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FIB Vs Salvation.


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Hi all,


I am currently level 45 and am enjoying the healing aspect of the sage.


I was really finding salvation useful in PVP, but since the change, it seems to be a bit of a waste.


Is it worth me respecing and getting FIB or do I keep on using salvation?


If so, what's a good spec at 45 for healing (not PVE).


Also, when gearing at the moment, should it be -


Power - Endurance - Willpower?


I understood that Power gives me more powerful heals and more damage?


Many thanks.

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Willpower - crit/surge -power is how I stack, though people will tell you power before crit/surge. The way things work it seems is you don't want to stack any single stat too much, as they all suffer from diminishing returns at a certain spot, which means you gain less from stacking more, and gain more from stacking less of another stat.


In terms of Salvation, I used to use it, but it's really only useful now in Hardmode operations like Eternity vault (for the last boss dropping section).


I'd taking the full healing tree up to resplendance, for the free noble sacrifice, then get enough of balance tree for the improved force shield, then TK tree for 10 seconds off mind snap.


this is my build, and it works out very well in PvE and PvP.




The bad thing about salvation is that for it to be effective, healing points wise you have to get something like 5 people to stand inside it's radius for the full 10 seconds. In PvP, this will almost never happen, and even in PvE it's not advisable, especially on HM bosses.


I hope this helps.


PS, learn your rotations as a healer. PM me if you don't know them.

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Willpower - crit/surge -power is how I stack, though people will tell you power before crit/surge. The way things work it seems is you don't want to stack any single stat too much, as they all suffer from diminishing returns at a certain spot, which means you gain less from stacking more, and gain more from stacking less of another stat.


In terms of Salvation, I used to use it, but it's really only useful now in Hardmode operations like Eternity vault (for the last boss dropping section).


I'd taking the full healing tree up to resplendance, for the free noble sacrifice, then get enough of balance tree for the improved force shield, then TK tree for 10 seconds off mind snap.


this is my build, and it works out very well in PvE and PvP.




The bad thing about salvation is that for it to be effective, healing points wise you have to get something like 5 people to stand inside it's radius for the full 10 seconds. In PvP, this will almost never happen, and even in PvE it's not advisable, especially on HM bosses.


I hope this helps.


PS, learn your rotations as a healer. PM me if you don't know them.


Thanks m8. Some good info. And TBH, your right I don't have a rotation really.


I cast , Rejuv, HT and the rush for then Deliv for the big heal. I don't use noble sac as I barely have time to use it. How do we know when we get a free Noble?


Sorry, I know people will be asking how I leveled, but I am mainly a Soloer in levelling and it's only PVP where I group up.


No wonder my healing sucks. I am stacked out with as much power as I can, with no thought to surge or crit.


I suck.....

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I cast , Rejuv, HT and the rush for then Deliv for the big heal. I don't use noble sac as I barely have time to use it. How do we know when we get a free Noble?


You'll get a temporary buff (believe it's called Resplendence) that has the same icon as Noble Sacrifice.

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You'll get a temporary buff (believe it's called Resplendence) that has the same icon as Noble Sacrifice.


Ahh I see, so that's when I should use noble sacrafice (if needed).


I have it on my tool bar, but it's on the right hand one at the top and is not withing easy distance (because I don't use it often).


Thanks friends.

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cast rejuvenation - healing trance - get proc - LIFETAP!!! - repeat.




Not quite right there chum.


Shield first, always.


Rejuventate--healing trance (for 3 ticks)--deliverance (still gets the reduced cast from rejuvenate buff if you hit it on the 3rd tick)--noble sacrifice.


Wait til you've popped your super fast cast deliverance before you hit noble sacrifice, you'll have time. It will be a free use if you crit on healing trance, which is why you stack crit and surge.

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