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Where is the complaint box for Flashpoints?

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What the hell is up with Severin in Battle of Ilum? Random kill people for no reason or warning with full health powers are FREAKING AWESOME! Can I haz those please?


4 man group, 2 Ranged DPS a full Tank and a full Healer, with a backup healer. We kill the defender, duck for cover and he just blips in and out as he pleases, we try and manage agro and keep heals up, and boom , we all just fall over dead



no graphice, no feedback, no warm up, just dead..


If I continue to encounter such krap you betcha I'll be beck in here giving you an ear full. I Didn't do any flash points because you designed the game so as one can completely ignore them till end game. Experiencing them now, my amusement and enchantment with the system is fading fast.


It is simply lazy slack programming that makes it ok to super charge NPCs with effects and abilities that far over compensate for what players have. It is not fun to constantly get handed your head by an NPC using abilities you had never seen in the entire game till then. Using special 'plot' related powers is barely tolerable because if you are going to follow that route there had better be some conversation option or item in the zone to assist with making it actually balance and fun.


If this is all I can expect and more of it, I think I may go back to DDO. Least they know how to write and design an instanced dungeon, and its free to play.

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I just ran it and I can say that he is glitched right now. He was going into his defensive screen way too often. He doesn't respond to taunts or a threat table at all. He would just turn and 1 shot my DPS for no reason(with his auto-attack). His adds were unresponsive to taunts as well. They walked through my Challenging Call and Force Sweep and killed my healer, then the boss 1 shot everyone else. He goes into defensive screen when he pops his adds. Then he goes into it again for no reason. Then again. Then again. 3 times before the second wave of adds even spawned, 1 shotting people as he pleased with no aggro table again. The fight turned out to be impossible. I've done this boss many times before with the same group. We've never had these issues before. Right now I suggest avoiding the Battle of Ilum. Edited by KiranK
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