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Finding it hard to pvp with sentinel


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I have 1 level 13 sentinel, and i find it hard to pvp with it.


I have a rotation i usually use which is:


First or midfight - charge

Second - 1 normal attack to build focus

Third - Blade storm ( i think )

Fourth - Zeal

Fifth - The one that you jump in the air, and smash the ground. Cant remember the name


Am i doing something wrong? Does someone have another rotation i could use? Or if i only need to get higher levels, Could you provide a better rotation for me there?

Edited by johandsome
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Sentinel really only starts to shine when you get more skills. You can actually feel the increase in your ability as you unlock each skill through level/talents.


At low level just rotate between strike, slash, and cauterize. Force sweep is okay too. Dont use bladestorm, its damage is lackluster, it costs 4 focus vs slashes 2 (if specced). Use rebuke whenever you start getting attacked. I usually only use saber ward if I need to hold a point while waiting for allies.


If you see a target dont force leap. Run up to him and attack. Forceleap is your ONLY way of closing the gap. If someones not attacking you its a waste to use it. For example, when you fight a sorc the first thing they are going to do is knock you back. If you jumped on them to start the fight, now you are screwed.


Oh and use zeal whenever you need to.

Edited by Therealkoop
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Thank you : )


Yeah, i know i shouldnt use charge at the start of the fight. I only use it if they're standing on high ground, and have used their push spells etc.


But how about end game? How many spells do you use as a sentinel?


As a PVP Sorc lvl 50, i had 21 spells bound to my keyboard & Razer naga. This is handled perfectly, cuz i was ranged, and kiting is pretty easy.

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I have, let me think..... I have maybe 22 skills keyboarded(including macroed skills).


if you have a naga you shouldn't have issues. I run a priority on my attacks skills with a 10 millisecond delay. My basic attack has an amazing 7 spells on one key. In priority:


Dispatch>Overload saber (off GCD)>cauterize>merciless>Bladestorm>zeal>strike


I know I said dont use bladestorm but it works real well with the macro. I also have slash bound but running this Im always floating around the correct focus to do what i need, never starved, never overbuilt.


On 123, i have rebuke, resolute, and saber ward


on 456 i have guarded by the force(macroed), force stealth, and pacify


on 789, i have zen, transcendance, and inspiration.


I really like my guarded by the force macro. With a 10 milisecond delay, it uses GBTF, an adrenal, valourus call (dont have that yet), zen, and a reusable medpack. Going from 5% to 45% makes me lol.

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He can macro through his Razor Naga.



Just remember that you've gotta take your knocks in pvp before you become a dominating force. It doesn't just happen overnight and luckily you chose Jedi so there will always be the mindless zerg of 10 year old Sith for you to kill.

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I have 1 level 13 sentinel, and i find it hard to pvp with it.


I have a rotation i usually use which is:


First or midfight - charge

Second - 1 normal attack to build focus

Third - Blade storm ( i think )

Fourth - Zeal

Fifth - The one that you jump in the air, and smash the ground. Cant remember the name


Am i doing something wrong? Does someone have another rotation i could use? Or if i only need to get higher levels, Could you provide a better rotation for me there?


I'll note first that I didn't read the rest of the thread, so apologies if I'm repeating advice given by others.


Firstly, 13 is an awfully early level to start PvPing. Not saying you shouldn't, but you should be aware that you have almost none of the utility abilities that will come later and make life easier for you. You don't even have Sprint at that level, so yeah. :p


If at all possible, avoid opening with Charge at all costs unless you're fighting a Sith Warrior or another Jedi Knight. All other classes have a knockback that they WILL use to try and gain the advantage. At that moment, you can hit Charge and close the gap again, essentially making their knockback a wasted ability.


My understanding is that, in warzones, enemy players are classified as Strong opponents, so I would remove Force Sweep (the jumping and slamming the ground one) from your rotation entirely, as the stun from it only affects standard and weak opponents.


Zealous Strike should be one of the first abilities you use, as it instantly builds 6 Focus. Use it whenever it's off cooldown and your Focus bar is half full or lower.


At Level 30, you'll learn Force Camouflage, which completely changes the game for you. :p Its primary use is as a tool to rip the enemy's targeting reticule off of you. You're running towards an opponent, and once you're at an appropriate distance (you'll practice and learn what that distance is), you camouflage for 4 seconds and start the fight on your terms, as the enemy can't attack you except through AoEs that may or may not hit you. It also comes in massively handy when you're fighting in a group and the enmy focuses fire on you. Pop camouflage, excuse yourself from the melee, give your healer an extra 4 seconds to catch up (probably more than that, since the enemy still has to find you again once you become visible).


Force Kick is your friend. Use it to interrupt your opponent when they're casting a dangerous ability like Tracer Missile. You can also effectively lock out a healer (particularly in group fighting) by using Force Kick, waiting for him to start casting again, then channeling Force Stasis, wait for another cast, followed by another Force Kick.


Finally, since you have no knockbacks, and your only stun (Force Stasis) has to be channeled, Leg Slash is your best bet for hindering your opponent's movement. Always hit them with one of those BEFORE attempting a Master Strike. They'll be far less likely to avoid the full damage when they can't run away well enough (and foolish opponent's won't think to interrupt you).


That's about all I can think of to advise on general Sentinel tactics. Your style will alter depending on the tree you choose, but I did my best. ^_^

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Thank you, Therealkoop :) I had no idea you could macro.. Tried once, but i failed ;P.. Will try again later today.





I got an Sorc on the same servere, but we were overpopulated, so i decided to roll something on the republic side :). Thought i'd be pwning some scrubs... But for now, its the other way around :(:p




EDIT: woop, a new post came up :) will read that through.


EDIT2: Btw, I'm rolling the Force talent tree. Doesnt really matter what i roll at this level, since i dont have so many spells. Am i right? But for later levels. Would you still reccomend Force?(Hope thats the right talent tree name D: ) Seen a video of a Combat sentinel battlemaster geared. That was just amazing.

Edited by johandsome
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Good advice.


Something I forgot, at low level master strike is actually pretty sweet. I dont use it much now but I did before I had a lot of options.


It auto targets, so whenever someone is being hit with a cc, or when a melee is fighting you, go ahead and use it.

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Ive tried all 3 trees, but have been watchman about 90% of my sentinel career. Youll have to make that choice yourself, but for the most part watchman is considered the overall best tree. It has good damage, survivability, centering generation, and CC with force kick.


For your naga macro, just record a series of buttons with no delay and add the delay later. For example, i have VBNM,./ as my macro, with .010 delay inserted between the presses. I have my left side quickslot bar bound as those keys from top to bottom.


At lower level, I had cauterize, slash, zeal, and strike bound (in game) to the left quickslot bar as VBNM. I made a macro that pressed VBNM, and applied it to my mousewheel click button.


This will use cauterize first, and if its on CD then slash. If you dont have focus for it, it will use zealous, if zeal in on CD, it will use strike. Simple an effective, perfect rotation.

Edited by Therealkoop
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I hate to be so negative but .....

I played Sentinel Combat to 50 and in PVP you get tossed around like a rag doll and can never build enough focus to launch any of your major attacks in any kind of rotation. It is fun if you constantly like being interrupted and knocked back. Hey but what do I know. Good Luck with it. I re-rolled a Trooper and already do twice as much damage and it is a heck of alot more fun. This is just my experience. Maybe yours will be different.

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lol i am sorry at lvl 13 did u do like 3-4 matches of pvp.. i really dont want this to be like am a dick, but you are just learning the class, and its a hard class to get ahold of, you really wont start learning everything till you hit 50,



^Captain obvious : <


As you said. "You wont start learning everything till you hit 50"


Doesn't hurt to get some information along the way, does it :)?





I think i will move away from macros... Or atlest the big ones, containing 4-5 spells.. Thats just way to much. I want to do something myself too!:) Thanks for the help though!

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