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Why SWTOR has more potential than GW2 or WoW


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To me the WoW world is very boring. I never liked the Warcraft setting, it is easily the weakest of the 3 with Diablo being the best and Starcraft 2nd best. Warcraft is a very distant 3rd.


Nothing bores me more than hackneyed traditional fantasy settings with elves, dwarves, and especially orcs. These races are just crutches for poor writers and game setting designers.


I enjoy the WC universe the most due to the lore. Then Diablo then SC.


Same could be said for humans? I mean, the SW universe is about 97% humaniods.

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Hello everyone,


Threads in this forum should be focused on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ primarily. While it's ok to reference other games while discussing potential game changes or as a comparison to what we currently use we do ask that conversations stay away from discussions revolving mostly around another product.


This thread will remain open, we just wanted to remind everyone to keep the discussion on-topic as it seems some conversations are veering away from that request.

Edited by Averran
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All GW2 promoters:


Have you ever played GW?


I understand that Gw2 is a different game than GW1 but the thing I hated in GW1 was the no gear thing, well none that mattered. Everyone was basically the same. Made things dull and boring IMO. i play MMORPG's to advance, be it gear or some alternate leveling thing, whatever. GW was pretty boring.

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All GW2 promoters:


Have you ever played GW?


I guess I'm kind of promoting it. But I'm more conservative than the full on fanboys. But no, I did not play GW1. I was too busy playing FFXI during that time, and then after XI I moved to WoW so I never really got into GW1 but I'm liking the way 2 is shaping out and the different things they're trying to do with it.

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I understand that Gw2 is a different game than GW1 but the thing I hated in GW1 was the no gear thing, well none that mattered. Everyone was basically the same. Made things dull and boring IMO. i play MMORPG's to advance, be it gear or some alternate leveling thing, whatever. GW was pretty boring.


Gear in GW2 is going to be more of a status symbol than in TOR. It'll show that you beat such and such boss look how cool you look. It's a skill based game not a gear based game.

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Yeah I have several friends who test games professionally the company they work for has been tackling more MMOs lately and they said go to SWTOR and stay the eff away from GW2.


I have several friends who test games too, they said SWTOR was rubbish and urged me to wait for gw2.


did you see what i did there?


I am a longtime gw player, i have no pink glasses as far as 2 is concerned. No game matches upto the hype players create for it.


but if it is only half as good as people think it will be twice as good as this game.

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Yeah I have several friends who test games professionally the company they work for has been tackling more MMOs lately and they said go to SWTOR and stay the eff away from GW2.


This game is what we got from your friends "professional" testing? And they suggest it over GW2. They're fired.

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I would definitely give GW2 a go if swtor does not fix combat and a number of other bugs / issues but I am not a pvp player. I am mostly pve. I thought that GW2 was going to be mainly pvp with a little pve thrown in. So if that is true, I am not sure that I and players like me would go over to GW2 even if it offers great combat, less bugs, better fps and none of the swtor graphics issues, and a more open world, etc.


Am I wrong about the direction of GW2? I actually hope so, because it would be something to try if BW does not get it's act together.


You are wrong about the direction of GW2. For longest time most of the information was about the PvE, and between the information given by Arenanet and the demos done during conferences, demos done over the internet even with Arenanet employees playing from the office and people playing from the conferences in Europe even, the game is revolutionizing PvE with a wide open dynamic world that changes based on what the players do.


Check out their website, especially the developer blogs. Also, in a few weeks I believe the press will be able to start giving their impressions based on their time with the closed beta.

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Hello everyone,


Threads in this forum should be focused on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ primarily. While it's ok to reference other games while discussing potential game changes or as a comparison to what we currently use we do ask that conversations stay away from discussions revolving mostly around another product.


This thread will remain open, we just wanted to remind everyone to keep the discussion on-topic as it seems some conversations are veering away from that request.


Thanks for the hard work, Averran, but this entire thread is dedicated to comparing SWTOR to GW2 and WoW.





Why SWTOR has more potential than GW2 or WoW


I will try, but I'm not sure it can be done given the premise this thread was created on.


Edited by Azzras
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Please dont lie to the guy. Guild Wars was and will still be about the PvP.


There are no dungeons or raids. There are only events wich is a fancy way of doing the same quests over and over.


Actually there are raids, but those happen through the dynamic system. Also there is 100% dungeons, and the dungeons themselves can be played in different ways going through different paths.


Also the dynamic events is not a fancy way of doing something over and over again. Literally you can have a different experience seeing different stuff with one character then you would with your first character.


You need to read up more about Guild Wars 2 if you are going to call someone a liar.

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I enjoy the WC universe the most due to the lore. Then Diablo then SC.


Same could be said for humans? I mean, the SW universe is about 97% humaniods.


I've found that writers will use other races to make characters interesting. When a writer can only deal with humans, he or she is forced to put more effort into characterization. With premade worlds like the LOTR setting, there is more emphasis on trivial race lore and habits. I don't really care if trolls act and dance like Jamaicans, but I do care that the main villain is interesting and has a depth of character.


Really to me, it has ruined a genre that George Martin pulled back to sanity. Off-topic, I know, but my point is that Star Wars is a setting that should allow Bioware to focus its energies on characters and plot, not trivial and uninteresting races and lore. That work was done already by George Lucas and the expanded universe contributors.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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Right and what they are finding out in testing is folks are doing story mode and not bothering with Explorer mode which is making Anet go What the hell? It has totally monkey wrenched their design and now they are having to go back and rethink.


Got anything to back that up?

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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Actually there are raids, but those happen through the dynamic system. Also there is 100% dungeons, and the dungeons themselves can be played in different ways going through different paths.


Also the dynamic events is not a fancy way of doing something over and over again. Literally you can have a different experience seeing different stuff with one character then you would with your first character.


You need to read up more about Guild Wars 2 if you are going to call someone a liar.


They're not raids in the sense of you group up 8-25 people and then enter an instance. The dynamic events just scale based on the number of people inside. They get more difficult with more people.


And yes, there defiantly are dungeons. And they all have 2 modes. Story mode, which will involve full cutscenes and full stories etc. And then exploration mode, which will be the "hard mode - heroic mode".

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guild wars was nerver that great so why would GW2 be any better. Dont kid yourself it will be just a bad as the others!!!! Laggy and boring!!!


and star wars is a shining pot of gold?


I've played guild wars 2, it's more polished than star wars will ever be


I'm still laughing, omg I can't breathe

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They're not raids in the sense of you group up 8-25 people and then enter an instance. The dynamic events just scale based on the number of people inside. They get more difficult with more people.


And yes, there defiantly are dungeons. And they all have 2 modes. Story mode, which will involve full cutscenes and full stories etc. And then exploration mode, which will be the "hard mode - heroic mode".


The game is going to have large team raids, they said this. they release content articles in stages, they haven't released the raid ones yet.

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guild wars was nerver that great so why would GW2 be any better. Dont kid yourself it will be just a bad as the others!!!! Laggy and boring!!!


Yes... because numerical version don't get better right?



Diablo 2

Diablo 3



Warcraft 2

Warcraft 3



Starcraft 2


Final Fantasy 1 - 10, 12, 13


Yeah, games can never be better than their predecessors.

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