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*SWTOR SPOILERS* The Mask of Darth Nihilus


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I have always wondered if Darth Nihilus' mask, which is rumored to allow anyone(Even normally non-Force wielders)who wore it to wield the Force as if they were an apprentice, was left on the Ravager or taken by Surik(The Exile)or possibly Visas. If it was taken, I could entertain the possibility of a new villain donning the mask and becoming the new Lord of Hunger, which really isn't likely but I can dream. :)


Nihilus' holocron makes an appearance in the Smuggler storyline if I am correct. And Bioware has files for HK-51(as a companion)which was originally planned to be in KOTOR 2 but was cut.


Wookieepedia's article: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mask_of_Darth_Nihilus


I personally would love the Lord of Hunger returning in some form, he was pretty spectacular for a villain despite the lackluster fight in KOTOR 2. I mean, consuming planets near-instantaneously is no small feat. Along with no Surik to counter-act him with her also being a wound in the Force, Nihilus could wreak immense havoc.

Edited by ForswornKnight
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Never understood the obsession with Darth Nihilus myself. Sure he sounds good on paper, but notice how Kreia, the Exile, and even Visas tear down his mystique.


this was back on the xbox...I would love to see these games get revamped for the 360 and have 72+ hours of gameplay to fully explain the games...besides the nihilus fight was weak, very weak... they really need to revamp kotor and publish them on the 360...with achievements and dlc leading up to tor.

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  • 5 months later...
I have always wondered if Darth Nihilus' mask, which is rumored to allow anyone(Even normally non-Force wielders)who wore it to wield the Force as if they were an apprentice, was left on the Ravager or taken by Surik(The Exile)or possibly Visas. If it was taken, I could entertain the possibility of a new villain donning the mask and becoming the new Lord of Hunger, which really isn't likely but I can dream. :)


Nihilus' holocron makes an appearance in the Smuggler storyline if I am correct. And Bioware has files for HK-51(as a companion)which was originally planned to be in KOTOR 2 but was cut.


Wookieepedia's article: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mask_of_Darth_Nihilus


I personally would love the Lord of Hunger returning in some form, he was pretty spectacular for a villain despite the lackluster fight in KOTOR 2. I mean, consuming planets near-instantaneously is no small feat. Along with no Surik to counter-act him with her also being a wound in the Force, Nihilus could wreak immense havoc.


and funny how your wish came through Darth Nihilus Mask

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So disliking the basic ****, death and now picking apart the carcass of my favourite game, is hating? okay then....


Internet logic ftw.


I Quite like the idea of a new lord of hunger. Not anywhere near as powerful as Nihilus im sure, but it would make sense for an Inquisitor chapter 4? I mean, binding all the ghosts is a nice prequel to becoming lord of hunger, etc... And "Inq name" Lord of Huger, would make a great title :D

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I Quite like the idea of a new lord of hunger. Not anywhere near as powerful as Nihilus im sure, but it would make sense for an Inquisitor chapter 4? I mean, binding all the ghosts is a nice prequel to becoming lord of hunger, etc... And "Inq name" Lord of Huger, would make a great title :D


Oh gosh...I hadn't considered this...I...I love it.

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Oh gosh...I hadn't considered this...I...I love it.


A thank you, thank you very much ;)


That idea popped into my head, but i love it.... It sounds great to me :D Hope to god bioware implement it... I can just see it now.....

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A thank you, thank you very much ;)


That idea popped into my head, but i love it.... It sounds great to me :D Hope to god bioware implement it... I can just see it now.....


Damnit now you are making me want to play an inquisitor! Though to do it right I will have to install a shock collar system to make me not choose lightside options like I have done for my other 7 toons...

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Damnit now you are making me want to play an inquisitor! Though to do it right I will have to install a shock collar system to make me not choose lightside options like I have done for my other 7 toons...


Lol, i thought the same until i played my inquisitor. The dark side choices are just so wonderful i didnt need it ;)

Am posting this chapter 4 idea in the class discusion area for anyone wanting to carry on with this, will post the link in a minute...

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People are always hating on mmo's its like they dont know what they want. first claiming its a wow rip off. no its not its build on the skeleton frame from wow. after that the looks and all the rest is unique. you mine as well say humans are a rip of from each other. we have the same bone structure for the most of the time everything besides that is unique. dna and all that.


Now for claiming this game is falling apart is also lame. you have to understand BW cant start creating mass effect gear, deadspace gear look a like. being in this box of game from the star wars franchise i think bw is kinda limited to the gear creation cuz you really have to stay in the box of this franchise while other games can expand as much as they want.


So i for one am glad that they are trying to bring some cool stuff in with out creating stuff that absolutely dont fit like the gear they added in as high ranking pvp sigh...


and before your comment on how the mask dont fit. Darth Bane and Darth Krayt even found the mask why would it be so not be fitting for us to not find it?




on the otherhand they should have made it a limited item. then everyone would be satisfied



for those who want to make Swtor custume http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-Darth-Nihilus-mask-from-the-game-KOT/?ALLSTEPS

Edited by Rakugo
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I noticed some chapter 4 discussion and i actually have a thread for that ,Chapter 4 ideas. On the subject of Nihilus's mask i think the question has an obvius answer. The dread masters, They found the mask and figured out how to make more. Then realizing a sign of profit and mahem, they gave there hutt allies the masks who in turn began selling the masks for a considerable sum of commedations on the republic and imperial fleet and on Nar Shadaa.


This answer has logic, accuracy with current lore, and a reason why the hutts have the mask as aposed to the jedi or sith.

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I noticed some chapter 4 discussion and i actually have a thread for that ,Chapter 4 ideas. On the subject of Nihilus's mask i think the question has an obvius answer. The dread masters, They found the mask and figured out how to make more. Then realizing a sign of profit and mahem, they gave there hutt allies the masks who in turn began selling the masks for a considerable sum of commedations on the republic and imperial fleet and on Nar Shadaa.


This answer has logic, accuracy with current lore, and a reason why the hutts have the mask as aposed to the jedi or sith.


So, you basically came here to promote your on thread and give one of your ideas like its proven fact, not a theory?


One word my friend


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]this was back on the xbox...I would love to see these games get revamped for the 360 and have 72+ hours of gameplay to fully explain the games...besides the nihilus fight was weak, very weak... they really need to revamp kotor and publish them on the 360...with achievements and dlc leading up to tor.


I would love to see this on the 360 both kotor games were amazing


also will this mask be avalible for a jedi knight and what atributes will it add strength or willpower maby aim or cunning for smuggler or trooper:confused::rak_02:

Edited by yoyoyda
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So, you basically came here to promote your on thread and give one of your ideas like its proven fact, not a theory?


One word my friend



no im not i just think it makes the most sense. If you think i was trying to state it as fact then maybe i should have phrased it differently.

and btw


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My Lore is a bit spacey lol What does the mask do, for an already powerful force user?


Still giggling about Darth Mittens comment :p


The mask enhances force users power, no matter how powerful the force user was.

As to the mask, and nihilus himself, the mask along with his robes held his force together, and allowed him to walk around as if he was human.

Hope i helped :)

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