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Option to stay level 49.


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Really it is more advantageous to stay at level 49 because you can queue for warzones and still get the bolster buff. In fact, once you reach level 50 your stats in PvP will probably be lower because you dont have the bolster buff to make up for your gear. Not to mention you can dominate the lowbies. Unfortunately we can't stay level 49 forever, eventually everyone gets to level 50 and quits the game. My simple solution to this is to allow people to opt out of leveling up. If everyone could stay level 49 forever, people would stop complaining.
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No you dont understand. Its not a matter of not enjoying lvl 50 pvp, its just that I prefer the faster queue times and even playing field of pre-50 queues.


even playing field? you got to be kidding me.. There is a bigger imbalance in the 10-49 queue then there is in the 50 queue.


Low levels dont have all their skills, some dont even have sprint, so the field is far from even. Not to mention the buff does not set it to max hips/armor for the class, therefore gear plays a huge role in it.

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And I want fairies to fly out of my characters butt when I type /poop.


But we need to stop smoking bowls and suggesting things on the internet.


Speak for yourself, think how funny it would be to type /poop when you were blazed and had no idea what it did

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