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why level a tank when you only need ONE at endgame?


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Tanks are faceroll to level with. You rarely have to worry about your survivability and just let your companions dps for you.


At 50, you may find that you like one tank playstyle over another. And each Tank has a DPS tree, so you can DPS if you don't want to tank with one of them.

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Is there anything else they are needed for? :confused:


All tank classes can spec to be DPS at 50 and put out damage equal (or at least very nearly equal) to pure DPS classes, if played correctly. The only thing they lack in that role, is utility.

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All tank classes can spec to be DPS at 50 and put out damage equal (or at least very nearly equal) to pure DPS classes, if played correctly. The only thing they lack in that role, is utility.


leveling as tank


tanking flashpoints while leveling


gearing as tank for HM flashpoints


gearing in HM FP.. for operations........


Go dps for operations


*insert okay meme here*

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my guild has done all of EV NM outside of SoA, with one tank, ANd SoA can be done with one as well, SO yeah so far you only need one tank,


Then who was getting mauled By the Arkay(s) in place of a tank at the other pylon?


And how about Karraga's? I can easly think of at least two bosses (Jarg&Sorno and G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator) that would be quite difficult for most groups -if not impossible- with only one tank.


While I'm sure you have a good answer for that, even so, just because you do not "Need" a second tank does not mean that having a second/off-tank wouldn't be helpful for quite a lot of groups.

Edited by Foefaller
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Then who was getting mauled By the Arkay(s) in place of a tank at the other pylon?


And how about Karraga's? I can easly think of at least two bosses (Jarg&Sorno and G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator) that would be quite difficult for most groups -if not impossible- with only one tank.


While I'm sure you have a good answer for that, even so, just because you do not "Need" a second tank does not mean that having a second/off-tank wouldn't be helpful for quite a lot of groups.


Melee dps in tank gear for jarg/sorno and simi fights. chain cc the arks with good healers etc etc, Everything thus far can be done with one tank... I know cause Im a shadow who geared as tank and is now rolling as dps in order to be in Operations. Every boss fight is a DPS race so you either need a pretend tank or DPS'ers who can carry the slack

Edited by Tinmancreeping
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my guild has done all of EV NM outside of SoA, with one tank, ANd SoA can be done with one as well, SO yeah so far you only need one tank,


The only EV Fight that remotely requires two Tanks is the Annihilation Droid (when he knocks back the Tank, the second highest threat needs to be able to tank it long enough for the MT to get back).



Obviously Jarg and Sorno requires two Tanks, but that is KP.

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why would i level a tank just to dps at endgame? i would have rolled dps if that's what i wanted to do! :(


is really really hard to get a spot as tank in a guild , even as 2nd tank or even 3th tank


why? 1 tank only for OP


why i know is hard to create content for 3 tanks or more ,2 ???????? is simple , i hate how is done in other games


boss + adds , 2 bosses , debuff stacks (taunt) ect


a bit mej. nit no1 has come up with better ideas (yet)

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We typically run two tanks in our raids, it may not be necessary but it does make things much easier. Typically the second tank uses a hybrid spec and carries some DPS gear for the fights where only one tank is needed.


For 16 man runs you definitely should be taking two tanks, and a lot of bosses require two. Pylons in EV, The twin merc bosses in karagga's, and we found that having an extra dps-tank for the fabricator boss in karagga's helps as well, as you can taunt back and forth when the armor reduction debuff on your tank gets too high.


Could also just be an issue of your guild not being large enough yet. We field two raid groups a week, and we're almost to the point of running three.

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Because no matter what, tanks and healers will always be in demand because they are outnumbered by the deepsers.


Tank yes, but healers? With the amount of sages rockin the servers there's never a shortage of healers. I've been stuck in groups with several healers with my sawbones scoundrel... Mind you it takes longer, but is actually easier.

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Cleared all of 8 man NiM with one tank (I ran jugg dps (rage spec) OT for jarg/sorno and the Droid boss in KP).


We have also cleared 16 man NiM 10/10 and that DEFINITELY requires two tanks. Annihilator droid requires 2.5 (2 and an OT with 23-24k health). Sorno and Jarg require 2.5 as well, due to the CC going on. Most of the other bosses are one-tankable though

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Melee dps in tank gear for jarg/sorno and simi fights. chain cc the arks with good healers etc etc, Everything thus far can be done with one tank... I know cause Im a shadow who geared as tank and is now rolling as dps in order to be in Operations. Every boss fight is a DPS race so you either need a pretend tank or DPS'ers who can carry the slack


...but...isn't that... still... two tanks???


Okay, I'll give it to ya, it's not two tank speced tanks, but you still have two guys, in tanking gear, doing tanky things that keep the rest of the group from being murdered.


Sounds like the complaint isn't that they (those encounters) require only one tank, but that they are not difficult/hard hitting enough that both tanks need to be tank speced, as well as geared and at least knowlegeable in the art and science of tanking, to complete.


...because for most groups, it isn't not-tank-spec tanks dieing that end fights with a wipe, it's enrage timers, yes? 'Course, whenever there is a wipe that began with the tank dying, 80% of the time the blame is placed at the feet of the healer(s), whether they are really at fault or not...

Edited by Foefaller
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The only EV Fight that remotely requires two Tanks is the Annihilation Droid (when he knocks back the Tank, the second highest threat needs to be able to tank it long enough for the MT to get back).



Obviously Jarg and Sorno requires two Tanks, but that is KP.


No you dont need two tanks for that... I dont know how to respond cause I dont tank but Its not been an issue... tank gets knocked back then "Storms" in and taunts. Simple.

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We typically run two tanks in our raids, it may not be necessary but it does make things much easier. Typically the second tank uses a hybrid spec and carries some DPS gear for the fights where only one tank is needed.


For 16 man runs you definitely should be taking two tanks, and a lot of bosses require two. Pylons in EV, The twin merc bosses in karagga's, and we found that having an extra dps-tank for the fabricator boss in karagga's helps as well, as you can taunt back and forth when the armor reduction debuff on your tank gets too high.


Could also just be an issue of your guild not being large enough yet. We field two raid groups a week, and we're almost to the point of running three.


you do need two tanks for 16 EV cause of the Adds, but once again Im the

"off tank" most of the time. I run Dps AC and use tank gear, Im also a shadow.

Edited by Tinmancreeping
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...but...isn't that... still... two tanks???


Okay, I'll give it to ya, it's not two tank speced tanks, but you still have two guys, in tanking gear, doing tanky things that keep the rest of the group from being murdered.


Sounds like the complaint isn't that they (those encounters) require only one tank, but that they are not difficult/hard hitting enough that both tanks need to be tank speced, as well as geared and at least knowlegeable in the art and science of tanking, to complete.


...because for most groups, it isn't not-tank-spec tanks dieing that end fights with a wipe, it's enrage timers, yes? 'Course, whenever there is a wipe that began with the tank dying, 80% of the time the blame is placed at the feet of the healer(s), whether they are really at fault or not...


Well Its a dpser in tanking gear, only thing that changes is he would use his taunt, so really It still feels like Dps roll and not a tank roll. Yes you can do two tanks if u have good dps, One tank if u have good healers, or w/e the guild prefers. Honeslty they need to beef up NM mode and add higher chance for rakata then Focus on putting out multi tank content cause 1 tank and 1 offtank is silly.

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I can see that, but I guess I should mentioned that while I was a Warrior in WoW, I stopped playing long before dual specs were implemented, and doing anything other than tanking as a tank speced warrior at that time was about as entertaining as a pencil in the eye, so the idea of someone other than the MTs of a major raid tanking things while not tank specced is not a bizzare, unnatural concept to me, and why I think of a tank as "a guy who is tanking" and not "a guy who is speced for tanking".


...and that was, at the time, 2 guys in a group of 40 (and later 20), not 1 guy + an offtank in a group of 8 (or 16), So I would say there is a larger market for level capped tank-speced tanks now than what that *other* MMO had at this time in it's life. :p


EDIT: And I'm sure they'll made 16-man ops that require more than two people tanking when they have ops that were build to be 16-man from the ground up: There isn't much you can change to the dynamics of an 8-man op to fit the 1 tank/1 healer/2 dps metric nearly everything else goes by without it becoming an almost entirely different operation.

Edited by Foefaller
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