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At lvl 50 who owns what planets??


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Bro it is abundantly clear who won... You are the only one with a conflicting opinion...


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The innaguration that you are talking about on the imperial side is not from the "Sith warrior" quest chain. It does not prove anything, the sith warrior and sith inquis line, which happen last in the sequence, both show correlia being imperial owned with no darth decimus.

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See Corellia confused me....from my trooper's point of view i just kicked the living snot out of the entire empire army


Thats because its a single player game.


Balmorra is rebel controlled? If I remember correctly I went though and cleared out all the rebels and stopped their fleet from invading it. Also any time I go back there its imperial.


Big problem with the game. Balmorra will always be imperial control to us, there is nothing you can do about it :p. The only thing they can do is add another of the same planet at th eend so when we go back then it can change but then you cant do the story line if you skipped it. Terrible game design sorry.

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The innaguration that you are talking about on the imperial side is not from the "Sith warrior" quest chain. It does not prove anything, the sith warrior and sith inquis line, which happen last in the sequence, both show correlia being imperial owned with no darth decimus.


And Republic takes it back:rolleyes: How could we fight against Empire and the government of Corellia on Corellia if Empire stroyline wouldn't be first? Corellia was republic planet initially.

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Incorrect, Nar Shaddaa is not empire controlled, its controlled by cartels. Corellia is most definitely Empire owned, completely and fully. Taris is pretty much the Empires now.


Taris and Corellia isn't owned by the Imperials in my game.Your right about NS.

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And Republic takes it back:rolleyes: How could we fight against Empire and the government of Corellia on Corellia if Empire stroyline wouldn't be first? Corellia was republic planet initially.


Because you didnt take it back, you killed a general, captured a few dignitaries, and broadcasted a message. The empire still put down your little rebellion.

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I just watched the Sith Warrior innaguration thing and tbh, I dont recall that cinematic AT ALL, nor any part of whats being talked about. It must have been a side quest that I didnt do, but thats not the storyline for the sith warrior, thats just an imperial side quest thing I think. The sith warrior questline on Corellia involves completely different things that have nothing to do with darth decimus.



The overarching Imperial quest line is hardly a "side quest"...

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A pass-by NPC conversation on Ilum between two soldiers implies that Republic won Corellia. They say something along the lines of being transfered to Ilum and going to show those Imps on Ilum what they did to the Imps on Corellia.


I don't believe these environmental conversations are character/class specific and I can't think of any reason to be included and not canonical besides a development error.

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The overarching Imperial quest line is hardly a "side quest"...


It is a side quest, the story quests, where trooper is before the 2 sith lines, shows you killing a sith and thinking you won, but our storylines show that you are still just a little rebellion that has done nothing of significance. Our sith lines still show that Coronet City is ours, that we own all the important places, and that we are holding kaggaths in the middle of the plaza with no republic interference. Im sorry, but you didnt win.

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A pass-by NPC conversation on Ilum between two soldiers implies that Republic won Corellia. They say something along the lines of being transfered to Ilum and going to show those Imps on Ilum what they did to the Imps on Corellia.


I don't believe these environmental conversations are character/class specific and I can't think of any reason to be included and not canonical besides a development error.


Imperial npc convos on Ilum and darth malgus himself on Ilum both still talk of corellia as a victory for the empire.

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lunabaguna I think you are confused, I dont understand where you think the Sith Warrior quest line takes place after everyones which is a farse.... but anyhow I will show you why Republic wins, ( I have level 50 on both sides and know the NPC names)



Empire- Invades Corellia, gains the goverments approval and turns corellia into a battlezone. (The Corellia Council has sworn fealty to Empire)


Empire destroys the Green Jedi Enclave, (as we know its destroyed already when you arrive as a republic)


Invasion is led by Darth Decimus.


Republic- Pushed back to the Starport as base of operations, everything else is empire controlled, goverment has sided with the empire, CorSec has rebelled aginst the empire, Republic aids CorSec and Chancellor Belos ( council member who sworn fealty) has turned to help republic take Corellia back.


Council members arrested, Darth Decimus was killed Corellia as liberated.



I am very confused by your comments as you can go to Torhead and read ALL the quests, you will find that the empire does take over on their side, but the republic's story picks up AFTER the goverment had taken sides with the Empire. I played Republic first, then went back and played Empire, I knew while playing Empire the key NPC who is leading the assult gets killed, his base sacked and the empire has decided to leave Corellia.


http://tor.zam.com/wiki/Corellia_(TOR_Quest_Series) here is the link, read through the main storyline quest and you will see.




Edited by Voultaire
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As a Sith Inqisitor, we end up breaking the back of the Republic in Coerllia, so I would say that is an Empire planet.


I'm playing as an SI now, so I'll find out eventually. But I'm going to disagree. This is a Republic territory that was taken when the Empire at least as it was told to me on the Consular quest broke the treaty and attacked. After the Attack the Consular was sent in, effectively pushing back the Empire on Corellia. The Consular took back all the fortifications in the main city there, but I will find out for sure. Just like Balmorra, it is taken by the Imps and then taken back by the Republic. I'm pretty sure Corellia is the same way. That and it's a core world for the Republic.



Now some Spoilers. The Consular finds all the Sons of the Emperor on the planet, the ones that gave the fortifications to the Empire and either kills them or captures them, which was what kept the siege going. The Republic also defeats the leader of the Red Guard guys. This is why the Consular built up an army, they use it to take back Corellia.


Edited by Alavastre
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It is a side quest, the story quests, where trooper is before the 2 sith lines, shows you killing a sith and thinking you won, but our storylines show that you are still just a little rebellion that has done nothing of significance. Our sith lines still show that Coronet City is ours, that we own all the important places, and that we are holding kaggaths in the middle of the plaza with no republic interference. Im sorry, but you didnt win.


The trooper story doesn't kill a Sith... As I already stated multiple times by saying "The Republic quest (not the trooper)" kills the Sith Darth Decimus...


The trooper story captures the general in charge of Imperial military forces (not Sith)...


And no, each planet has an overarching "story" that is fluid throughout both factions... It is hardly a side quest and is very important, which obviously you missed since you seem to think planet stories don't matter and are simply useless side quests which you skipped (your words not mine)... Which makes it funny that you are arguing over who controls planets when you refuse to acknowledge that the planet stories even matter.......?

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The trooper story doesn't kill a Sith... As I already stated multiple times by saying "The Republic quest (not the trooper)" kills the Sith Darth Decimus...


The trooper story captures the general in charge of Imperial military forces (not Sith)...


And no, each planet has an overarching "story" that is fluid throughout both factions... It is hardly a side quest and is very important, which obviously you missed since you seem to think planet stories don't matter and are simply useless side quests which you skipped (your words not mine)... Which makes it funny that you are arguing over who controls planets when you refuse to acknowledge that the planet stories even matter.......?


I believe you are correct here, as being the Consular, it was the Army I created that helped liberate Corellia, so I think if people want to know how this all ends, you should play a Jedi Consular, but good luck, the story is mostly boring.

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I find it amusing how everybody seems to be assuming that all the storylines are equally valid in the same timeline.


I'll admit I haven't played any of the storylines to conclusion, but my assumption, going in, is that whichever character I'm playing is the "eye of the storm". It's *my* actions that affect who wins, who loses. The other faction is without the benefit of my (superior) abilities, and thus my side wins. I don't expect anything I do to affect the other storylines if/when I get around to playing them.


JK storyline... this is what would have happened if there was a JK who did all this...

Warrior storyline... this is what would have happened if there was a warrior who did all THIS...


When the expansion comes out? Still don't need a global "here is the combined timeline from everybodies different points of view". Each storyline individually carries on from where ever it left off.


edit: Now, maybe it *is* true that the are all supposed to be cannon/same timeline. I just fine it amusing that everybody assumes it's true.

Edited by GnatB
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That would work, but we know for a fact that there is a pretty standard story when it comes to the different planets, the best is Balmorra. With that in mind, even though you are the person who did all this stuff, doesn't mean the story ends when you leave the planet, as shown in Balmorra, your victories can be undone.
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Balmorra and Belsavis are not open for discussion though. I put a president in power on Balmorra and it's 100% Rep. Belsavis has always been Republic, with some Imps just stirring up trouble and releasing the prisoners.



The JK story line tells you what they are doing on Belsavis. Stirring up the prisoners was suppose to be a distraction. The imperials were never trying to conquer it.




The Sith were preparing to perform some ritual to destroy Belsavis and channel all the life force to the Emperor.



Edited by JerokTalram
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However if the dead high rank person is replaced by an equally compitent officer, then the only difference is that the faction has 1 less high rank officer.


Competence can't replace a respected and definitely not a charimatic leader right away. History has shown that killing your enemies' leader demoralizes their troops. Demoralized troops do not perform as well in battle. Yes eventually with a strong replacement, your army should return to full strength but only if you haven't lost the war in the process.

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The republic are delusional then. I guarentee you, the two sith ones are verified to be the last in the chain and at that point, corellia is firmly owned by the Empire. In fact the government of Corellia has welcomed them with open arms and sworn fealty. Remember, unlike the republic, killing a high ranking person does not stop anything, someone easily steps up and takes over.


See this is why I think your wrong about the storyline order. The JK storyline for Corellia focuses on the council that accepted Imperial rule. You have a defector from this government help you throughout.

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Originally Posted by lunabaguna

The republic are delusional then. I guarentee you, the two sith ones are verified to be the last in the chain and at that point, corellia is firmly owned by the Empire. In fact the government of Corellia has welcomed them with open arms and sworn fealty. Remember, unlike the republic, killing a high ranking person does not stop anything, someone easily steps up and takes over.




verified by who???

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Reading this thread has raised an interesting question for me. I've not really played anything except republic, so I don't know what it looks like on the imperial side. Are there some planets that there are two different versions of the same areas? In particular it's kinda sounding like Imperial/Republic are going to the same areas on Taris and Balmorra, but I've never seen imps there.


Also, it seems like they tried to make it feel like you and your faction are doing good everywhere you go, for both sides, of course to make you feel like a hero and to give us faction pride, but it seems to be causing continuity issues because they we never get updates of "oh, that place you helped just got smashed and we lost it"


It kind of reminds me of the continuity issues of WoW, you start off now after Deathwing attacks, Arthas and Illidan are dead, but then you hit 70 and you go to several years into the past, then 80, back to present, I think we might be seeing something like this going on.

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Corellia is probably republic controlled. The Imperial Agent storyline pretty much hints at this.

The sith in power of the empire, it is shown, has doctored reports to minimize casualties. In reality, republic has much more fleet, manpower than the empire incoming to corellia, and the empire is in the blind specifically because the Sith lords are fighting with each other as much as they're wasting resources 'crushing' the republic.

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Reading this thread has raised an interesting question for me. I've not really played anything except republic, so I don't know what it looks like on the imperial side. Are there some planets that there are two different versions of the same areas? In particular it's kinda sounding like Imperial/Republic are going to the same areas on Taris and Balmorra, but I've never seen imps there.


Also, it seems like they tried to make it feel like you and your faction are doing good everywhere you go, for both sides, of course to make you feel like a hero and to give us faction pride, but it seems to be causing continuity issues because they we never get updates of "oh, that place you helped just got smashed and we lost it"


It kind of reminds me of the continuity issues of WoW, you start off now after Deathwing attacks, Arthas and Illidan are dead, but then you hit 70 and you go to several years into the past, then 80, back to present, I think we might be seeing something like this going on.


Yes, on Taris, you go there roughly 20-24 and help rebuild the world. As Imperial you go there 32-36 and tear it all down.


Balmorra is the same, on Imperial side it's 20-24. You are there to defeat the resistance. Later on (32-36), the Republic comes in and pushes the Imperials out of Sobrik.


Both of these worlds are exclusive to the faction side you are on. You will never see the opposing faction on those two worlds. Nar Shaddaa is almost the same way. Their questing areas are totally separate with the exception of the Bonus Series quests which you will run into them. But for the regular series, you'll only maybe see them on the Promenade and it's a sanctuary.


I have a 50 Trooper who is still working on Voss and a 40 Imperial Agent who is currently on Quesh. Highest level character for both factions. Have a 39 Gunslinger too about to start Balmorra.

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Reading this thread has raised an interesting question for me. I've not really played anything except republic, so I don't know what it looks like on the imperial side. Are there some planets that there are two different versions of the same areas? In particular it's kinda sounding like Imperial/Republic are going to the same areas on Taris and Balmorra, but I've never seen imps there.


Also, it seems like they tried to make it feel like you and your faction are doing good everywhere you go, for both sides, of course to make you feel like a hero and to give us faction pride, but it seems to be causing continuity issues because they we never get updates of "oh, that place you helped just got smashed and we lost it"


It kind of reminds me of the continuity issues of WoW, you start off now after Deathwing attacks, Arthas and Illidan are dead, but then you hit 70 and you go to several years into the past, then 80, back to present, I think we might be seeing something like this going on.



Concerning Taris and Balmorra... There are actually two versions of them. If you go to Taris as a Republic character, the most noticeable difference is that it is daytime. Where there would normally be imperial bases are either pirates, or imp npcs. Conversely if you go to Taris as an imperial, the obvious kicker is that it is NIGHT time then. You notice the opposite... Imp bases are where they are and the republic bases are filled with NPCs of various factions.


I have not yet made it to Balmorra as a Republic character, but from everything I have heard it is a similar situation. Taris though was a dead giveaway for me. I remember in beta I explored that map to completion as a trooper, and when I got there on my agent, I was like... whoa... this is not the same place. It LOOKS the same, but sum ting wong.


You are right though, we could get some kind of notification (just like the npc emails we get) saying hey remember that time on Taris... well... we lost it. Sorry but thanks for the help.

Edited by Scandana
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