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The UNOFFICIAL "Left out in the cold" Thread. Let's huddle up together.


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This is really one of the dumbest unexplainable things I've seen. It violates EVERY bullet point as to why they are doing a gradual early access. There is no way the last remaining specks of pre-orders would dent the servers.


FU Bioware.


you sad little person you, 10,000's of people got in today with no server crahses and only some ques and your still not happy. I think you should put your last name on that bottom line instead of Bioware's.

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Staggered early-access is pretty stupid, to be honest. I would have rather they waited until launch day. It sucks especially if your friends didn't get in the same wave as you, so someone either has to wait to level with you or reroll characters. Nothing about it makes sense. I can only assume they were just afraid their servers would buckle if they let everyone in at once on Tuesday.


I understand they're trying to reward the people who blindly preordered day one, but let me tell you how thrilling it is to come into a game and have world-firsts done before it's official launch. The whole thing is just... stupid and lazy.

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Remember this my brethren, whatever server you end up on we must start a guild called the Decemberest so we shall never forget. I am honored to be among you.


I agree wholeheartedly.


8th of December and now apparently a member of the <FinalWave>


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My uncle got invited he was on the 25th of november (I would to but fricking best buy screwed up) so i was on the second of december.. i thought they might go atleasst into part of december i was hopefull.. but all well it didnt. WE HAVELESS THEN 24 HOURS PEOPLE !!!!!!


i would be in if best buy didnt screw up... my uncles at work so he let me enter his account to save character names (Including my main name) so i go to experince a few cut scenes and moving around a few feet.. i laged.. i have a dell xps computer and i laged... sure its a heavy server but still..

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Well, I WAS considering taking tomorrow off - but now since I'm going to be one of the last joiners (recent purchase) I'd hate to take the day off only to wait around refreshing my inbox until the time I'd be getting off work anyway lol.
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I know that feel bro.


I got an email that said "Your Saga Begins".....and I was like OMGWTFBBQ but then I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo when I opened it. It was just an email like the previous one.


No email, my saga has not begun.

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The only thing to look forward to is it's Thursday.


Which means a new hero in DotA 2. At least I have something awesome to kill time with until tomorrow.


Best part about tomorrow is I'm going to probably be let in only for them to do maintenance at 2 p.m. for four hours. WoOoOooOO~

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