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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fail bioware.


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also, if you've already used your fleet pass and don't want to wait, another thing you can do is join a warzone, stay in the starting area until it boots you out of it, and it puts you back on the Fleet.



He said he has been there for 2 days therefore his fleet pass has to be up.

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I'm on the ship the justice and I'm behind a door I cannot open it wont let me so I'm stuck on the ship its been 2 days now I'm honestly paying 14.99 a month for this crap service.


This is why customer service is backed-up.


Either Reset the mission by bringing up your quest log and clicking the button in the bottom left (I believe it's left, might be bottom middle) of the window.


If that doesn't work then Fleet Pass.

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