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Rate Bioware's performance thus far.


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Yeah, 7 or 8 out of 10 for me too.


I'm quite impressed with the launch and with their promptness in responding to genuine problems that affect (or will affect) the bulk of the population.


Fingers are still crossed for the MMO part of this MMORPG, but it's looking good, the RPG side is mostly spiffy, they just need to polish up the MMO side to get ready for the bulk of people ambling to 50.


I think you make an interesting point. its good multiplayer but is struggling with the massive multiplayer.

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I give BW 7. There lack of support is something that will hurt them more ways than one.

What do you do if you need support in this game? You suffer and learn that this game has no support. People with money that buy stuff will forever remember this BW. I no a major store that took this game off the shelves. If you want it you have to ask for it.

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I would give them a 8/10 before. But now that news has come out that LFG and dual spec will be in, I'm giving them a 6/10 instead. They're starting to pander to the casual egoists already, ignoring that many if not most people do not want the game to be made easier. Easiness is what ruined WoW for a TON of people. Yet they want to go the same way...sad.



I agree with you but, I am not going to panic over it just yet. The game needs a better LFG tool. Duel spec is ok but not really needed. I just hope they dont take the pandering too far because that really was what ruined WOW for me, that and other people.

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I give BW 7. There lack of support is something that will hurt them more ways than one.

What do you do if you need support in this game? You suffer and learn that this game has no support. People with money that buy stuff will forever remember this BW. I no a major store that took this game off the shelves. If you want it you have to ask for it.


You do not know a major store that took the game off it's shelves and even it that did happen it likely has nothing to do with the content of the game. If you want to PM me the store I will call them and if confirmed I will redact and eat this statement.

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Duel spec is ok but not really needed.


It is really silly when you guys complain about this kinda stuff.


The game has too much grind. Its ok for a spec to be a 'pvp spec'. But then when the devs throw a bone to the casual players like having 2 specs on the same character you guys throw up all over the place.


The casual players pay just as much as you guys so stop making it where people have to play 150 hours a month to get top tier character..

Edited by finetop
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I cant complain about the casuals getting a bone but WOW gave up the whole darn cow.


Oh and on the store that supposedly took the game off the shelves. Prob in the bible belt and prob over the same sex relations they are talking of putting in. That is causing quite a stir, always amusing. and I meant retract, not redact, ironic mistake.

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It is really silly when you guys complain about this kinda stuff.


The game has too much grind. Its ok for a spec to be a 'pvp spec'. But then when the devs throw a bone to the casual players like having 2 specs on the same character you guys throw up all over the place.


The casual players pay just as much as you guys so stop making it where people have to play 150 hours a month to get top tier character..


I remember I mentioned Dual Specs and I was beaten within an inch of my e-life by rabbid posters. Also recommended rated warzones and/or competitive warzones. Didn't get received very friendly. Cross server LFG and cross server warzones?! Mentioned that in beta and prerelease. Outcome? Was told I need to go back to my pandas:(


They don't take kindly to improvements 'round these parts. :wea_14:

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I've never made it far enough to raid in any of these games, maybe there should be separate raid gear or something for the people who want to grind their face off 6 hours a night every night for the next 2 years.


This doesn't change that log 10 play hours after lvl 50 EVERY character should have the opportunity to be on an even playing field (97% effectiveness) in PVP. It's just really not fun getting monkey stomped cause someone else wastes more time than you. Cosmetic improvements or small, small buffs, sure. Straight up large advantage, no.


I'm not 50 yet in this game, so I can't really say what thats like. As far as upto lvl 30 grind, its been not too bad, so I definitely like that aspect of the game.

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This game is boring as hell, the stories are lame, it's far too easy and I've never played an MMO that required minute long loading screens.


And then one of the product leads describes it as more innovative than Half-life. =/


Emperor has no clothes, guys.


maybe some of us really wanted to see the Emperor naked

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I would give them a 8/10 before. But now that news has come out that LFG and dual spec will be in, I'm giving them a 6/10 instead. They're starting to pander to the casual egoists already, ignoring that many if not most people do not want the game to be made easier. Easiness is what ruined WoW for a TON of people. Yet they want to go the same way...sad.

I wouldn't say they are pandering as trying to give people what they want so they stay and play the game. And some how manage to look past the deficiencies.

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For me the game is probably overall a 6/10.


The Good-


Launch- 10/10- I will give BW their due here. It was an extremely smooth launch for most people. One of the smoothest I've experience. I thought that early release was well handled.


Class Content-8/10- Again overall I think this is a good area for BW too. I have played every class, although admittedly none of the are maxed out yet, and find most of the story lines to be enjoyable. There are two that just don't do it for me, but I do not expect everyone to like every class.


Voice Acting- 9/10- Again a good job. Can't stand the male consular voice, but outside of that the voice acting is awesome and adds game immersion.


Quickness of Patching- 7/10- BW is relatively quick to patch any bugs that are discovered. While its annoying that their patch times are always during my play times, I do appreciate them actively trying to fix problems.


RP Community- 10/10- All of my toons are on RP servers and its been a great experience. The community there is awesome. Always willing to help and always putting together awesome in game activities that allow you do more than collect x of these, or kill x of those.


The Horrible-


Customer Service- 1/10- I know that some people have had an excellent response from CS, but I am not one of them. I understand cookie cutter responses, but I do expect at the very least that your cookie cutter response be at least on the same subject that my problem is on. Plus I do not like that BW closes tickets before they have been resolved. Calling didn't help in my case, as I am not sure that the person spoke any English.


Patching/Maintenance- 3/10- I am one of those weird people that read the patch notes every time. And every time BW is still trying to fix the same issues. Whatever they do Tuesday they end up having to emergency patch Thurs-Sat. I know its a new game and eventually things should get better, but I still don't get how they can continually make the same mistakes.


PR Department- 3/10- They really should keep some of their developers from talking to the press. Its getting really old to hear only 5% are having problems, and most of them are on low-end computers. While some problems are on the user end, not all of them are. These developers have no facts to back up their statements but just play the blame game.


Forum Community- 2/10- As a whole its just awful. Yes there are some great people here trying to help, but they are overwhelmed. Between the fanbois and the haters its hard to post anything here. Than you have the elitists who complain about the casuals. I've already seen that word used in a derogatory form on this thread several times.

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For launch 9/10

Overall the launch basically was a smooth nice launch. reason not a 10 is because of the staggered start date.


For fixing bugs 6/10

This is for fixing them only and for the most part its ok. They have fixed some bugs but many times their fixes have caused even more


For adding new content 1/10

I do not consider adding something that should have been in game at start as being new content when they add it.


For game design 2/10

The game design is pathetic, the only reason they get a 2 is for the quest line that moves along as you level and for the very feew instances where your choices determine quests.


For content 5/10

Leveling alts is not content. They have good content for leveling as in 2/4 heroics and flashpoints and they do have 2 operations. They do not have much endgame at all.


For game play 2/10

Not much to say but gameplay cant be much when you get bored if your playing for over an hour.


For PR 1/10

Their entire PR is to not answer questions but avoid them. Everything is being looked at and could be comming in the future. Even if I didnt want something I would rather them just say Yes its coming and then I would deal one way or another. Everything is also so top secret, space is gonna get a major update but we are not saying one word about it. Legacy is coming and no sneak peaks.


Overall 2.5/10


The few good things no where near make up for all the bad things with the game.


The biggest problems with the game


1. No lasting endgame content

2. All based around single player play and nothing to promote group play

3. A straight right to nothing. This has got to be the most linear game I have ever played.

4. Nothing to distract people while leveling

5. Making a choice means nothing. 99% of quests lead to same quest and LS/DS means nothing.

6. Stale worlds

7. Non existant interaction between factions.

8. Restricted planets

9. Game flow as in how the things in the game itself interact. FPS,lag etc

10. Originality. They have class quests and voice acting but its all the same each quest leads to the same place and we will just use the ship droid as an example, once you hear it once you want to get earplugs to avoid hearing it again.



Thats just some there are so many I cant remember them all.


If I had to guess how much they spent on it just by looking at the game I would say 2-3 million. There is nothing in the game that says 200 million dollars but there are tons of things that says 2 cent special.

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PvE = I would give a 9-10.


PvP = I would say it is a 2-3. Exploits rule the PvP and fair play is a myth. WZs you find yourself on a 6-8 man team vs 9-16 due to an exploit use. Open PvP they use a exploit to keep standing up after you kill them and this will happen till you die or they give up.


Customer Service = 0-1 insulting at best with their automated responses and lack of action. Being told to respond to a ticket with more information and they close the ticket.(Cannot reply to a closed ticket) Forums have been full of trollers that are placed here to defend the game with excuses but you get banned from the forum if you do not reply to them how they want you to.


As far as I see it this game seems to be following int he footsteps if the failed games of old. It will be free to play within 2-3 years if they keep on this path...(And before you go off saying "No it won't" remember that most of you are the same people who said AoC , D&D, CoH , Lotr , and Star Trek would not be free to play)

Almost every mistake made by each of the games that have failed is being repeated here.

I looked forward to this game and after taking part in many of the beta tests I though this game was really going to listen to the players and fix the issues. But this has become a deal where they make a post about their stand on the subject and then never do anything about it. Or they play the major card of "We cannot tell yo the outcome of your ticket. Then what am I paying for?? You make the free to play games look better and better with your lack of solid customer support or action.


You do not hold your hand out , take money from a customer and slap them in the face while saying "That's what ya paid for"


I am very disappointed with BW int his but not surprised at EA customer support. Rated one of the worst Customer Supports each year but congrats you are on track for another Fail customer support title.

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7.5. I think they could do a better job of triage of current issues. Also Im not entirely sure why new patches, more often then not, are worse then the preceding one. The patches are made to fix issues but they seem to create new ones as well. I think better internal testing is needed for future updates. But for a company new to mmo's they are learning fast and doing pretty well.
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You obviously haven't been around the forums much.


There are 100s of negative posts/threads that are ongoing.


I've been around a whole bunch. Check out the latest threads in the past hour over half have been closed within a few posts. I think the mods are stepping up their game and trying to put out the dissent by silencing those not happy.

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I'd give them a 3 for the following reasons. This game is broken.


1.Stop valor trading... Right now both factions are grouping up, meeting up, and taking turns killing eachother in Illum. You die, respawn. type /stuck and are right back where you were just killed at. Rinse and repeat to rank 60. In order to keep up in PvP gear and get Battlemasters I need to exploit Valor and that is something I won't do.


2. Fix Warzones... Why am I playing 10 on 12? Why am I not getting credit for the daily/weekly? Why do I have to play against battlemasters that exploited their gear?


3. Fix faction population imbalance. My server is easily 4 Imps to 1 Rep. You set up an open pvp area with such a huge population imbalance and expect it to be fun or even playable? Dark Age of Camelot in 2000 made a better open pvp area, Illum is horrible due to population imbalance just for starters.


4. Fix PvP gear disparity... When you first released Champ bags gave out Champ gear randomly but it was not hard to get most of your Champ gear essentially bypassing Centurion Gear. (Currently I wear a lot of PvE Gear but I was able to get a champ, gun, offhand, boots, implants, ear and gloves) Now a fresh 50 is already an entire tier of gear behind before they even set foot in a Warxone or Illum.

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I've been around a whole bunch. Check out the latest threads in the past hour over half have been closed within a few posts. I think the mods are stepping up their game and trying to put out the dissent by silencing those not happy.


Have you noticed the same accounts reply to all negative posts defending the game as if they never play the game but are only on the forums to defend all the broken issues??

They are not listed CSR/MODS. And if you argue with their point of view you get threatened with a forum ban.

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Have you noticed the same accounts reply to all negative posts defending the game as if they never play the game but are only on the forums to defend all the broken issues??

They are not listed CSR/MODS. And if you argue with their point of view you get threatened with a forum ban.


OMG, it's a conspiracy...everyone head for the hills!!!:tran_grin:

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I would give it 8.5/10


I am having a great time playing and have not had many of the issues alot of people seem to. Ive only had 4 crashes since starting play on the second day of ea, no major fp issue does drop a bit on the fleet maybe 25/30 but nothing major.


I did suffer from a few graphical bugs at the start (green light shows) but they sorted that sharpish to be fair.


I find the gameplay good and have no issues with the ui but more customisation would be welcome.


Charecter creation was a bit to simple for my taste more options would be a bonues, but i feel i managed to create a unique trooper as i have not seen any one thats identical :).


I love the story and find it enough to make me want to experiance all the diffrent ones available for the classes.


The graphics i find pleasing as i like the artistic stlye the took.


someares such as crafting need more love especialy to make it viable at lvl 50. I would also like to see more mini games such as pod/swoop racing and maybe expensions to space combat such as coop/pvp and maybe in the far future somthing more like freelancer:p


I feel the game is a good base and look forward to seeing how it evolves.


(sorry about the bad spelling/grammer i am dyslexic, tired and maybe a wee bit watsed lol)

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