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Farming Flashpoints for Companions

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I wanted to get some nice looking modables for my companions on my 45 Bounty Hunter, so I started looking through loot lists for the lower level normal FPs that I could solo. I found a medium armor chest I wanted from Cademimu, but in 3 full runs my BH got nothing but BH gear. Tried it on my Sorcerer and got nothing but Sorcerer gear. What gives? I've gotten plenty of random class items from solo runs of BP and Foundry. Is Cademimu different?
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Lucky for me that Bioware got lazy on my companions. I'm a Trooper so all my companions use the same kind of gear as me, except the droid of course. I was wondering how I managed that great luck in getting the whole set from a flashpoint for my companion. Turns out it wasn't luck at all.
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I've been farming Cade with my Jedi Guardian and Doc(medium armor). So far, I seem to get more loot for him than I do for myself.


Interesting. Guess I'll just keep at it a while, see if I get anything else. Unless the Rep version of the FP is different.

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Lucky for me that Bioware got lazy on my companions.


even more lazy to put cunning mods in elara's gun for the daily on belsavis...


I wanted to get some nice looking modables for my companions

Or you can just do the daily and get even better gear for them.


too bad it was about looks and not gear, not to mention most BOE customizables are the same armor with different pattern or just not attractive (brown jedi robes, I'm looking at you).

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Up until about 2 or 3 weeks ago I used to get random drops from solo runs of BT... took me 3 runs to get the gear I wanted for my Sorcerer. About 3 weeks ago, ran a solo on my Powertech, got the operative coat for Mako on the second run.


Last night, 5 solo runs on my Merc, all BH drops only. Did 1 run grouped with a Sorc, only BH and SI drops...


Looks a bit like it's either been changed or it used to bug for me all the time? I preferred the random thing myself.


If this was changed to make it easier for people to get useful gear, then make it a token system... if it was changed to stop people being able to farm for modable gear for companions then... then... gah, I can't say it cos I'll get a infringement....

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I've done a few more runs of Cad and one each of BP and Foundry on my Bounty Hunter. I have gotten ONE Sith Warrior glove, everything else has been a BH item. With more than a dozen full clears, times three items per run, that's enough for me to believe they've changed it so that it's very unlikely to see items drop that are for a player class that's not in the group.


So that's helpful for people running level appropriate FPs to gear themselves, though I personally rarely saw loot dropping that no one could use. But apparently they've only changed it for Normal Modes, not Hards, which is odd.


It's funny, on the forums the devs have stated so many times that they want you to be able to customize the appearance of your character and your companions, so everyone can look unique and individual and so on, but in the game it's actually SUPER HARD AND ANNOYING TO DO SO.

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It's funny, on the forums the devs have stated so many times that they want you to be able to customize the appearance of your character and your companions, so everyone can look unique and individual and so on, but in the game it's actually SUPER HARD AND ANNOYING TO DO SO.


Try and roll a sage. BW is kinda trying to sell us that consulars are some kind of a MAGE. We have to wear those stupid skirts and we have possible the ugliest set of gear of the entire game.

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