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Sawbones healing in pre 50 pvp?


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Level 33 Sawbones here just wanted to get some feedback.


Either im just doing it wrong, or if two players or 1 sorc is targetting your healee your not going to keep him alive.



No shield, the only way we can stop our healee from taking damage is with a well placed flash grenade, and that can be trinketed out of, and has a very short duration.



As it stands kolto pack really doesnt have a roll with the upper hand cost. It heals less then UM and i only slightly faster then a specced UM. Its much better to use Emergency Medpack in any situation you would use Kolto Pack. Kolto pack should either get some love in the skill tree. or the design of the ability should change. Make it a fast high output high cost heal with no upperhand cost.


Trauma Debuff is too much for pre 50 pvp, When a sorc is critting for 4-5k in wzs why are my heals only critting for 2-3k.



Pve healing is fine the way it is i love it very much a timing game that requires your attention.

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Welcome to healing in pvp ...


It does get a little easier post 50 when you get some expertise, currently at 12% expertise it does off-set some of the trauma debuff. The switch is .. you lose ALOT of stats wearing pvp gear.


TBH healing is kinda ruff in PvP and you should not heal-bot in games. Always aim to do 75K damage to get your killing blow, 10 and 25 kills and 75K medals. You can also use shoot-first with adrenal to snake in a 2.5K single hit.


Sawbones are great focus healers (Sitting on 1 target and healing it) and we can deal well with low AoE situations easy enough, PvP is about burst damage on several targets .. not something we excel at. Triage is your best bet .. heal what you can and dont waste casts on lost causes. Seems kinda selfish .. but trying to heal that sentinel on 1000 health while he's being beat on but 3 sorcs is a lost cause .. move on to another target.

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