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Is this balanced? Heavy armor ranged vs medium melee!


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HAHAHAHA!! Seriously laughed so hard I may have soiled my pants. If operatives aren't getting crits then they are just standing still not pressing any buttons. Try hitting the 1 key... or the 2 key.. Press any key to continue.


They nerfed operatives due to the excessive amount of critical strings. When they crit 10x in a row, its a problem. Operative mirror, scounrdrel has lucky shots? +5% crit passive?


Try using some crit relics over power relics. I feel bad that I had to even suggest that, *** are you doing w/ power relics??


did you read the post 2 above you?


If not, read it before you open your mouth troll!


here you go if you cant find it:


In another post around here, and it happen to me to;


I fought a havy armor pyro, i had expertise buff, pop relic 355 power + adrenal 500 power, i got full champ with 600 expertise and still Hidden strike didnt go over 2k!!! Is that balanced???? The pyro did 10k dmg in 5 sec.


And that happen alot vs heavy armor. Try an oprative/assassin before you come with stupid answer, you just make a fool of your self

Edited by carbocat
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the point of this thread is : Why does a melee never, i mean NEVER crit on a heavy armor, the dmg on heavy armor is even lower than the tooltip say. Assassin/opratives can never kill a heavy armor cause they never get crits!


But a heavy armor commando ahve sustained dmg no mather what armor, maybe higher on light.


Is that balanced? is that a game bug? if its only 5% dmg reduce, why is the dmg reduce on heavy armor like 20-30%?


In another post around here, and it happen to me to;


I fought a havy armor pyro, i had expertise buff, pop relic 355 power + adrenal 500 power, i got full champ with 600 expertise and still Hidden strike didnt go over 2k!!! Is that balanced???? The pyro did 10k dmg in 5 sec.


Do you get it now?


This is a joke right? Do you honestly believe you can't crit on someone with heavy armor? Wow...

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If you stand there and let him do it, then yea.


Are you even aware of how stupid this sounds?


If you let other classes just stand there and do it, they will STILL not come anywhere near that kind of DPS. That's the whole point.


When a SPAMMABLE ability, with 30m RANGE, does so much damage, from a class that wears heavy armor. While another class, with 4m range, and non-spammable, does less AND in medium armor. It's not rocket surgery.

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Fresh 50 versus battlemaster? It was so nice to pwn people, when you were 49, and then you ding 50, and you start to see some strange things, like people not dying in a few shots, right? :D


Or even you, the newly leveled 50, are dying after a couple of shots. :D


Damn those battlemasters and the epic level gear.

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I lol every time a melee wants to go toe to toe with a Commando/BH and all they do is jump around like a WoW tard thinking that by jumping and going behind you they will kill you. When they see this yes you will get spammed with grav round/tracer and die a horrible death and go *** nerf them now.
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did you read the post 2 above you?


If not, read it before you open your mouth troll!


here you go if you cant find it:




And that happen alot vs heavy armor. Try an oprative/assassin before you come with stupid answer, you just make a fool of your self


I obviously did read it.. thats why I said *** ARE YOU DOING WITH POWER RELICS!!!!

I didn't feel the need to quote it, Get rid of your power relics and get Critical relics.


I have played a scoundrel which is the operative mirror. Same thing. This game is played with critical / surge. Get Critical Relics and Surge Adrenals. I'm sorry if my words of wisdom made you think I was a trolling fool, I'm just trying to learn you as of why you fail.

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I obviously did read it.. thats why I said *** ARE YOU DOING WITH POWER RELICS!!!!

I didn't feel the need to quote it, Get rid of your power relics and get Critical relics.


I have played a scoundrel which is the operative mirror. Same thing. This game is played with critical / surge. Get Critical Relics and Surge Adrenals. I'm sorry if my words of wisdom made you think I was a trolling fool, I'm just trying to learn you as of why you fail.


yes thanks for that, but from when did opratives stack crit surge in PvP?

I stack power/surge to get sustained dmg to! Crit/surge is for pve.


And to a little problem, auto facing, how to use backstab mister when some targets auto face you? any advice

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Stating something as fact, i.e. Tracer Missile/Grav Round hits for 3k all the time, does not indeed make it inherently true. Indeed stating anything with out non circumstantial evidence does not justify these inflated statements. Having only a single frame of reference and not actually applying a bit of research to your case makes for a false argument that isn't supported by reason.


Before you postulate an outcome that you have no idea of the validity of atleast research the opposing point of view and attempt to research the facts. Commando/Mercernary crit chance is not 100%, contrary to popular belief. The damage out put of a geared Commando/Mercernary is not totally and wholly out of line with the other classes. I frequently get crit for more than I can actually crit for, by instant attacks which = a greater DPS than my 1.5s cast ability.


Most of the big crits you see, in my estimation come after the Commando/Mercenary has hit you three times with Grav Round/Tracer Missile and then followed up with a Demolition Round/Heatseeker Missile and then a High Impact Shot/Rail Shot. Interrupting this rotation in any way forces ME, atleast, to switch to charged bolts, which also has a cast time of 1.5s. Which results in a net loss of or DPS potential.


The problem is simple as well as the solution. Our DPS potential increases with each shot of Grav Round/Tracer Missile. We might get the proc to fire Full Auto/Unload with a 25% increase in damage, which by in large is our hardest hitting attack if allowed to continue on with our rotation. The solutions though are simple and plentiful. Line of sight inhibits our ability to continue our rotation. Interrupts lock us out of or buff/debuff ability for a period of time to allow you to close distance. Stuns shut us down entirely allowing one to close the distance.


The biggest advantage we have is range. If you come out of stealth as an operative/scoundrel and you're in the line of fire of a Commando/Mercenary there isn't going to be much you can do, but the same holds true for a Sniper/Gunslinger or Sage/Sorcerer. It amounts to being caught out in the open on a driving range. You've given up the intiative granted by your stealth and placed the ball squarely in the ranged classes court.

Edited by Bergitor
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Uh...what? Each tier of armor is roughly a 10% jump in damage mitigation. A moderate amount by itself, but factor in someone else healing you and it becomes a bit more valuable.

The difference between light and medium is actually only about 4%. The real jump is from medium to heavy, where the difference is about 8% in a non-tank spec. Tank spec mitigation probably goes up about another 9-12%, plus shield and defense chance mitigation(which is negligible in pvp due to force/tech attacks bypassing both of those defenses).

Edited by Selixx
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The difference between light and medium is actually only about 4%. The real jump is from medium to heavy, where the difference is about 8% in a non-tank spec. Tank spec mitigation probably goes up about another 9-12%, plus shield and defense chance mitigation(which is negligible in pvp due to force/tech attacks bypassing both of those defenses).


Either way, its still only to a few damage types. The annoying skills tend to be damage types that bypass it completely.

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Or even you, the newly leveled 50, are dying after a couple of shots. :D


Damn those battlemasters and the epic level gear.


Damn those 49 lvl and their 49 lvl gear!


Damn those 30+ and those 30+ gear!


Damn those 20+ and 20+ gear!


Damn everything that i can't kill rait nao in a single shot!

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This is not 1 to 1 situation, but in general


My rotation/dmg vs a heavy armor:


Hidden strike 1700 dmg,- backstab 800 dmg, -shiv 600 dmg, - LAc 500-700 dmg.

Follow up with another stun, then backstab same dmg,- shiv same dmg,- lac same dmg.


Total dmg in 7 abilitys = 5900 dmg and with 1.5 sec cooldown this is in 12 sec +


THEN we take a commando dmg/rotation vs light/meduim armor:


grav rounds 3000+dmg, grav rounds 3000+dmg, Interupt! grav rounds 3000+dmg, grav rounds 3000+dmg, grav rounds 3000+dmg, grav rounds 3000+dmg, grav rounds 3000+dmg,


]Total dmg with 7 abilitis(same abilitys 1button class = 21000 DMG


This is balanced YO!


UM, not sure what your stats are, but at 10% expertice, heavy armor, and 5% DEF I get hit harder than that by those abilities.

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The difference between light and medium is actually only about 4%. The real jump is from medium to heavy, where the difference is about 8% in a non-tank spec. Tank spec mitigation probably goes up about another 9-12%, plus shield and defense chance mitigation(which is negligible in pvp due to force/tech attacks bypassing both of those defenses).


The jump from medium to heavy is about 5%, actually. That's why my Op, in medium with 4% DR from talents, has 1% less resistance than my merc. Go go heavy armor!

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The jump from medium to heavy is about 5%, actually. That's why my Op, in medium with 4% DR from talents, has 1% less resistance than my merc. Go go heavy armor!


To piggy back on this, light armor has a 10% less damage reduction than heavy, BUT, this is a bit misleading.


Yes, on a 4k hit, light armor will take about 400 dmg, but that's not taking everything into consideration. My BH has a 5% DEF rating and since I run DPS, I really don't have much in the way of DEF gear. Now Sorcs/Assassins have a 10% standard DEF rating, minus +DEF stats. Now I have to talent and gear for accuracy and I sit at just over 110% Tech accuracy. So while my missiles will ignore your base DEF, you still have about a 9.5% chance to dodge my unload, rapid fire, rail shot, power shot, etc since my ranged accuracy is just over 100%. So while the armor does play a part, it's not the entire picture when it comes to negating damage.

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