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Marauders are the most powerful pvp class in the game


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my annil mara is darn near unbeatable 1v1. i only have trouble with well positioned commandos and their knockbacks.


overpowered? if the game was one on one, most certainly. but add in other players with a brain, and i can be dealt with swiftly.

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Mara's are quite possibly the best class in small scale combat. If this game were wow arenas or duels they would be kings.


However for objective play (winning warzones) they are potentially the worst class in the game. They are also weak in larger scale fights.


The bottom line is despite their strengths, when it comes to competitive play you will see a single mara for the healing debuff and thats about it.

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Mara's are quite possibly the best class in small scale combat. If this game were wow arenas or duels they would be kings.


However for objective play (winning warzones) they are potentially the worst class in the game. They are also weak in larger scale fights.


The bottom line is despite their strengths, when it comes to competitive play you will see a single mara for the healing debuff and thats about it.



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Their damage is great but their lack of utility is going to make them worthless in Rated WZs I fear. I do stomp most WZs on mine though. Good Marauders that are up against bad players are fairly effective.


Lack of utility? They have a group-wide 15 percent damage buff and a group-wide sprint, and they are the only class with a healing debuff. They have the best utility in the game. At least one will be necessary in every rated warzone team.

Edited by GeLopez
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A pocket healer is a Marauder's best friend. Too bad that doesn't happen most of the time.


A healer tank guard combo is still better at defending anything.


That's actually an interesting point. Marauders seems to be very overpowered in doing things that don't win you WZs. A healer + Marauder is probably best at picking off stray characters who are nowhere near the objective compared to any other combo. You sure won't see those two defending anything of value (and it's actually a very weak combo for D since Marauder have no meaningful ability that can slow down someone attacking the healer first).


But a lot of WZ apparently is about fighting at locations that have nothing to do with winning. People seem to care more about the fact that someone did 450K damage and killed them 15 times even though the fact that you died 15 times and not the ball carrier was why you managed to win the WZ.


Marauders are probably the most extreme case of stat padding. They are insanely strong both on stats and in actual observeable result (killing people), and most people don't realize that they're fighting in locations that have nothing to do with winning.

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Lack of utility? They have a group-wide 15 percent damage buff and a group-wide sprint, and they are the only class with a healing debuff. They have the best utility in the game. At least one will be necessary in every rated warzone team.


More like one will be in every rated Huttball WZ team.


Marauders are pretty uninteresting on flat terrain, which in theory is 2 out of the 3 maps, except Huttball is played more than the other two maps combined if you're Empire.

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They have a group-wide 15 percent damage buff


15 seconds, 5 minute cooldown. You get to use it once, maybe twice a warzone.


and a group-wide sprint


Useful in voidstar, not much else.


They have the best utility in the game.


That would be Sorcs.


That's actually an interesting point. Marauders seems to be very overpowered in doing things that don't win you WZs.


It's true. They're pretty good at killing a person in a 1on1 environment. Most warzones aren't about killing people - in fact, even when you are being murdered en masse you can still win, and likewise, chain killing people on the other team can still end you up with a loss.


You sure won't see those two defending anything of value (and it's actually a very weak combo for D since Marauder have no meaningful ability that can slow down someone attacking the healer first).


Also true - they suck at defending because they can't use any of their attacks without charging up first. That means no aoeing for a stealther, or CCing an oncoming zerg before they get you.

Edited by EternalFinality
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That's actually an interesting point. Marauders seems to be very overpowered in doing things that don't win you WZs. A healer + Marauder is probably best at picking off stray characters who are nowhere near the objective compared to any other combo. You sure won't see those two defending anything of value (and it's actually a very weak combo for D since Marauder have no meaningful ability that can slow down someone attacking the healer first).


But a lot of WZ apparently is about fighting at locations that have nothing to do with winning. People seem to care more about the fact that someone did 450K damage and killed them 15 times even though the fact that you died 15 times and not the ball carrier was why you managed to win the WZ.


Marauders are probably the most extreme case of stat padding. They are insanely strong both on stats and in actual observeable result (killing people), and most people don't realize that they're fighting in locations that have nothing to do with winning.


If they are focusing on the healer, then they are ignoring the Mara, healer heals themself, Mara takes enemy down.


If they are focusing on Mara then healer can focus on Mara as well.


I don't see how this is bad.


There are no bad classes, only bad players, and bad strategies.

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If they are focusing on the healer, then they are ignoring the Mara, healer heals themself, Mara takes enemy down.


If they are focusing on Mara then healer can focus on Mara as well.


I don't see how this is bad.


There are no bad classes, only bad players, and bad strategies.


Replace Marauder with ANY OTHER CLASS and you can say the exact same thing.

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Gotta love people saying "Marauders can't defend" or "Marauders don't win WZ".


You obviously never played good ones. A single Marauder can win a 2v1 by himself or at the very least kill one of them, if he has a good healer, this can go up to win 4v2.


Saying we can't defend is really funny as hell.


Objectives are entirely about the player, not the class. I've seen a single Marauder hold a point far longer than a tank or healer ever did once, that was masterful.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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You obviously never play good ones. A single Marauder can win a 2v1 by himself or at the very least kill one of them, if he has a good healer, this can go up to win 4v2.


Replace marauder with any class in the game....and walla....you're still correct.


Anybody with a pocket healer wins fights. It's not a new concept.


That aside. Marauders are not difficult to master, they are not more rewarding than other classes, and they are not more powerful for their given role than anyone else who is playing their class competently.


From my perspective maras are right where they should be, underfoot.

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If they are focusing on the healer, then they are ignoring the Mara, healer heals themself, Mara takes enemy down.


If they are focusing on Mara then healer can focus on Mara as well.


I don't see how this is bad.


There are no bad classes, only bad players, and bad strategies.


I gues you never heard of CC? But yes, against pug it is the funniest combo to do, makes me lough when they take me down to 5% and all of the sudden I am back up to 100%...


Anywho, love my almost BM Sentinel. It is a ok class, but no where OP or what ever the original poster posted.

Sure I end up either 1st or 2nd on the total damage most of the time if I actualy focus, but getting there is much harder than for instance a Comando or BH.


The only thing Mara/Sents have is the fear, fear of our 5 second 99% damage reduction.

People first ignore most of us (especialy Sorc/Cons with Bubble up), that is until we build up and actual start to burst. At this point bad/avarage players will panic and die, while good players will just CC/Root and lough at you, as you run away with 5% Hp left after actualy managing to take them down to 20%.

Sure I will escape those good player and than come back and kill them, but still this is just way to much to do to shine.


So please, dont say that a class is powerfull or OP just because some few individuals like me kill most of the targets quickly just because we can "exploit" our class to its limits. As for every Mara/Sent that can do that, you have 10 of each other class that can do the same and do it much better.

The only reason many actualy hate Sents/Mara is because we can escape most of the fights to come back and finish the target when we feel like it. And saying a class i OP beacuse we can kill good players with 5% hp left is stupid.

Edited by OldxLady
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Replace Marauder with ANY OTHER CLASS and you can say the exact same thing.


Yes genius, point is people saying that Maras don't help you win cause all they do well is kill people.


Don't know what WZ's you play, but in the ones I play killing people is necessary to win. Nobody lets me walk up and take a turret, or plant an explosive, or just have the ball.


The ignorance about the Mara class is astounding. But what can you expect when there are so many brainless, skilless classes RAMPANT in game because players in the new order of MMO's cant be bothered to actually learn how to play a class, but want to spam one button over and over and be called skilled. :rolleyes:

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Replace marauder with any class in the game....and walla....you're still correct.


Anybody with a pocket healer wins fights. It's not a new concept.


That aside. Marauders are not difficult to master, they are not more rewarding than other classes, and they are not more powerful for their given role than anyone else who is playing their class competently.


From my perspective maras are right where they should be, underfoot.


And what class do you play? Spam lightning, or Spam Tracer? ;)


But seriously, IMO Marauder is infinitely more rewarding then MANY classes because of the SKILL it takes to master. Not parking myself in one spot and spamming 1 or 2 skills from ranged which I find the NORM in WZ's. Just because a class can get kills "easier" does not make it better.


But these forums are like talking with a 13 year old know it all. Frustrating and pointless.

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I really have no idea how people PvP without going after the healer first unless it's Huttball, where the healer is often protected by terrain and has nothing to do with whoever he is paired with.


But if you're physically defending something like a door, your healer has nowhere to hide. A Marauder doesn't have any meaningful way to peel the enemy off the healer. In fact on flat terrain you'd just expect the Marauder to get tossed/rooted/snared and easily neutralized. Even in Huttball, it is not hard to neutralize a Marauder. The only difference here is that since the healer is protected by terrain, just CCing the Marauder doesn't solve the problem (the healer backing him up). While that's technically true with any other combo, Marauder possesses two cooldowns that have no possibility of being killed while using it, so even if you bite a bit more than you can chew, your healer can still bail you out. Any other class that got into a similar situation will simply be killed through their CD.

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I'm playing a guardian and I've got one question for sentinals/marauders....


Does poping the in-combat stealth take you out of combat alltogether? I don't think the class per se is OP but a certain reusable glass of water on a 10sec CD that heals for 50% HP (out of combat) combined with that would be slightly strong heh. From the class with the least survivability to the class with the most in 2 short stops. :p

Edited by aeterno
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I'm playing a guardian and I've got one question for sentinals/marauders....


Does poping the in-combat stealth take you out of combat alltogether? I don't think the class per se is OP but a certain reusable glass of water on a 10sec CD that heals for 50% HP (out of combat) combined with that would be slightly strong heh. From the class with the least survivability to the class with the most in 2 short stops. :p


I asked that several times and never got any answers, but right now I'm thinking no. Marauders generally come back with more HP than they started with after they vanish, but it's not 50% more. I think they just get some passive healing from various talents. It's certainly not like an Assassin/Operative where you definitely can tell they came back with WAY more health than they started with after a Vanish.

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I'm playing a guardian and I've got one question for sentinals/marauders....


Does poping the in-combat stealth take you out of combat alltogether? I don't think the class per se is OP but a certain reusable glass of water on a 10sec CD that heals for 50% HP (out of combat) combined with that would be slightly strong heh. From the class with the least survivability to the class with the most in 2 short stops. :p


No it doesn't do that. Only legitimate stealth classes can pull that off.


Also, yes marauder is the best. It took you guys long enough to figure it out.

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No it doesn't do that. Only legitimate stealth classes can pull that off.


Also, yes marauder is the best. It took you guys long enough to figure it out.



Marauders/Sents is retarded op, a coupple of skilled Mara/Sent can rip to pieces a 4 man group in 10 sec. Dont u guys see how poppular they are atm, it looks like 60% of siths is rolling Marauder atm.

And i just have to dobbel post this clip :p


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Marauders/Sents is retarded op, a coupple of skilled Mara/Sent can rip to pieces a 4 man group in 10 sec. Dont u guys see how poppular they are atm, it looks like 60% of siths is rolling Marauder atm.

And i just have to dobbel post this clip :p



ROFLMAO...OMG, I saw the first fight and was LAUGHING so loud, that I almost got busted in the office for not working too hard.


Did you even see those three Imperials....AHAHHAHAHAHA, oh cripes.


The player in POV is a battlemaster with one BM saber and one Champion. The other three, only one of them even has a Champion saber. By the looks of the armour, BM chest on the player, and Champ chest on one of the other guys, and the other dude is wearing lvl 40 robes. First guy was already dead anyways and was free kill. Two marauders versus a Sentinel and not one pacify. Only one choke to mitigate. No Force Camos to drop targets. No awes to buy time. Mis-timed Rebukes. Hell, the player didn't even awe because he knew how terrible they were. The Bounty Hunter also screwed the Marauders by maxing the player's resolve bar.


I'm not even bother watching the rest as this is on par with the "Over 9000 Sweep" video and the "Over 9000 Operative" videos. It's a good player who is walking over people who have zero gear, and wouldn't last five seconds in 2200+ rated arena.


I posted that in another thread pertaining to the topic.

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That's actually an interesting point. Marauders seems to be very overpowered in doing things that don't win you WZs. A healer + Marauder is probably best at picking off stray characters who are nowhere near the objective compared to any other combo. You sure won't see those two defending anything of value (and it's actually a very weak combo for D since Marauder have no meaningful ability that can slow down someone attacking the healer first).


This is sorta true, while Marauders are best at 1v1 and picking off stray characters, they are invaluable at getting rid of that pesky healer trying to hide off to the side by a Column in Voidstar, or that Tracer Missile spamming fool up on top of the ramps in Huttball that almost no one it seems can get close to because of their lack of a Z axis usable range closer. They have their role, and it's a good one, they share with Juggs/Guardians the fastest Range closer in the game, which doubles as an interrupt.


But a lot of WZ apparently is about fighting at locations that have nothing to do with winning. People seem to care more about the fact that someone did 450K damage and killed them 15 times even though the fact that you died 15 times and not the ball carrier was why you managed to win the WZ.

Man handling the most useful members of the opposing team is invaluable even if you die a lot. Taking out Guards & Healers or at least keeping them occupied gives the rest of your team an easier time dealing with the remainder of the opponents. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a tank spec with a pocket healer only go down after I took the healer out of the equation.


It's about picking your fights to provide the maximum benefit.


Marauders are probably the most extreme case of stat padding. They are insanely strong both on stats and in actual observeable result (killing people), and most people don't realize that they're fighting in locations that have nothing to do with winning.


This is the players fault not the class. I focus on the following in this order, Healers >Guards>High DPS Every one of those I can keep from being effective during a match no matter if I'm "On Objective" or not does nothing but help the team, as they are not there to provide support for their team, especially the first two.


I know the limits of my character, I don't try to run the Huttball I know I'm too squishy for that. I get the ball look for a Tank Spec, on my team to pass it to immediately as I know I'm going down 3-4 v 1 in a barrage of CC. In Voidstar I always focus on Healers, there are way to many places for them stand away from the doors and heal their team mates. In Civil War if I'm on a team that is down 2 caps to 1, I'll charge the least protected Cap point solo, when I kill what usually turns out to be a solo defender, and start capping I know I'm going to get beat down, but I also know I usually pull 3 or more people from the other team away from another objective point, giving my team numerical superiority.


There are ways to help a team win without out gaining objective points.

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