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The UNOFFICIAL "Left out in the cold" Thread. Let's huddle up together.


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You're not even supposed to be playing the game. You are in the Red Zone. None of you can complain about anything to BioWare.


Why are you here anyway? Oh thats right just to be a jerk. You already have game access but here you sit TROLLING like a 10 year old. Then you have the nerve to judge other people. Go play your game and stop being THAT guy.

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If you express your disappointment in hate-filled rage on the internet where you blame everyone else for your shortcomings, you need to cancel your game purchase and put that money towards therapy instead.


^ this is called trolling. Usually rude people with no lives do it. I wouldn't bother debating with this person.

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I'm disappointed personally.


My pre-order was from August, but due to Best Buy I wasn't able to get my code until the 9th of December.


I had to contact BioWare to fix my pre-order issue.


I finally was given my code by BioWare because Best Buy repeatedly lied to me and gave me a run around.


Was my entry date altered despite the fact that I clearly had to present BioWare with a photograph of my receipt? No. I ended up missing out when I should have been in Early Access two days ago.


The thing is I am not angry with BioWare.


I am... Annoyed... That BioWare went with "date of redemption" rather than "date of pre-order" due to all of the problems with pre-orders and codes that were a well known issue for months... Though I can't truly blame BioWare for that.


I am annoyed at Best Buy and have requested that both the manager on duty and two employees that lied to my face regarding the pre-order code situation be reprimanded for incompetence.


(Yes, I told them how the pre-order code program worked, and they assured me that BioWare had not given Best Buy any codes and that it would be sorted out soon... *glare at Best Buy*)


But yeah... Feeling left out in the cold a bit.

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^ this is called trolling. Usually rude people with no lives do it. I wouldn't bother debating with this person.


Nope, that is called common sense.


Disappointment is a fact of life. I was disappointed that I didn't get into beta until November. I've been signed up for it since August of 2010. That is a big time difference over people pre-ordering last week and not getting into the game today.


However, I did not take my disappointment and come on the forums making thread after thread insulting BioWare, telling them their game is going to fail now, mocking their "9-5" day mentality, and all the other stupid stuff I have read over the past 3 days. I sucked up my disappointment(like a boss) and entertained myself with other things. And when my time finally did come, I was ecstatic and enjoyed myself.


Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.

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When did a thread that was all about sitting around the fire roasting marshmallows turn into people pointing fingers at each other and trying to poke eachothers eyes out?



I like how you keep changing ur signature.. i dnt know who else is noticing it.

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When everyone else had early access, we were out here, holding the fort. When everyone retreated into the virtual world, we stood our ground and covered them. Out in the cold, keeping the fires burning, the unsung heroes of the EGA.


I like! :cool:

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Nope, that is called common sense.


Disappointment is a fact of life. I was disappointed that I didn't get into beta until November. I've been signed up for it since August of 2010. That is a big time difference over people pre-ordering last week and not getting into the game today.


However, I did not take my disappointment and come on the forums making thread after thread insulting BioWare, telling them their game is going to fail now, mocking their "9-5" day mentality, and all the other stupid stuff I have read over the past 3 days. I sucked up my disappointment(like a boss) and entertained myself with other things. And when my time finally did come, I was ecstatic and enjoyed myself.


Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.



The fact that you think you are informing anyone of anything is hilarious.

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