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Thoughts on PVP space battles....


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I would LOVE to see a PVP map where its a either destroy enemy ship (some major ship that is) or some sort of cap the flag type map in a space battle pvp environment....

another map I would love to see is a 2 stage type map where 1 side uses their sides main ship type ie siths get to use an imperial ship but all players are on that ship on defence turrets and things like that and rebels are attacking with their own ships and then theres a swap at end of round then rebels do same things in their ship and imperials use their own ships and who ever wins both rounds is winner or its a draw n both sides get same pvp payment

what are peoples thoughts here?

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It's a good idea, not the first time I have heard it, but it would be fun.


Off-topic: Please, please stop calling the Republic rebels. They are not rebels in this game, and wont be for thousands of years.


Don't be offended he probably played SWG allot like I did. With my buddy's on vent screaming kill that rebel scum!!! just a force of habit from SWG.

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well as some of the mythic guys are here at bioware, i know i know its now the same company now. I would love to see some of the pvp type areas that were in pve zones on warhammer where it was basically 2-3 forts and some flags and which side captured it gave bonus to the entire zone. If that was translated to space battles where it was a zone of space battles for influence on a planet that they were near, where one lot of players defended a space station from guns in the station and others used ships to attack the stations. zinga. and the original idea implemented into any new planets linked to the space battles with an hour cycle between being able todo them.


Now that was some awesome pvp even for peeps who didnt like pvp.

Edited by Shingara
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It would get me to start playing pvp.


Me too. There are too many people who have been doing PvP in RPGs for ~15-20 years who are incredibly good at it for me to enjoy it. Throw all those people into a space flight match, and I'd actually be able to enter at a competitive level (I wasn't old enough to play multilayer dogfighting games when they were big, but I'm significantly better in single-player than other people I've seen play them).

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With the current system of space combat it would be damn near impossible to make a good PvP scenario out of it.


I mean think about it, with the stupid tunnel shooter mechanics all enemies that are actually mobile have to work in one of two ways: Either they are coming at you and you have to blast them before they do a lot of damage to you, or they pass you and you simply have to wail on them while they go by. Sometimes the enemies that pass you will turn around and become type 1 enemies.


So, in a PvP scenario the only way to ever make it fair would be to make both players face each other in a type 1 scenario, which would then boil down to nothing more than trying to dodge like crazy while trying to hit another ship that does the same and avoid slamming into each other as you pass each other roughly 5 seconds later.


That is the whole extent to which PvP could work under the current system.


I mean sure, they could get fancy with it and create a branching structure for their tunnel, where for example the player that wins the type 1 encounter gets to engage his opponent in a type 2 encounter for a few seconds afterward, but overall it simply doesn't have anywhere near the same depth as an actual space shooter has.

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With the current system of space combat it would be damn near impossible to make a good PvP scenario out of it.


I mean think about it, with the stupid tunnel shooter mechanics all enemies that are actually mobile have to work in one of two ways: Either they are coming at you and you have to blast them before they do a lot of damage to you, or they pass you and you simply have to wail on them while they go by. Sometimes the enemies that pass you will turn around and become type 1 enemies.


So, in a PvP scenario the only way to ever make it fair would be to make both players face each other in a type 1 scenario, which would then boil down to nothing more than trying to dodge like crazy while trying to hit another ship that does the same and avoid slamming into each other as you pass each other roughly 5 seconds later.


That is the whole extent to which PvP could work under the current system.


I mean sure, they could get fancy with it and create a branching structure for their tunnel, where for example the player that wins the type 1 encounter gets to engage his opponent in a type 2 encounter for a few seconds afterward, but overall it simply doesn't have anywhere near the same depth as an actual space shooter has.


Thats assuming that the engine can 'only' do that type of combat, we know it can do more and its just a case that the space missions that we have now were designed to work like that for the star wars feeling.

Edited by Shingara
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