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The UNOFFICIAL "Left out in the cold" Thread. Let's huddle up together.


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This is the most excited I've ever been for an MMO after beta. I was really disappointed with DCUO beta, but I gave it a second shot and bought the game and it was an utter failure. Rift was a bit better and I had some excitement after their beta, but that faded quickly after launch.


This game had me salivating after beta.


When you don't sound like an ******e, you actually come off as someone who has a good perspective.

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How does everyone know there is one wave left? Here is something for ya. I ordered and pre-ordered the game on December 13th and I will be in on the same wave that the December 7th people are on. Messes with your mind eh? I am in the cold too though and I see why others are feeling cold as well. Is December 7th the day gamestop started giving out codes? makes me think I should only order online so I don't have to wait for a physical thing. Gamestop should be super pissed at bioware for screwing over all the people that bought through gamestop. okay I am done whining now. I will see everyone on tomorrow in the last last wave.
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How does everyone know there is one wave left? Here is something for ya. I ordered and pre-ordered the game on December 13th and I will be in on the same wave that the December 7th people are on. Messes with your mind eh? I am in the cold too though and I see why others are feeling cold as well. Is December 7th the day gamestop started giving out codes? makes me think I should only order online so I don't have to wait for a physical thing. Gamestop should be super pissed at bioware for screwing over all the people that bought through gamestop. okay I am done whining now. I will see everyone on tomorrow in the last last wave.


Yeah I Pre-Ordered from Gamestop and never got a code. Ran in there raging on the 13th. Push came to shove and I got my code. And I look on FB after my midterms to see what waves go lol.

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For those of you spouting the "well they said you could play UP TO 5 days early, stop whining" They also didn't say that people could play up to 7 days early either. Anyone here who was invited the first few days, would be feeling the same way if other players were allowed into game prior to you.


It's not even about how many days I get, I wouldn't care if it was only 2 days EA, but the fact of the matter is that 95-97% of the community is in game currently - There is such a small minuscule amount of players sitting on the outside looking in tonight that it's honestly stupid that they don't just invite the rest of the pre-orders to play prior to the maint. tonight.


What is the issue with letting these players in? The fact is there isn't one, except for customer negligence. This is the true issue here.


Games like this are competitive by nature, people are rushing to 50 in the aspirations of being US or World top whatever, playing with their guildies, leveling with their guildies, and this prohibits that to an extent. Anyone who pre-ordered should've had the same "even" playing field.


If they wanted to give an advantage to those players who pre-ordered earlier, the only type of advantage they should've recieved was selecting character names, thats it, not literal game advantages such as leveling headstarts.


I know that 90% of people who read this post will not agree, but in the famous words of Clark Gable, Frankly my dear I don't give a damn.


Totally agree with you

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This is really disappointing that I didn't get in today even though i registered my code in early december... I have to leave on a trip tomorrow and may not even get to try the game first. I was all signed up before they even started advertising that you could play up to 5 days early. I've been waiting patiently for 3 days. This is getting tiresome. Edited by Krede
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Dec 13th Here. Do you think I will get in tomorrow?



im positive you get in today ( its 1:29 in my country ). They said todays is gonna be one final wave. It will include all who pre ordered the game. This all was mentioned on twitter.

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Easy to grow tired of it when your already playing.


My best friend pre-ordered on Dec. 5 and got in on the last wave today. He never came to the forums complaining that I got in and he didn't.


I kept telling him for months he should pre-order. He was worried about getting burned and held off. He wishes now that he hadn't. He doesn't blame BioWare for it and did not feel the need to post ridiculous threads talking about how much of a failure they are or how unfair things are.

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All I have to say is that they did 8 waves today. 8. That is as many as they did in the first 2 days. We will all be in by 8am CST tomorrow. And our beginning planets will b mostly empty after 12+hrs of play time for those who got in today.

Yes I'm disappointed but they did say up to 5 days. Well I for one will take 4. That means some weekend play time for me.

They also added a 2 day grace period today for inputing your game code.

See you in the morning.



+1 to you sir.

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My best friend pre-ordered on Dec. 5 and got in on the last wave today. He never came to the forums complaining that I got in and he didn't.


I kept telling him for months he should pre-order. He was worried about getting burned and held off. He wishes now that he hadn't. He doesn't blame BioWare for it and did not feel the need to post ridiculous threads talking about how much of a failure they are or how unfair things are.


Sounds like your friend isn't really all that excited. Lots of other people are. You seem to think everyone has the same interest level in the game. Flawed logic if so.

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