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The UNOFFICIAL "Left out in the cold" Thread. Let's huddle up together.


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well here we are again end of another day and still no EGA


can almost feel myself going mad with the darkside pulling me towards the evil path :(




breaks into song :-


We are family , i got all my jedi's and me !

We are the Bioware minority !

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Haha, i was overjoyed when i saw them making it into december and then seeing december 7 me and my mates were saying "surely they would not leave such a small amount of people out in the cold, we are getting in guys!"


Guess I was wrong, I just find it amusing how they choose to give up on the finishing line, during the day I saw more and more people here regaining their trust in Bioware and even saying "Hey, this launch could have been worse".


So to Bioware, you could have repaired the damage this launch caused by invinting the last few thousand pre-orders but choose not to, why?

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Have 7 friends already playing.


I was the last one who jumped on the swtor train, haha

Its definately gonna suck busting my *** to catch up to them.


Its not Big or anything, its only a few days, but the release definately has lost some excitement and kinda feels ho hum at the moment..


i was so optimistic after i saw wave 5,6, & 7 go out. i knew for sure we would all get in tonight. but alas !


the first shift people called it a day and went home and left the one week lefters out in the cold. The second shift are probably all techs dealing with customer service issues and server related issues. Guess we will have to wait until the first shift office people have their coffee and come in tomorrow morn.


I will see you guys tomorrow morning. Im gonna call in to work tomorrow so i can enjoy my release. maybe spark it back up and get some of the excitement back. Hope to meet you guys in game soon.


Playing on Port Nowhere with my friends.

So Done with Warcraft. Loving a change. :cool:

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think thats bad? in the december thread all the people that put in their code on december 7th got in....i didn't. blah


I put my code in early Dec 7th. Didn't get in. Yet I'm seeing folks saying Dec 8th and 9th who got in. I'm a little pissed atm.

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The reason I am dissapointed with not getting in sooner (I am still not in atm) is that all my guildies are in. So now I get to listen to them play and be behind on everything. Gonna be awesome doing all the quests and flashpoints by myself. I preordered in September. Oh wells, thats what I get for going to a store and not doing it on Origin like all the smart people.
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For those of you spouting the "well they said you could play UP TO 5 days early, stop whining" They also didn't say that people could play up to 7 days early either. Anyone here who was invited the first few days, would be feeling the same way if other players were allowed into game prior to you.


It's not even about how many days I get, I wouldn't care if it was only 2 days EA, but the fact of the matter is that 95-97% of the community is in game currently - There is such a small minuscule amount of players sitting on the outside looking in tonight that it's honestly stupid that they don't just invite the rest of the pre-orders to play prior to the maint. tonight.


What is the issue with letting these players in? The fact is there isn't one, except for customer negligence. This is the true issue here.


Games like this are competitive by nature, people are rushing to 50 in the aspirations of being US or World top whatever, playing with their guildies, leveling with their guildies, and this prohibits that to an extent. Anyone who pre-ordered should've had the same "even" playing field.


If they wanted to give an advantage to those players who pre-ordered earlier, the only type of advantage they should've recieved was selecting character names, thats it, not literal game advantages such as leveling headstarts.


I know that 90% of people who read this post will not agree, but in the famous words of Clark Gable, Frankly my dear I don't give a damn.

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Honestly what bothers me the most is the heavy handed forum moderation. It shows that Bioware really doesn't care about the concerns of the community instead they care more about controlling the responses from the players to the so called mistakes Bioware has made.
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there are more than 20000 not in game.......try a few hundred thousand not in game yet I pre ordered december 2nd and some of me guildies that ordered few days before me are in i think they did all the november pre-orders tomarrow will be december then. Too bad i have to work /cry :(
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