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PVP im not that great so i need advice


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Keybind as early as possible to learn what to hit as fast as possible. You are going to get a lot of skills so be ready, the earlier the better, level 18 should be perfect. Find a spec you like by trying them all, anni is good but if you like another go for it. Pop defensive cool downs properly. Cloak should almost always be on, saber ward put on when you know lots of damage may be coming, but try and pop it before 50%. Camo can be used by defensively and offensively, notice leap not off cd and youve been knocked back/rooted, time to dissapear and get the drop, or fall back and surprise. Is he healing, DEADLY SABER him, I always forget but do it. Use vicious throw after a choke, chances are it wont kill him if he has JUST reached 20% hp. A lot of these skills you may not have heard of yet but just something to keep in mind.


TL DR? Key bind, learn when to pop what when, start thinking about this right now.

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Stay in Shii-Cho form and use Berserk a lot. It's extremely useful and I was topping the charts at your level using it as a big burst to my DPS. You have limited tools right now so go ballsof out and fight with no concern for your own safety. Worked well for me
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don't PvP until you reach level 30.


seriously, the class does not function well ( meaning - it is borderline broken) before you get force camouflage. You will waste a lot of time being focused down mercilessly unless you have a pocket healer.


Then you have 10 levels of getting acclimated to the way the PvP in this game works. And then you can start to wreck faces.

Edited by mufutiz
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don't PvP until you reach level 30.


seriously, the class does not function well ( meaning - it is borderline broken) before you get force camouflage. You will waste a lot of time being focused down mercilessly unless you have a pocket healer.


Then you have 10 levels of getting acclimated to the way the PvP in this game works. And then you can start to wreck faces.


i do just fine in pvp from 12-17 atm >.> dunno what you talking bout im carnage spec and i usual get 4-5 medals each game along with top 5 damage.

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