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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Space combat thoughts


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So, while the space combat rail-shooter is amusing as a daily quest, I see the potential for something a lot more. Many of us here remember the TIE-Fighter and X-Wing games fondly, not the least for the interesting ship management systems. Myself, I've always found that the best part of space shooters ranging from TIE through I-War. However, there was a game that did it even better a long time ago: Microprose's 1992 B-17: Flying Fortress.


For anyone who either wasn't around then or never had the chance to enjoy it, you played as the crew of a WWII B17 bomber. Essentially, you god-moded over the crew, taking them over for piloting, navigation, gunnery, radio communication, or as bombardier during a full mission from England over occupied Europe. You could also assign crew members off of their positions to assist with putting out fires, repairing the plane, providing first aid to injured crewmen, or filling in for someone who was wounded or dead.


I always thought that not having a multiplayer function was a missed opportunity. However, it was 1992 so computer-based multiplayer was still in its infancy. Now, imagine crewing an Imperial star destroyer with your guild. Captain, engineer, navigation, weapons, repair crew, gunnery, medical, etc. Also picture a fleet action with one large-crew (8) ship assisted by two smaller (4) frigates. I see potential for both PVP and PVE here.

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Agreed, but I wouldn't look for anything like that for another 2-3 years. First they'd need to work on the basics of guilds, then maybe bring out the guild 'house/fort/base/ship'. Then work on the mechanics of having members do this or that in real time with opposing members doing the same thing.


All the while developing other content as they see fit. I could see it happening, if they wanted to do it, but not for quite some time.


As it stands I find the minigame space combat distracting when I can't bother to mash a mob of 3 through another bland base/cave.

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