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legacy question..


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bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters! The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before.


so another words this mean the legacy system that everyone has been waiting for is just a complete and utter failure ?.. NO new species ( no new races to play ).


- 10,000 points for bioware

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By "another words", did you mean "in other words"? :rolleyes:


Also, the legacy system is just starting to be rolled out. The bit that you quoted is only the stuff that is coming out in 1.2. More stuff is on the way.


I'm not going to defend the legacy system because I agree that its a bit lackluster at the moment, but to call it a "complete and utter failure" before it has really been implemented is a bit overly dramatic, in my opinion.

Edited by mrcaptainpants
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This is what happens when games are made by companies that roll it out too soon. SWTOR could of used another 3 or 4 months of polish and testing. So many things from the legacy system to the lack of ui customization makes this game very mediocre. Without the title line STAR WARS this game would be not looked at the same I believe. Do not get me wrong I think this is the greatest single player MMO I have ever played.
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I actually agree with the original post. I was looking forward to new species being added not allowing some funny class/race combinations from the existing ones.


I know they said to start with but I have played way too many MMO's to hope that future legacy additions will be any better or come out within the year. More often than not when an MMO promises you something its to keep you paying until it arrives and when it does its not what you wanted or they promised.

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So you just completely ignored the part where it says:


New species are in consideration for the future but we don’t have any details to share right now.


Oh, and let's not miss the part where they said:


...bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters!


They're not only considering new species, but they're also going beyond the expectation of it only unlocking additional playable species and adding features for character's that have already been leveled as well.

Edited by Llaera
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...bringing new options to new characters (alts) and some fun options for elder game players as well. Legacy is definitely not just for new characters!


It would be nice if you could actually age your character. I could see my jedi knight become an obi-wan like hermit. It would also perfectly fit the LEGACY meaning

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It would be nice if you could actually age your character. I could see my jedi knight become an obi-wan like hermit. It would also perfectly fit the LEGACY meaning


You might consider posting it in the suggestions forum as a toggled option. I guarantee some people (myself included) wouldn't necessarily be interested in using it, but if it's optional I don't see any problems with it.

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You might consider posting it in the suggestions forum as a toggled option. I guarantee some people (myself included) wouldn't necessarily be interested in using it, but if it's optional I don't see any problems with it.


I just suggested it, thanks.

Edited by RedFox
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I think what the mean by species is we'll see the ones they hadn't worked in but we see in the background, such as cathar and togruta... wouldnt mind seeing droid for say BH. Also possible would be duros, and rodian, as well as devaronian.


I just hope they put in options to adjust the size of the togruta's head tails and the like, its a little silly that they appear uniform across all said characters. Also would liek to be able to style the lekku of twi'leks :D

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I think devaronian's horns make them improbable for playable species


I expect any species with features that would clip will simply be treated like Twi'leks. They wouldn't be able to have hoods, but it's a small sacrifice to play additional species.

Edited by Llaera
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I expect any species with features that would clip will simply be treated like Twi'leks. They wouldn't be able to have hoods, but it's a small sacrifice to play additional species.


what about BH helmets? Devaronian are the ultimate BHs

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I am quite confident that the intentionally vague and incomplete answer means that playable species in one class that are not playable in another may be unlocked- Cathar, Togruta, Nautolan, etc. . . are not going to be unlocked in 1.2 as playable species. This fits with previous answers about the legacy system from before launch.


The legacy system as a whole is a failure, in my eyes. The legacy name concept was rushed and not thought out - the most broadly impacting decision in the entire game and there is no preview, no confirmation box (yes, they are finally adding that) no naming conventions displayed in-game, no warning that it the system will automatically change it for you - McDonald becomes Mcdonald without warning. . . even the spell check in the forums knows the second one is wrong :eek: -) all of this, and it cannot be changed, even if you delete all characters on the server.


Add to this that the legacy system was so hyped and talked about before launch, but then didn't even launch with the game (aside from meaningless levels) and that it's a system that is supposed to encourage rolling alts but is limited to a single server where you will run out of character slots.


The whole "family tree" thing. . . really? I can do that in my head for the characters I want to be related. I don't need the game to automatically make my human JC and my chiss IA related.


Maybe someday, just before they finally close the servers, they'll finally get around to having this great legacy system that they love and hype without specifics, but right now, it's a failure.

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patch 1.2 will be just 3 moths since the launch, too early for new races i think. But in the video of upcoming patch you can see a sith inq miraluka. So that's what they going to introduce right nwo. You'll be able to play a pureblood sith as a counsular or something like that.
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what about BH helmets? Devaronian are the ultimate BHs


Well, when you put on a full mask/helmet as a Twi'lek, it just applies the graphic for it and removes the clippy obstacles. Think of it like this, it swaps your head for the helmet. :p


I was mildly surprised that they completely removed my lekku, but at the same time it made more sense than making those completely unable to be shown as well.

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I am quite confident that the intentionally vague and incomplete answer means that playable species in one class that are not playable in another may be unlocked- Cathar, Togruta, Nautolan, etc. . . are not going to be unlocked in 1.2 as playable species. This fits with previous answers about the legacy system from before launch.


The legacy system as a whole is a failure, in my eyes. The legacy name concept was rushed and not thought out - the most broadly impacting decision in the entire game and there is no preview, no confirmation box (yes, they are finally adding that) no naming conventions displayed in-game, no warning that it the system will automatically change it for you - McDonald becomes Mcdonald without warning. . . even the spell check in the forums knows the second one is wrong :eek: -) all of this, and it cannot be changed, even if you delete all characters on the server.


Add to this that the legacy system was so hyped and talked about before launch, but then didn't even launch with the game (aside from meaningless levels) and that it's a system that is supposed to encourage rolling alts but is limited to a single server where you will run out of character slots.


The whole "family tree" thing. . . really? I can do that in my head for the characters I want to be related. I don't need the game to automatically make my human JC and my chiss IA related.


Maybe someday, just before they finally close the servers, they'll finally get around to having this great legacy system that they love and hype without specifics, but right now, it's a failure.


There are flaws, but on the family tree topic, it's not a matter of you knowing your characters are related, it's about being able to display your surname to other players. As a simple example, if you've made a name for yourself as a totally awesome, laid-back, fun to talk to group member on your main character, you can play on an alt and still be recognized as being the same person by other players.


Another example is that I have a friend and co-worker that mainly plays Republic, but also plays a little Imperial side while I mainly play Imperial side and a little on Republic. If we both know each others' legacy names, then when we run into each other (doesn't depend what side) we can recognize each other, even if it's an alt that hasn't made it onto my friends list.


Then, if you have an alt that you don't want any friends to know about, you turn off displaying your legacy name.


I hope that helps show why it can be useful. It's also intended for role-playing purposes (people were really, really upset about the idea of not having surnames in the game, and this at least gave them a little bit of an option instead of just completely omitting them.)

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The lack of REAL aliens has always been the #1 problem with the game, and the fact that we are not getting any any time soon is pretty near game-ruining. By the time they get around to it (if ever,) all the real players will have all the characters they want already.
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There are flaws, but on the family tree topic, it's not a matter of you knowing your characters are related, it's about being able to display your surname to other players. As a simple example, if you've made a name for yourself as a totally awesome, laid-back, fun to talk to group member on your main character, you can play on an alt and still be recognized as being the same person by other players.


Another example is that I have a friend and co-worker that mainly plays Republic, but also plays a little Imperial side while I mainly play Imperial side and a little on Republic. If we both know each others' legacy names, then when we run into each other (doesn't depend what side) we can recognize each other, even if it's an alt that hasn't made it onto my friends list.


Then, if you have an alt that you don't want any friends to know about, you turn off displaying your legacy name.


I hope that helps show why it can be useful. It's also intended for role-playing purposes (people were really, really upset about the idea of not having surnames in the game, and this at least gave them a little bit of an option instead of just completely omitting them.)


The thing is, an actual surname feature would have solved that problem, along with not introducing those caused by the legacy name system.

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The lack of REAL aliens has always been the #1 problem with the game, and the fact that we are not getting any any time soon is pretty near game-ruining. By the time they get around to it (if ever,) all the real players will have all the characters they want already.


If you have all the characters you want, then you won't care about new races. :rolleyes:



That aside, eventually we'll get race changes, so if what you're saying is ever the case, it'll be detail with.

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