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Is it just me, or does assault feel like more dps over gunnery?


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I leveled up as gunnery pretty much the entire game and two nights ago I decided to try out assault spec. I'm level 50 btw with mostly blues and a few purples with no set pieces yet. Anyway, assault feels like it puts out more damage than gunnery.


One of the big reasons why is when a target is taking burn damage, charged bolts hits for just as much as grav round and sometimes even more. My grav rounds hit for ~1400 and crit for ~2200. My average charged bolts hit for ~1400 and crit for ~2300 and I've seen them crit for 2950.


Full auto on the other hand doesn't hit as hard which is a given. When it procs on my gunnery spec it ticks for ~900 and crits for ~1800 a tick. Assault is more like ~700 and crits for ~1400 or so. What's odd is I no longer have the talent which increases full auto dmg by 33% and it hits for roughly the same damage as a non procced full auto from gunnery tree.


High impact bolt hits for more in assault spec even when compared to gunnery 5 stack grav round on target and 5 stack grav round on self. I regularly see 3100 crits in assault spec and in gunnery I rarely saw over 2500.


Finally, assault plastique hits for about the same as demo round even with 5 stacks so those are a wash.


Anyway, it seems like the core moves hit for about the same damage but the difference is the burn damage. The burn damage really adds up and it's basically extra dot damage while doing the same damage with your other moves. So far I'm really liking it. And I'm wondering what others think of the assault build and the damage it does and how they also think it compares. For now, I feel like it puts out more dps. How about you?

Edited by genesiser
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Assault definitely puts out more damage. But its AoE and Dot centered. i get around 400k with assault and about 300k with Gunnery.


But its easier to maintain pressure with gunnery (ammo management) and its faster and easier to kill people, because you really have insane burst. In addition, your survivability is incredibly higher with gunnery (increased knockback, damageshield from Gravround, decreased cd on tenacity and so forth) and the armor debuff from gravround is good for your team. Also keep in mind, that 2 gunnerys put seperate gravround-armordebuffs on a target, but they will add to your demo round damage. so if you have 2 or 3 gunnerys, your gravround alone will be able to hit for up to 10k and more.


Also, incendiary round can be removed by any tech-debuff-remover and gravround debuff cant).

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At 50, I played for a month as gunnery.


I've switched to assault. Any BM geared anything can absolutely shut me down now, with LoS/stunlocks/interrupts - I find that I can't kill anyone with 1/2 a brain.nassault I can still wreak havoc.


That said, gunnery is stupid easy to kill people that are unaware or don't know any of the key concepts of PvP. Or if you can find a decent spot to go unnoticed for a few seconds.


More and more I fiend myself being focused down as a gunnery trooper. Now, with assault, I feel like I have a chance against other BMs.


Anyone that says gunnery is overpowered is smokin the cheeba because as soon as any competent player gets on you - they should be able to win the 1v1 fight.

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Gunnery is about 10x better than assault, by far. I like switching back and forth to mix things up, and after a couple weeks of assault, I switched back to gunnery, drop into a warzone and drop more than 100k more than my highest as an assault. If you have competent melee teammates, gunnery **** **** up. No way any assault dudes are dropping 500k damage a match. Assault is much more fun, though, and against smarter people is better for 1v1s. Edited by Kmana
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Assault puts out more damage, it's just a lot of people can't tell. And when you engage in PvP with smart opponents assault heavily out dps's gunnery because of LoS issues.


As to survivability. That too is higher with assault if you're doing it correctly. Dump points into reactive shield talents so it's up constantly. Combo reactive sheild with adren rush, tech overdrive heal, and a medpack - you become infinitely hard to kill. About the only place gunnery takes the lead over assault in terms of survivability is in hutball due to stockstrike kb and decreased concuss cooldown. In hutball KB is actually useful as it can knock enemies from one level to another relative to the Z-axis. For the most part KB doesn't mean much anywhere else as the ability for classes to close distance and slow in this game is a bit ridiculous.


I'm not saying assault will kill faster, but your damage per second has the potential to be higher simply because people can't run LoS a DoT once it's applied nor can the vanish to avoid an assault plastique that's already applied. In an ideal world gunnery would smoke assualt, but it all depends on enemy competence.


The smarter the enemy the more assault shines. The dumber the enemy the more gunnery takes the lead.

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Assault puts out more damage, it's just a lot of people can't tell. And when you engage in PvP with smart opponents assault heavily out dps's gunnery because of LoS issues.


As to survivability. That too is higher with assault if you're doing it correctly. Dump points into reactive shield talents so it's up constantly. Combo reactive sheild with adren rush, tech overdrive heal, and a medpack - you become infinitely hard to kill. About the only place gunnery takes the lead over assault in terms of survivability is in hutball due to stockstrike kb and decreased concuss cooldown. In hutball KB is actually useful as it can knock enemies from one level to another relative to the Z-axis. For the most part KB doesn't mean much anywhere else as the ability for classes to close distance and slow in this game is a bit ridiculous.


I'm not saying assault will kill faster, but your damage per second has the potential to be higher simply because people can't run LoS a DoT once it's applied nor can the vanish to avoid an assault plastique that's already applied. In an ideal world gunnery would smoke assualt, but it all depends on enemy competence.


The smarter the enemy the more assault shines. The dumber the enemy the more gunnery takes the lead.


Just wanted to tell you about "smart opponents". They cleanse the dots almost instantly. I remove mine and opponents the sec they are out of LOS so it cant be re-applied. Also, our aoe knockback is a great peel for helping out your healer. it grants a slow as well so he can get out of los and throw some uniterupted heals

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