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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why should I keep artifice?


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I have lately been debating droping artifice for biochem. I am an active PvP and PvE player so biochem has many advantages for both. I have been keeping artifice for the +33 magenta crystals I can make (for myself and my guildmates) but since Kaon hardmode drops +41 crystals in their weapons it makes no sense to keep artifice as it no longer provides BIS gear. Have I missed something? Am I wrong to drop artifice? Im just looking for some insight before I drop artifice which I have maxed out.


Thank You for your comments.

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If you already have biochem on one of your chars then there's no point in taking biochem again. However if you dont have it, it's ok. Do keep in mind that you would also need diplomacy and bioanalysis to go with that. Imho if youre doing biochem then I believe the companion doc from the jedi knight has crit chance for biochem.

The consulars first companion has bioanalysis efficiency and the last companion nadia grell has diplomacy crit + 2.

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If you already have biochem on one of your chars then there's no point in taking biochem again. However if you dont have it, it's ok. Do keep in mind that you would also need diplomacy and bioanalysis to go with that. Imho if youre doing biochem then I believe the companion doc from the jedi knight has crit chance for biochem.

The consulars first companion has bioanalysis efficiency and the last companion nadia grell has diplomacy crit + 2.


Incorrect, Spero. Sure he could make Blue Stims and Packs for himself using his BioChem alt, but he'd have to keep making them and sending them over when he could just make 1 Rakata stim and 1 Rakata medpack, and never craft another BioChem thing again. Granted, he'll be stuck with BC forever to keep using them, but.... oh well.

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more recipes are coming for artifice in the next patch and you do get augmented rakata relics if you've taken the time to craft those for yourself.


It's also ridiculous that everyone in the game is going biochem. It's mostly b/c of pvp as I see it. Make consumables unusable in battlegrounds for everyone, then it's an equal playing field.

Edited by Ravenelle
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In all honesty, if you want to play the Hopping Game, then switch to Bio. then a few patches down the road, it will be nerfed, and another craft will shine, and you can level that one up and then complain about it when it's nerfed for the next biggest and best.


If you think that the benefit you get from the reusable buffs will make that much of an impact in your play (i.e. you can track your successes increasing as a result, or the money saved, which may be a big deal), then go for it. If your simply worried because the grass looks greener over there...don't worry. it will always look greener.


What if they suddenly add BoP mods with augument slots in a future patch? suddenly Cyber is the rage. what if they make BoP (or synth weave only) force user armor with an extra mod slot? what if...the list goes on.


If you enjoy artifice, keep it. Im sure its time will come around in the grand circle of what is the most uber. or if you like re-leveling crafts as part of your gaming experience, have fun!

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