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Jedi Knight.


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PvP. The only reason to stick around a game. :p


I could be wrong however, which I most likely am. But it just seems that melee characters are at a HUGE disadvantage when it comes to PvP.


From what I can tell, a fairly high cooldown gap closer, little to no damage, atleast on my Jedi Knight, and basically the tanking ability of the squishiest player on the field. Mind you, she's only 20...but levels can't give such a dramatic imrovement with the current equality buff you get in PvP. Basically the only way for me to do anything, is for a healer to focus on me while I rush into a fight. Also, pray to god I don't have to fight a Operative haha...

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Knights take a long time to mature in pvp.


We get reasonable in our late 30's as we get many of our core skills between 36 and 50.

It's not really fair... but, it is how it is. The Devs have also stated that we lack survivability and that they may address this at some point. I have also seen Dev posts where they say we are perfectly blanced... ROTFL


In addition to perform on equal footing with other classes JK have more skills and cooldowns to monitor.


For instance in Pvp I must use these skills perfectly and in the right order while maintaing a 5 meter distance to my target through stuns etc... to stand any chance of killing any class and I must do so perfectly at level 43 where I most likely out level the class in a Warzone by up to but not limited to 20 levels. The fact that I can do this amazes me but some how I monitor and use:


Saber Throw,




Overhead Slash,



Force Push,

Force Stasis,

Blade Barrier,





2 artifacts, medpacks and

soon (can't wait)



My councelor can kill reliably kill a player and also lead the healing and damage boards in the same WarZones at level 15 with the abilities...


Force Project

Mind Bomb or whatever and

Throw big stone...


2 heals





so it's kinda balanced around 49 right before you get thrown into level 50 endgame content and are once again at the bottom of the pvp world...


but then after you have managed to scrape together gear while being completely face pwnt by the exploiters in full gear... you may be on equal pvp footing if you can manage your 17 plus skills as well as they manage 5.


It's not bad... most MMO pvp'ers are horibad... so as long as your me...you'll be fine!

Edited by VoidJustice
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At level 20 you're lacking a lot of very important control skills and talents and so on.


But yes survivability is an issue I think, at least for dps guardians.


If this isn't your first mmo then you know game balance isn't going to be immediate and will never be totally perfect (And you ought to know how worthless lowbie balance is...)

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Some very good advice and points here.


Yes, it's not my first MMO. But most MMO's don't throw lowbies into a warzone with higher levels either.


So, basically I need to play perfectly, with flawlessly smooth skills to actually be good at PvP with the Jedi Knight, on top of having to be a higher level...haha?


However I do enjoy a challenge, but for now I think I'll just stick to my easy Trooper/Consular and come and go with my Jedi Knight.


Really, I could care less about damage, I really just want some survivability. Don't know how the Dev's can come up with a statement saying they are perfectly balanced in every way. They must be smoking some good stuff haha.


I've always enjoyed playing Tanks in PvP, just being a initiater and a meatshield while your team mates kill everything has always been fine with me haha. Granted...you need a taunt that works on players to make that really effective. Which I think they should implement, if, and I mean a big apparent IF they touch on the surviability of the Jedi Knight, and all Tank classes.


Anyway, appreciate the advice and comments. Finally nice to come on a forum without angry raging people, throwing angry little comments at every thread haha.


Edit- However, I really do enjoy the WZ buff that puts skill vs skill rather than gear. 50 I think will be a sad day indeed, but for now atleast one can be on equal footing. Just a few minor touchs on class balances would put it over the bar.

Edited by Bogezzus
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I never noticed any difficulty as a Sentinel. During the release race to 50 I was almost always top damage / most kills. One v One I only have trouble with operatives and really good Shadows. A really good Gunslinger guildy of mine is always complaining about Sentinels. Another guildy is a DPS Guardian who wrecks in PvP. Know your class, try to understand your chances of success / survival in any situation and use it to your advantage. JK of either AC can be amazing in PvP and PvE.
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Some very good advice and points here.


Yes, it's not my first MMO. But most MMO's don't throw lowbies into a warzone with higher levels either.


So, basically I need to play perfectly, with flawlessly smooth skills to actually be good at PvP with the Jedi Knight, on top of having to be a higher level...haha?


However I do enjoy a challenge, but for now I think I'll just stick to my easy Trooper/Consular and come and go with my Jedi Knight.


Really, I could care less about damage, I really just want some survivability. Don't know how the Dev's can come up with a statement saying they are perfectly balanced in every way. They must be smoking some good stuff haha.


I've always enjoyed playing Tanks in PvP, just being a initiater and a meatshield while your team mates kill everything has always been fine with me haha. Granted...you need a taunt that works on players to make that really effective. Which I think they should implement, if, and I mean a big apparent IF they touch on the surviability of the Jedi Knight, and all Tank classes.


Anyway, appreciate the advice and comments. Finally nice to come on a forum without angry raging people, throwing angry little comments at every thread haha.

I believe the devs only said that the damage seemed about on par. And there's always going to be more or less complex classes too, to some extent that can be good since it gives different types of players options.


And I like the way taunts work in pvp in this game

Edited by Hyperionthethird
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Some very good advice and points here.


Yes, it's not my first MMO. But most MMO's don't throw lowbies into a warzone with higher levels either.


So, basically I need to play perfectly, with flawlessly smooth skills to actually be good at PvP with the Jedi Knight, on top of having to be a higher level...haha?


However I do enjoy a challenge, but for now I think I'll just stick to my easy Trooper/Consular and come and go with my Jedi Knight.


Really, I could care less about damage, I really just want some survivability. Don't know how the Dev's can come up with a statement saying they are perfectly balanced in every way. They must be smoking some good stuff haha.


I've always enjoyed playing Tanks in PvP, just being a initiater and a meatshield while your team mates kill everything has always been fine with me haha. Granted...you need a taunt that works on players to make that really effective. Which I think they should implement, if, and I mean a big apparent IF they touch on the surviability of the Jedi Knight, and all Tank classes.


Anyway, appreciate the advice and comments. Finally nice to come on a forum without angry raging people, throwing angry little comments at every thread haha.


Edit- However, I really do enjoy the WZ buff that puts skill vs skill rather than gear. 50 I think will be a sad day indeed, but for now atleast one can be on equal footing. Just a few minor touchs on class balances would put it over the bar.


dont knock 50 pvp until you actually try it. takes a little adjusting to at first but is 1000x more fun than pre 50 pvp. as far as JK, as with any class, if you learn your class and pvp alot you can do very well. sentinials can be monsters in pvp if played well, same with their sith counterparts.

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Read before you post. There are tons of threads discussing how melee has an inherent disadvantage to ranged, or how JK/SW are weak in PvP.


You can also try the actual Jedi Knight forums. >_>


Just lazy. And fills our forum pages with the same nonsense over and over. If you want answers, take the time to read. If you want to contribute, do so on the threads we are already discussing the issue.

Edited by miliways
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Some very good advice and points here.


Yes, it's not my first MMO. But most MMO's don't throw lowbies into a warzone with higher levels either.


So, basically I need to play perfectly, with flawlessly smooth skills to actually be good at PvP with the Jedi Knight, on top of having to be a higher level...haha?


However I do enjoy a challenge, but for now I think I'll just stick to my easy Trooper/Consular and come and go with my Jedi Knight.


Really, I could care less about damage, I really just want some survivability. Don't know how the Dev's can come up with a statement saying they are perfectly balanced in every way. They must be smoking some good stuff haha.


I've always enjoyed playing Tanks in PvP, just being a initiater and a meatshield while your team mates kill everything has always been fine with me haha. Granted...you need a taunt that works on players to make that really effective. Which I think they should implement, if, and I mean a big apparent IF they touch on the surviability of the Jedi Knight, and all Tank classes.


Anyway, appreciate the advice and comments. Finally nice to come on a forum without angry raging people, throwing angry little comments at every thread haha.


Edit- However, I really do enjoy the WZ buff that puts skill vs skill rather than gear. 50 I think will be a sad day indeed, but for now atleast one can be on equal footing. Just a few minor touchs on class balances would put it over the bar.


Taunts in this game Reduce Dmg Done to all temmates, Minus You. Guard + taunt Is a very good reason to target tanks...Especially if they know how to use CC. As for Squish tanks go, Shadows have it worse and like others have said, Knight tanking comes into it's own later on. IF you enjoy Tanking in pvp as I do and it sounds like you do , then stick with it, Level up and spam WZs a little less :)

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Ah, was waiting for a poster like Mili...well call me lazy, impatient, or whatever. It really matters not to me.


Also, about the 50 PvP post. Not that I'm knocking haha, it's just I heard quite a bit about the Republic side horror stories versus the Imperial side. There's also atwo sides to every coin, I am looking forward to 50 PvP, just not the challenge and pain I will feel getting on par with everyone else haha.

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Ah, was waiting for a poster like Mili...well call me lazy, impatient, or whatever. It really matters not to me.


Also, about the 50 PvP post. Not that I'm knocking haha, it's just I heard quite a bit about the Republic side horror stories versus the Imperial side. There's also atwo sides to every coin, I am looking forward to 50 PvP, just not the challenge and pain I will feel getting on par with everyone else haha.


Then why pvp? It's all bout the challenge, becoming the very best like no one ever was...

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