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Razer Naga


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Hi Guys.


I currently use a Deathadder mouse but im thinking about getting a Razer Naga as i think it would benefit me for this game and other MMOs.


Are there any known issues with TOR when using a Razer Naga?


If not i might order one.

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Hi Guys.


I currently use a Deathadder mouse but im thinking about getting a Razer Naga as i think it would benefit me for this game and other MMOs.


Are there any known issues with TOR when using a Razer Naga?


If not i might order one.


The Naga has been officially licensed for TOR, so I doubt there are any problems... I'm rocking a Logitech G13 with a SteelSeries mouse for just a few dollars more than just a Naga... check out the G13 if you haven't. Never going back.

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I have the original. I love it. It's very versatile but like anything else it takes some getting used to.


Same here and it's been through Aion and Rift with me. I <3 my Naga lol.

It can be useful for more than just games as well I rarely need my keyboard anymore.

Edited by dvsxxx
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I got a naga back when wrath was out and Ive never looked back. I was a long time clicker (go ahead and laugh) and this definitely made keybinding easier thus upping my game significantly. I can't recommend this product enough. Plus it just looks cool.
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good mouse, just not for me i dont like the numpad placement , its easy to bump your thumb on the wrong key but it is a good mouse



i personally use a CMstorm inferno gaming mouse, its 40 bucks , has four on the fly switchable profiles, on the fly dpi switching ( you can tune this too with individual dpi's , even tune it with separate x/y dpis) and with the software i can do macros /scripts and have about the same amount of keybinds i can have in a naga


its wired , but if you are on a budget there is no other better mouse right now that doesnt cost 150 bucks


its great , chek it out too if the naga is too expensive/uncomfortable for you and it looks ten times cooler than the naga (the lighting schemes on this mouse are awsome, and yes you have a different lighting setup for each profile so you can diferentiate between the four )

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The Naga has been officially licensed for TOR, so I doubt there are any problems... I'm rocking a Logitech G13 with a SteelSeries mouse for just a few dollars more than just a Naga... check out the G13 if you haven't. Never going back.


I tried the G13 but had problems adjusting to it from the Naga. With the Naga software, not including the left, right, and middle buttons, I have 42 map-able buttons, using control and shift as modifiers. I'll be starting with ALT for some programmable macro's at some point I suppose. I know the G13 software can do the same thing (and is much easier to use), but I'm afraid it goes unused most of the time.


I have to put my vote in for the Naga as well. It is simply awesome!

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I actually just purchased the Naga last week and let me tell you...best investment for gaming ever! You can adjust it to pretty much any mouse speed, it's super comfortable, and it freakin' lights up!


Now let me say I was average before buying this mouse, now I'm pretty much top 3 PvP and in PvE monsters don't stand a chance. It took me about a day to get used to now I have 1-12 down and working on Shift+1-12. Pretty much all my commands are bound to the mouse.


SOOO WORTH IT! Improved my gaming experience and speed, and it's just an awesome mouse to begin with.



Edit: Also, super easy to set up ^_^

Edited by Rynis
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I never hit the wrong button anymore. After getting used to it (and getting used to a change in some of my keyboard bindings alongside it) I always know exactly where my abilities are in relation to what fingers and can always hit them when I need to. I love this thing. It should come standard with every MMORPG because they always end up giving you a screen of 50 hotbars.
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Been using naga's since they first came out their amazing once you get used to it your response time goes threw the roof worth every penny.


Now I say naga's cause am currently on number 3 they are fragile the lazer in them isn't mounted well I guess you can say. the slightest drop even onto a soft surface can snap whats holding it in place and it will no longer track it happen to my first 2.


First time accidentally got knocked off my desk fell into some cloths and that was the end could hear and see the lazer jiggling around inside. Second one broke in a move was packed in bubble wrap still didn't make it.


To put it's durability in perspective I also have a deathadder(original not the re-release or the re-re-release) got it maybe a week after it came out I don't even know how long ago now Ive dropped it dozen's of times it survived 2 moves spilled water on it several times its taken tones of abuse and its still going strong after all these years not 1 issue.


If you can get past the naga's durability it is worth it even on number 3 I still think its worth it.

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I don't really use it to its fullest potential, but I used it a little more at least in Startrek Online, and I found it useful there. I find it easy to learn the "num-pad" like layout in general, and it has the additional advantage that if you actually put powers on your number keys (which is the default already in most MMOs), it's easy to find the right key on the pad by just looking at your regular power bar. More complex key-binds get easily forgotten IME.
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