a single good argument for that. Not one.


If someone has posted a good argument for that (I may have missed something, I'm not here 24x7), then please point me to it.

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No, I have not seen a single good argument showing how a melee tank/stealth class is somehow comparable to a ranged caster/healer class. So comparable, that they can be views as simple "specs". Not a single good argument for that. Not one.


If someone has posted a good argument for that (I may have missed something, I'm not here 24x7), then please point me to it.


There's about 52 pages of good arguments. However we could show you all of them, actually having you pay attention instead of stubbornly denying them is something we can't do.

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Which is precisely what you are doing.


It has been stated many times that allowing AC switching with make the ACs redundant. It would make them glorified specs, which is what many people do not want. They are viewed as different classes (and they play as different classes. All the assassin vs. sorcerer comparison for example, ranged caster/healer vs. melee tank/stealth class). Many people do not like that. We have posted skills comparisons, passives skills, etc, that show how they are quite different.


Your side of the argument is that since BW made them under the "sith inquisitor", and share a few abilities, then they are automatically the same class... Which I have yet not seen a good argument proving how a a melee tank/stealth class is the same as a ranged caster/healer class.


So no, there are no "because I said so" arguments, we have posted plenty of interesting data. The ones that have posted "because I said so" arguments is your side. "because I already leveled a trooper to 50" is an argument I see a lot, etc.


If they aren't remotely similar why were they offshoots of the same base? Why do 'Jedi healer' and 'Jedi ninja' have the same story? Why would they even look for the same sorts of companions?


That seems to be your only example-Trooper with big gun and heals vs Trooper with smaller gun and a couple of melee attacks doesn't seem to be so radical as to justify one locking out the other, especially since it's all gear-based. Why can't a Commando have a retractable vibroblade in his gauntlet? Or be able to drop an explosive charge at his feet? Why isn't a Vanguard able to load his rifle with Grav Rounds or be able to spray an area with something besides a Mortar Volley?


I asked in a previous post about Juggernauts and Marauders-why a Juggernaut can't grab a second saber or a Marauder grab a shield is beyond me.

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If they aren't remotely similar why were they offshoots of the same base? Why do 'Jedi healer' and 'Jedi ninja' have the same story? Why would they even look for the same sorts of companions?


That seems to be your only example-Trooper with big gun and heals vs Trooper with smaller gun and a couple of melee attacks doesn't seem to be so radical as to justify one locking out the other, especially since it's all gear-based. Why can't a Commando have a retractable vibroblade in his gauntlet? Or be able to drop an explosive charge at his feet? Why isn't a Vanguard able to load his rifle with Grav Rounds or be able to spray an area with something besides a Mortar Volley?


I asked in a previous post about Juggernauts and Marauders-why a Juggernaut can't grab a second saber or a Marauder grab a shield is beyond me.


Really? Is that your questions? Why do Jedi healers and Jedi ninjas have the same story?


Are you somehow saying that a CLASS is defined by the story of the game? That since they have the same story, then they are the same class???? Really????


The story is FLUFF, it has no effect on what a class is. Nothing at all. Just a nice way to tell a story. Nothing else. Same thing in WoW, or any game out there for that matter. WoW has the EXACT same story for all the classes. And that does not mean that they are the same class. That really is one of the worse arguments brought forward so far.


Why can't a ranged healer suddenly be able to stealth? Why can't a tank suddenly be able to heal? Because that's what it means to have different classes in the game. That's why we have classes. You are describing class dilution, which is EXACTLY what we want to avoid. That's exactly why I do not want AC switching. You actually pointed it out very nicely. I want each class to be a separate class. A class may have multiple roles, but they are still a different class.


Now, Jugg and Maras is a good example. Of all the ACs, those are probably far too close to each other. But instead of asking for them simply be "melded" together with AC switching, we should be asking for more ways to make then unique and separate. I want MORE classes, not less... More options...

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Really? Is that your questions? Why do Jedi healers and Jedi ninjas have the same story?


Are you somehow saying that a CLASS is defined by the story of the game? That since they have the same story, then they are the same class???? Really????


The story is FLUFF, it has no effect on what a class is. Nothing at all. Just a nice way to tell a story. Nothing else. Same thing in WoW, or any game out there for that matter. WoW has the EXACT same story for all the classes. And that does not mean that they are the same class. That really is one of the worse arguments brought forward so far.


Why can't a ranged healer suddenly be able to stealth? Why can't a tank suddenly be able to heal? Because that's what it means to have different classes in the game. That's why we have classes. You are describing class dilution, which is EXACTLY what we want to avoid. That's exactly why I do not want AC switching. You actually pointed it out very nicely. I want each class to be a separate class. A class may have multiple roles, but they are still a different class.


Now, Jugg and Maras is a good example. Of all the ACs, those are probably far too close to each other. But instead of asking for them simply be "melded" together with AC switching, we should be asking for more ways to make then unique and separate. I want MORE classes, not less... More options...


I'm... flabbergasted. Why bother to play this MMO if you don't care about story, the one thing Bioware kept crowing about? Is it because you want your magic sword to glow? If story is just fluff then why bother to have it, right? Just beat on endlessly respawning mobs to 50-all they need to do is up the xp rate to make it viable-surely easier than churning out new content. Hell, they can drop the scenery too-since it's all about 'killing with lightning is SO TOTALLY different from killing with a saber!'. Put everyone in a hallway and let them grind that way-it worked for BBS doors.


Why bother to have 4 base classes at all then? Just start with 'adventurer' at level 1 and segregate yourself into an advanced spec at level 10. That way everyone would start on the same planet and get to know each other even sooner-thereby building community!

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I'm... flabbergasted. Why bother to play this MMO if you don't care about story, the one thing Bioware kept crowing about? Is it because you want your magic sword to glow? If story is just fluff then why bother to have it, right? Just beat on endlessly respawning mobs to 50-all they need to do is up the xp rate to make it viable-surely easier than churning out new content. Hell, they can drop the scenery too-since it's all about 'killing with lightning is SO TOTALLY different from killing with a saber!'. Put everyone in a hallway and let them grind that way-it worked for BBS doors.


Why bother to have 4 base classes at all then? Just start with 'adventurer' at level 1 and segregate yourself into an advanced spec at level 10. That way everyone would start on the same planet and get to know each other even sooner-thereby building community!


I'm sorry, point me to where I said I do not care about the story? Where is that post? I care about it very much. And I like what BW did with the game. Never have I stated otherwise.


What I said is that the stories to not define the class... We could have more story, less story, no story, the agent story on the trooper, or whatever combo you want, and each class would still be each class. Assassins would be assassins, sorcerers would be sorcerers, etc. The story does not affect a class.


Your 2nd paragraph is actually not a bad idea... And you know what? having a single class to lvl 10, and then choosing AC from there would make each AC into a class... Which is similar to what we have now... Not glorified specs... Which is what you want. What happens before lvl 10 and choosing an AC really has little effect on each AC individually. Because the AC is the class.

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I'm sorry, point me to where I said I do not care about the story? Where is that post? I care about it very much. And I like what BW did with the game. Never have I stated otherwise.


What I said is that the stories to not define the class... We could have more story, less story, no story, the agent story on the trooper, or whatever combo you want, and each class would still be each class. Assassins would be assassins, sorcerers would be sorcerers, etc. The story does not affect a class.


So why bother with multiple stories then, or even one? If story doesn't matter just go out and kill 10 womp rats or as I said, just grind on mobs to level. I assume that story does matter, since so many refer to being bored at endgame since the story stopped and all they have left is raiding and pvp. If story is just fluff why did Bioware waste so much time and money on it, resources that could have been spent fixing bugs and adding content. I can't believe it's taken 4 months for an armstech to be able to disassemble a blaster she finds as a drop-apparently Huttese design has been too much for her brain to figure out?


Your 2nd paragraph is actually not a bad idea... And you know what? having a single class to lvl 10, and then choosing AC from there would make each AC into a class... Which is similar to what we have now... Not glorified specs... Which is what you want. What happens before lvl 10 and choosing an AC really has little effect on each AC individually. Because the AC is the class.


Cool-so everyone can have a saber and blaster at level 1? Sounds about right for the majority of players considering how much they're gushing over having Chiss Troopers with Force Choke after the patch.


Advanced specs are specs-sorry if you don't like that. I guess you want each talent tree to be a separate class, since that would give you 24 classes per faction? Let healers level by healing, not by dps then switching to healing when it's convenient. Let choices matter! Don't respec, reroll!

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So why bother with multiple stories then, or even one? If story doesn't matter just go out and kill 10 womp rats or as I said, just grind on mobs to level. I assume that story does matter, since so many refer to being bored at endgame since the story stopped and all they have left is raiding and pvp. If story is just fluff why did Bioware waste so much time and money on it, resources that could have been spent fixing bugs and adding content. I can't believe it's taken 4 months for an armstech to be able to disassemble a blaster she finds as a drop-apparently Huttese design has been too much for her brain to figure out?




Cool-so everyone can have a saber and blaster at level 1? Sounds about right for the majority of players considering how much they're gushing over having Chiss Troopers with Force Choke after the patch.


Advanced specs are specs-sorry if you don't like that. I guess you want each talent tree to be a separate class, since that would give you 24 classes per faction? Let healers level by healing, not by dps then switching to healing when it's convenient. Let choices matter! Don't respec, reroll!


Stop taking things out of context and relating them where they are not related.


The story in the game is to sell the game. It makes the game nice to play. All those nice cinematics are to make people go "ooooh!! that looks cool! I want to keep playing!!". It also hides the grind, and other things.


The story of the game, does not affect game mechanics. Not one tiny bit. Using your example, you can level an assassin by just killing womp rats, or level him by doing the storyline quests, and both of them will play the same. Why? Because the class design itself is not affected by the story. So story =/= game mechanics.


We have already gone around that block a few times, so I won't respond anymore to that specific point. If you still think that the storyline missions somehow defines class design, then we'll leave it at that.

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52 pages later...


Good arguments by both sides.


However it was not enough to change my opinion that Advanced Classes should remain a permanent choice.


Dual specs are great and should have been in from the start (as well as a long list of things that Bioware somehow magically ignored or decided wasn't important) but they are 100% correct in stating that the AC will not be something you can change. It needs to remain that way.

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Before asking why a Jedi Sage can't simply pick up a double-bladed lightsaber and go invisible and making WoW comparisons, ask yourself why a Death Knight can't pick up a shield and be a Warrior.


That type of logic isn't applicable to games. Games are defined by the rules set by their designers. The designers want different classes to play differently and provide different experiences, rather than letting a single character do everything.


I play a Druid in WoW and I think dual-spec is horrendously overpowered. I am probably the most useful person to my raid team because I can tank and dps in the same tree, and heal in my off-spec, all without having to revisit a trainer. On heroic deathwing, there's mechanics that intend the fight to have two tanks, but I do as much or more DPS than a non-hybrid when switching to cat form after tanking for a few moments to deal with the mechanics. I log on for my Dragon Soul clear once a week, but other than that there's no reason to play the game, no reason to experience other classes. Why? Because my one character can do everything, and it's downright idiotic and boring to play a pure DPS class when Druids, Paladins, or other hybrids are able to do this sort of nonsense.


There's also the issues of talents vs. trainable abilities. If advanced classes really are just "glorified specs" you'd have to change all the advanced class specific abilities into talents, making the talent trees into a big mess.


You can't out-World-of-Warcraft World of Warcraft. Stick to your guns BioWare, keep doing what works best for your game and don't give in to the people who don't understand game design. Personally I'm tired of raid teams that consist entirely of hybrids.

Edited by Jenzali
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To be fair Azn, you haven't answered his question about Legacy mixing abilities with classes.


I also find it extremely confusing about how having the ability to change your AC even just once at a later level would be considered gamebreaking, and yet giving every class abilities from others, such as a Trooper with Force Choke, a Sith with Flame Thrower is perfectly acceptable?


Yes,I have answered that. It was a response to you actually.


I said previously that I think allowing a Republic Vanguard with a "brother" who is a Sith Assassin the ability to shoot force lightning is possibly the dumbest thing ever. I feel the same about allowing Chiss on Republic side. These are shortcuts to "fun" that damage the canon and integrity of a roleplaying game.


In the same way I feel like allowing you to change your CLASS is a shortcut to "fun" that damages the canon and integrity of a roleplaying game. I dislike ALL THREE for the exact same reason. Hence why I said, again, in the same post I told you all of this Chaos, that if we're going to offer those to shortcuts, I felt like we were already paving the way to AC changes, why not just throw classes out the window and you can change into anything you want whenever you want to.


You know when there's a traffic jam on a highway, usually out in the country where the grass grows right up to the shoulder and its only 10 feet to the service/access/frontage road, and people will cut across the grass to get out of the jam and speed down ahead of it? These additions to the legacy system are people veering off the highway, over the grass and speeding down the road and the state trooper is sitting there watching them do it eating a doughnut. Let's just PAVE EVERYTHING and say "to hell" with it. Who care's anymore?


You know what, screw it. I'm all for AC changing. We're already screwing things up with the legacy changes, let's go full bore and drop the standards of what an RPG really is. Have at it kids, I've hopped the fence. Not because I think AC changing is GOOD but because I hate when companies do crap like this.

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Yes,I have answered that. It was a response to you actually.


I said previously that I think allowing a Republic Vanguard with a "brother" who is a Sith Assassin the ability to shoot force lightning is possibly the dumbest thing ever. I feel the same about allowing Chiss on Republic side. These are shortcuts to "fun" that damage the canon and integrity of a roleplaying game.


In the same way I feel like allowing you to change your CLASS is a shortcut to "fun" that damages the canon and integrity of a roleplaying game. I dislike ALL THREE for the exact same reason. Hence why I said, again, in the same post I told you all of this Chaos, that if we're going to offer those to shortcuts, I felt like we were already paving the way to AC changes, why not just throw classes out the window and you can change into anything you want whenever you want to.


You know when there's a traffic jam on a highway, usually out in the country where the grass grows right up to the shoulder and its only 10 feet to the service/access/frontage road, and people will cut across the grass to get out of the jam and speed down ahead of it? These additions to the legacy system are people veering off the highway, over the grass and speeding down the road and the state trooper is sitting there watching them do it eating a doughnut. Let's just PAVE EVERYTHING and say "to hell" with it. Who care's anymore?


You know what, screw it. I'm all for AC changing. We're already screwing things up with the legacy changes, let's go full bore and drop the standards of what an RPG really is. Have at it kids, I've hopped the fence. Not because I think AC changing is GOOD but because I hate when companies do crap like this.


/emote Welcomes Aznthecapn with a plate of cookies*


I have to admit I was surprised on some of the legacy combos too, needless to say we are sticking all Miraluka Smugglers/agents on the front line, no way in hell am I joining battle w/those guys/gals taking aim behind me.

Edited by Wetworks
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I'm confident ac switching will happen sometime in the future, as some sort of legacy unlock if you have both acs (even one ac in one faction and the other in the other would do) or paid unlock, just as you can unlock race combos in the upcoming system by either actually having that race to 50 or paying for it.


I just hope it happens sooner rather than later, because the current glorified specs system is just an atrocious mockery intended to just waste people's money by wasting their time.

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I think you should be able to have a 'one time only' AC change. If it'll cost me 2 mil. credits & legacy 50, fine no problem. I just want to change my lvl 32 BH mercernary to a powertech. Why is that such a big deal?


I already have a 50 jugg, 50 sentinel, 50 assassin (began with a sorc, rerolld when he hit 25), a 25 sniper (2nd reroll, did not like the operative at all), I really dont want to play as a merc. Rerolling the same class is not that much fun either, especially 32 levels. Also I would have to delete my merc because I want to keep the name.


Please bioware, make this happen! One time only AC class change, That's all I'll ever ask :)

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