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solving an issue with palyers throwing warzone games


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Hi there everyone. I am writing to talk about some people that are ruining warzones by helping the opposing team by intentially messing up the shcematics of the warzone games. In particular there is a player by the name of "protwarrior" on the server "black vulkers". It is widley known that the republic side is out numbered by the empire. And the fact that this player, protwarrior performs acts such as taking the "hutball" to his own goal line and then passing it to his sith friends that he cheers for in the game is very anoying. He even goes as far as laughing at his team trying to make up for his selfeshness and boasts about messing up the game.

I would like to suggest a way to report these people to get their IP adress banned after soo many reports are made on their name. We dont need these kind of people ruining the game for the rest of us that want to play it and enjoy it the correct way. If there was an option to report the player in game to bring notifications to some game masters or instructers to watch his activity and determine if the players actions are indeed cause for the palyer to be baned. I do beleive giving every player the chance to report a player for playing in a less then favorable way would get out of hand so that is why i strongly urge the game moniters to handle these reports and carefully examine the actions of the players being reported.

If anyone else is in agreance with this simply reply with your thoughts and or support. I also urge you to come up with other ideas on how to get rid of these players intentially throwing the warzone matches to help their friends on the other team win. Thank you all for your time and I hope we can find a solution to this asap

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I feel your pain, I really do. But people are gonna flame you for the wall of text.


On Jung Ma we have a few people do this too. It's incredibly annoying. You could /report them... But I don't even know if that's against the TOS.



Do what I do. If someone is cheating, just leave the WZ. Not much you can do if the enemy is using a speedhack to score in 2 seconds, or if another player from your team is carrying the ball to your goal line.

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That sucks. What are you gonna do, there's always people who find ways to grief others in these games. Report him and move on, no point getting more stressed over him. If it really is that bad, quit wz's that you see him being in and if more and more people feel the way you do about him, the problem will solve itself soon enough.
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first....wall of text, very annoying to read.

next, ip ban = fail. ips can change for X person then Y person gets it and is nixed(if they play swtor), account bans work MUCH better.

other than that all i see you asking is for a ref for each and every wz, that's a lot. id like ya to think about that for a second.


done? good, now look at BW customer service in-game....can you see the problem?


could you imagine a person that knows nothing about this game being a ref for wz(i say this because it SEEMS like the CS dont even know what game they are working for)?


but a report X player would be nice(eg, wow afk in bg report). dont know if thats in there or not, havent done to much pvp.


now then, you may flame my lack of caps and crappy puncuation =D.

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This is one of the unfortunate things that can happen more often when an account is allowed to have characters in both factions on the same server. Spies and ringers always appear when this is permitted by the game company. I haven't seen anything like this, and I hope that you can stop it, but have been consistently seeing people making bogus calls for help and incs in Civil War. Gotta wonder about those.


Your best option though, is to just leave the WZ when you see the person in the group.

Edited by Trebarian
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I encountered this once in a Warsong Gulch match in WoW.


We had a Blood Elf rogue on our team who would grab the Alliance flag, then stand in their flag room (surrounded by several Alliance players) and simply wait until the Alliance team was in a position to cap our flag, then drop their flag so they could cap.

I wrote up a ticket and surprisingly was contacted by a GM the very next BG I was in (fastest reply to a ticket in WoW for me - about 10 minutes), saying that "they took a dim view of this sort of behaviour and would investigate the matter fully".


Hopefully the TOR GMs take a similar view of such behaviour.

Edited by Darth_Sinistor
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You could /report them... But I don't even know if that's against the TOS.


If he is doing it consistently, and laughing and taunting his team mates about it, he can be banned for griefing other players.


/report him. Everyone on the team /report him. Get him hit with the banstick.

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This is one of the unfortunate things that can happen more often when an account is allowed to have characters in both factions on the same server. Spies and ringers always appear when this is permitted by the game company. I haven't seen anything like this, and I hope that you can stop it, but have been consistently seeing people making bogus calls for help and incs in Civil War. Gotta wonder about those.


Your best option though, is to just leave the WZ when you see the person in the group.




This problem was fortold the VERY DAY Bioware announced allowing characters of both sides on same server for account.


The only solution is to


1) Ban the account of player doing the action

2) Stop allowing players to roll both factions on same server

3) Bioware caring at all about this problem (or simpular problems in game).


OP, I feel your pain and fully agree this is a issue but Biowares made it pretty appearent they refuse to moderate action inside game when it comes to this sort of stuff.


I gave feedback in beta of low level stealthers exploiting the stealth system to greif players and by extention loot chests on planets they have no bussiness being on.


Not only did Bioware not care about the issue in beta, it remains to this day and widely complained about still.


RP servers have no enforced nameing rules so you roll there and every 2nd names looks like a intentional attempt to enflame and troll Role Players and remind them that they get no support from Bioware/EA


And PVPers have your issue and I suspect you will get the same level of non support.


Its almost like Bioware sending message that it thinks a very large population of players are griefers/trolls/trouble makers and Bioware scared to punish them in anyway or face repercussions from those players.


Its very depressing but what can you do?

The lack of support regarding customer service will carry long term reputation loss for Bioware, as it does with Sony, Verrant, Origin, and other gameing developers that refused to supply even moderate levels of cust support.


But thats little comfort for those effected by the issues presently.


I wish you all the best but I wouldnt hold my breath on this being fixed anytime soon sadly.


I gotta admit, its always baffled me how these developers can understand they live and die on fan support and then turn around and ignore their fan base on such a easy thing as cust support. I mean not like this person (or those who wanted a RP Server to play on) asking for redesigning of the product, they just asking to be allowed to play the game in the enviroment they desire most. Long as its not hurting other (positive play styles) players game, why cant they support their games?


Wish I could say this a post WOW issue but lack of any real support been a issue plagueing MMORPGs since day 1 of the genre.

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I can only suggest opening tickets describing his behavior, and possibly taking FRAPS of his actions. If someone is intentionally helping the opposing side to win, that is against the spirit of the rules and game.


Maybe hes a RPer.


The sith dont play fair and they got a spy on their side,


This is one reason why warzones are bad. Free gear with no real time limit of getting it and you can do it all without playing the actual game.

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