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How to get 6+ tokens in pvp as comando gunnary


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Im struggling latley to get more then 6 awards in pvp as my gunnary trooper(lvl32)

Quick shot 10 kills 75k damage n 2 defence awards is about it laltey, i rarley get healing crits and struggle to get any of the healing awards, Am i doing something very wrong here or is it just an level issue?

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2.5k Heal

5l Heal

(Both from Shockfrozen)

75k damage

10 kills

25 kills

1 Killing Blow

2.5k Single Hit


I can get the 75k healing reliably in Huttball where I can self damage and heal with Shockfrozen, but it's tricky getting it somewhere else.

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Whaaaat - It's impossible to get defense medals as commando.


Your thinking of protection. Defense is easily gotten in alderaan, pretty easy in huttball. dont think you can get it in voidstar. Still tho, solo kill, killing blow, 10 and 25 kills, 75k dmg is easy to get, eventually 2.5k hit and heals is easy.

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Your thinking of protection. Defense is easily gotten in alderaan, pretty easy in huttball. dont think you can get it in voidstar. Still tho, solo kill, killing blow, 10 and 25 kills, 75k dmg is easy to get, eventually 2.5k hit and heals is easy.


Only possible on Alderran defending objectives. Can't see how you can get defender points in huttball unless it's another bonus being described.

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I know I get defender points on Assassin by taunting the person attacking the ball carrier as well as guarding him. (This is in addition to protection obviously). Maybe just from attacking a person directly attacking a ball carrier? I seem to recall getting it on my Sniper before aswell,but I could be wrong on that.
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I know I get defender points on Assassin by taunting the person attacking the ball carrier as well as guarding him. (This is in addition to protection obviously). Maybe just from attacking a person directly attacking a ball carrier? I seem to recall getting it on my Sniper before aswell,but I could be wrong on that.


I have gotten defender medal in hutt ball too. I would have to agree and say you get it from attacking players attack ball carrier as a dps. I have gotten defender points in hutt ball on my scoundrel by healing ball carrier.


Possible to get 5k medal in one hit? I am only 25

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Post shockfrozen removal I usually do 6 - 9 medals as dps ( Assault ) in Champion gear. Same principle should apply to Gunnery. Yesterday we won an Alderaan pug where I had 9


75 k Damage

2.5 k Damage Single Hit

10 Kills

25 Kills

1 Killing Blow

1 Solo Kill

2.5 K Single Heal

1 K Defender Points

3 K Defender Points


I would recommend focus on winning rather then medals ... those tend to come indirectly with gear and right situations.

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Finally got "Immortal" during a Huttball match last night. The other team was mostly fresh 50's and quite uncoordinated, plus I'm in full champ/BM gear. In which case, I can stat-pad like a dirty, dirty bastard. It just seems damn near impossible for our class to get it, seeing as we can't receive the Guardian Medals. The nine medals were:


2.5k hit

75k damage

300k damage

2.5k heal

One vs One kill

Killing Blow

1k Protection

10 kills

25 kills


This wouldn't have happened if it were against our server's A-team. I'm usually on their CC/Blow the hell up list.


Immortal is possible, Commandos! Now go reach that shiny little star! :cool:





Edit: I should add that as soon as it was announced, their ENTIRE team hunted me down and blew me to bits. I took it as a form of affection.

Edited by Ronnam
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