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lvl 40 looking to try Annihilation


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So have been rage spec from lvl 1 to my current lvl 40 and really enjoy it. Annihilation has been the one spec that I have been curious about since I made this toon. After a good bit of reading I feel confident in giving it a try at 40, and maybe reach 50 with. I PvP so I am eager to see what I can do with annihilation.


Would anyone be willing to share some possible builds at 50, and how I might want my spec to look at lvl 40 in the mean time as I work my way to lvl 50?


Thank you.

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That's a decent one at 40, although I like to invest heavily in the annihilation tree. I love this spec, and I'm not sure yet if I want to pick up Payback or not. If I do, I'd have to drop Pulverize ultimately, and I'm not sure if the tradeoff is worth it. Considering I like to depend on the snare from Seeping Wound, in the end I'll probably go with Pulverize.


At any rate, you want to maximize the effectiveness of your bleeds.

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Kiba has a guide for this look at the sticky


I enjoy your waste of energy, even if by a small amount in telling me something I have done already.


Yes, I enjoyed the sticky, however it does not fully answer the questions/curiosities I have with where I am at currently. Nor does the sticky negate me from asking any questions or perusing any further thoughts I have post reading it.

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That's a decent one at 40, although I like to invest heavily in the annihilation tree. I love this spec, and I'm not sure yet if I want to pick up Payback or not. If I do, I'd have to drop Pulverize ultimately, and I'm not sure if the tradeoff is worth it. Considering I like to depend on the snare from Seeping Wound, in the end I'll probably go with Pulverize.


At any rate, you want to maximize the effectiveness of your bleeds.


That is an interesting pickle. But my question to you is are using this build mainly in PvE or PvP? Wouldn't it better to keep pulverize and get heals from another means like med packs pve and the pvp heal packs/stims? If my growing understanding of annihilation is somewhat on pulverize is not worth giving up or lowering the points spent in it.

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That's a decent one at 40, although I like to invest heavily in the annihilation tree. I love this spec, and I'm not sure yet if I want to pick up Payback or not. If I do, I'd have to drop Pulverize ultimately, and I'm not sure if the tradeoff is worth it. Considering I like to depend on the snare from Seeping Wound, in the end I'll probably go with Pulverize.


At any rate, you want to maximize the effectiveness of your bleeds.


i would not recommend this build it over spend points in to the tree without need this is what i had at 40 and it was excellent for me http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100MIbRrRMcGz.1 first of at 40 having anniahlate increases your dps, you can play around with subjugation, ferocity and phantom, personally i like subjugation bc i can interrupt more/ obfuscate on a 45 s cd. the build by vember does not utilize pulverize which gives anniahlate a 66% chance and vicious slash a 33% chance to reset the rupture cd (even more of a reason to have anniahlate besides its great damage), this is a must have because as an annihilation spec mara you must focus on keepin you bleeds up this just allows you to sustain rupture DoT's much more easily.


Hope i helped

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