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tanking help


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so im a darkness spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rcrskrskfsZ0MZc.1


i play this game for one thing pvp. Now that most of my guildies are starting to get to 50 me and our other guild leaders decided to start getting ready for end game by doing some lvl 50 normal flashpoints. We did D7 last night and holy ****, sometimes is felt like i was wearing well nothing armor wise. I had no real issues tanking in this game until last night and i guess i want to know, is tanking endgame a hard thing to do for darkness or im i just doing something wrong. Im the only tank atm that is 50 in my guild everyone else is dps for the most part. Ill take any advise you can give me


im constantly using my defensive abilities, relics, stims, medpacks etc...

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The easiest way to figure out whats wrong is to ask a few questions....


1. Are you using CC. I'm guessing no. Too many people have the WoW ideals of let's AOE nuke everything. That works early on but then you get crushed.


2. Make sure you have your shield on you. ALWAYS. Keep cycling the cooldown unless you still have 1-2 charges left on it.


3. You can use your 1 minute CD that blocks all incoming damage for 4 seconds on cooldown to make life easier for your healer.


4. When your stuff is on cool down use abilities that give you electrify proc to be able to build harnessed darkness faster.


5. CC any golds and kill regulars then silvers so it's limiting where damage is coming from. Most people want to kill the golds because they do more damage, but that's the worst way to do it. You should kill weakest to strongest to limit those little bastards from hitting you in the back or causing more issues.


6. (Very important) Make sure to interrupts heals and nuke (EG: Force storm)


Just a few things to try and help limit some damage.


Edit: Just noticed your spec




Try that one, a bit more well rounded.

Edited by Ghuldan
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I hear that a number of PVP players prioritize gear differently than is standard for PVE. How your gear is prioritized makes a massive impact. Some PVP players also tend to ignore Dark Ward.

Endurance is prioritized highly over Willpower; then Defense>Absorb>Shield


The harder content of the game is hard until your gear outpaces it, so with all that said, if you survived then you did it right.

Until you really know the content in and out, you will feel squishier.

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yeah i would have been using my cc but it was a droids last night. I am constantly using darkward and all my debuffs like whither and discharge. I have around 19k HP with my stim. I dont know some fights go well others not so well. That and our healer last night was only lvl 45 and is a hybrid (ops) i know that probably matters.
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End game if they aren't heal spec do yourself a favor, don't bring them. Also you didn't have a single other person in your party. The droids can be CC'd by almost anything else. Get the group to CC. I did D7 last night with myself tanking, a sorc healer, a sniper and a sorc DPS and we could always CC 2 targets with sorc WW cooldown and snipers droid CC.
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End game if they aren't heal spec do yourself a favor, don't bring them. Also you didn't have a single other person in your party. The droids can be CC'd by almost anything else. Get the group to CC. I did D7 last night with myself tanking, a sorc healer, a sniper and a sorc DPS and we could always CC 2 targets with sorc WW cooldown and snipers droid CC.


yeah, our dps and ops were CCIng but yeah well our dps has a issue with attacking the target i am tanking. All these flashpoints are new to all of us, this post is ment to help shed light on my tanking since we do have a powertech but he is not interested in tanking at all.


For the most of the flashpoint things went well but when things went nuts it got nuts. None of us have ever done the lvl 50s so its all new and the healer is the only one we have, all our geared healers bailed for another server a month ago.


Im sure alot of our problems stem from never doing flashpoints but the guild wants to start running them so we need to get game plans down for the 50's. After last night we know the next run is going to be alot easier as we didnt know the best tactics to use on said boss fights

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I had something weird happen to me yesterday that left me wondering what happened. For whatever reason, my Dark Charge got turned off. Holly crap! Did that ever cause problems and a lot of dieing before I noticed. lol


Anyway, outside of a fluke like that, I have found I have trouble when coming across things that their big hits don't bring up the bar to where I can see it and interrupt while if I time interrupts properly, I can go without taking much damage at all on some things that are heavy on the cast times.

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In that case the best thing I can suggest is have the healer spec full healing and make kill targets clear. I usually leave the normal mobs unmarked and me and the sorc run around killing them since I can kill then with shock, then tumult (Love that kick) then assassinate which is basically 1 dead target FAST. Then we establish a kill order with marks so I can FOCUS 1 target and it dies fast.


It just sounds like more than anything, it's communication issues :). If ever you need clear cut pointed Siththis on Icebreaker, come on and PM me I'm usually on every night

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I completely agree but that's why I try and CC as much as possible in terms of Gold's or Silvers to limit the attacks coming in so I can ACTUALLY have my shield up full time. Typically if there are many of them I pop either overcharge saber or the damage immunity for 4 seconds to kill the small mobs until my next shield is up.


Edit: Also electrocute's 4 second CC is nice AND if they're all melee to give yourself time to get your shield up again wither + Overload and take a few steps back so they have to take time to get to you.

Edited by Ghuldan
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