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I feel like playing a Combat Rogue


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I feel like playing a Combat Rogue without their CC abilities and stealth as a Marauder currently.


The class is fine when you have actually time to fight a single opponent, but as soon a 2nd one is opening the fire on you ..its gg with shields or without.


My problem is that in group pvp and in the battlegrounds it is rare that you have the option to find single targets without anyone else around in the 30m range. I say 30m range since almost all classes can attack you at this range without the need to get close.


My nightmare are currently commandos, they 4-shot me if they are only 3-5 lvl higher than me and hurt a lot alone with their normal gun fire...all from range and. And it takes more than 10 seconds for me to down them with their high amount of defence + their shield + 2 knockbacks, you can interrupt them but this all cost time...there is almost no time until the next opponent is getting into the 30m range.


I dont feel like weaksauce, the class is great and fine but in group pvp without support it is not... other classes are just dominating the whole gameplay with same dps around with higher surviveabiliy and with range.


Iam not really satisfied about this class when it comes to group pvp, its fun but the class needs some tweaking in future patches.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Don't fight alone, I mean I agree with you, Marauder is weak but it's never sensible to fight alone. Heck I've teamed up with one of my assassin guildies in PvP WZs before where he'd run in front of me and with me being visible most people would focus on me while he gets behind them where we would then double team them by surprise. Early on in the battle I'll force choke the victim leaving them defenseless against my partner in crime...


given that Marauder has no way to check for invisible enemy it's madness to attack alone and even when defending, if you are defending something alone and you see one person come at you, call it because there maybe a stealth player that you can't see. I've got many a kill with that tactic. I do agree that in terms of survivability marauder is under-powered but even if we weren't, it'd be a stupid thing to rush in to WZ battles one on one anyway.

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Yeahh...thx. Iam already curious how gameplay looks like at lvl 40-50, the dmg output has to raise a lot otherwise I would be disappointed since lvl 36-38 commandos can kill me in 5-6 seconds without much effort or skill needed, their dps is insane. Iam mid 30 currently around, its not my first class which is a late bloomer in swtor so I have the patience but I had to talk about how the class succeeds for me at the moment and its just a dual sword rogue in leather armor without stealth lol. Edited by BobaFurz
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I kind of agree with you OP, but if another person jumps you as you said you still have force camo, predation, and aoe mez, even force leaping to a distant enemy --more than enough ways to get away.


another big thing is don't stand in the middle part of the huttball arena, you're food for ranged dps on the catwalks

Edited by HBninjaX
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