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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bonus wave!!!!


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I'm a pretty loyal gamer and a fan of Star Wars. However, as a gamer, I am always a bit leery of titles that cost over $50. So, not being an alpha or closed beta tester, of course I waited til AFTER the open beta to pre-order. It's fairly intelligent to think that's what a good majority of folks did... By seeing the waves of folks let in already, though... I guess not. :)
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You're not paying yet. Early access is entirely at Bioware's discretion...they owe you at most 1 day of early access...which everyone will eventually get if they preorder.


You don't start paying until the 20th of december when you enter your retail code.


i bought their game did i not? therefore i'm a paying customer

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my mom was on birth control my dad wore a jimmy!!!!


call me mr 1% and it ROCKS!


that would be 0.01% x 0.01%.... which is like .0001%. maybe "1 of 6" is more appropriate title for you.


which is 1:10000 of 1:10000, or 1:1,000,000,000. there are less than 7 billion people on the planet, so basically you and 5 other guys can form a club.

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Where do some of you guys get the following ideas:


1.)More players will somehow be hurting the situation? What do you think is going to happen at launch? Either the servers are ready or they aren't.

2.)Rewarding someone simply based on the timing of their FIRST payment into a business system that, by it's nature, requires continuous customer payment to be profitable somehow creates a level of entitlement. If somebody preorders within the time frame given by the company they are just as entitled to early access as the person that ordered five seconds before them.


This whole rollout has left me baffled from a business point of view. The acromony that has been generated is unnecessary and was totally avoidable if a little research and forethought had been employed.

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Not everyone was a procrastinator sir, I'm sure.


Some people, and this does not include me, have a little thing called....."financial issues". Perhaps they FINALLY saved up their last dollar to get it......on December 7th.


You're arrogant for thinking everyone falls in the procrastinator group.


Ok. I am sorry.


SWTOR has been in development for the better part of 7 whole years?


You are right, that is not near enough time to put aside $60.... forgive me.



Lastly, I did not say EVERYONE falls into the procrastinator group. Try not to put words in my mouth, mmk? :D

Edited by XOrionX
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