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Need Huttball Advice


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I loathe huttball.


I am getting decent with my mara. (Annihilate, lvl 34). I enjoy the other WZs and can fair pretty well. Huttball... not so much.


Problems I am having:


--If I am on ramps, I am knocked back/down out of a fight. (I've learned how to position myself on certain ramps so that I am pushed into something that keeps me on the ramp, like a wall or up ramp)


--If I am not on the ramps, the ranged players on the ramps target me. Generally 2+ seekers and/or lightning to keep me smothered. Because of this I completely avoid the center as well.


--I have no idea my role on the huttball field. I can 1v1 stragglers, but the rest of his team is scoring points and controlling the ball. I feel like an annoying flea that gets swatted around or squished. Im of no real relevance to my team.



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It's a real pain when not rolling w a premade or at least a healer or tank to guard you. I find myself mid a lot. In there I can find plenty of LoS. I also try not to use force charge to enter combat as much as I would love to do so. If you save it you can be right back in their face since most players are terrible and their first instinct is to use their knock back right when you start on them. Other than that it really is just a range players dream. There are just so many spots where you cannot get back to them after you get knocked off so you have to run away which is the only problem I really have w the WZ. Obviously they just have their CD's back once you reach them again so it's almost pointless to solo someone sniping. On the other hand it is really nice to force choke people in fire but then again, every other class can do that too >.<
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alright this is a trick i have done a couple of times. when you are about to join the war zone be sure that you are in your ship. then the minute you click the join button to actually get into the match hop into the ships chair.


this will transport both you and your ship (fury) into the war zone, meaning that you will be able to completely destroy both the enemy team and your team with pure blaster fire.


of course now that i have posted this, all war zones will eventually turn in to star ship battles... :rolleyes:

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alright this is a trick i have done a couple of times. when you are about to join the war zone be sure that you are in your ship. then the minute you click the join button to actually get into the match hop into the ships chair.


this will transport both you and your ship (fury) into the war zone, meaning that you will be able to completely destroy both the enemy team and your team with pure blaster fire.


of course now that i have posted this, all war zones will eventually turn in to star ship battles... :rolleyes:


@_@ someone's hitting the spice pretty hard...

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Yo Ease let's do this...


you are a nightmare walking, psychopath talking

King of huttball, just a gangster stalking

Living life like a firecracker quick is my fuse

Then dead as a deathpack the colors I choose

Red or Blue, Cuz or Blood, it just don't matter

Sucker die for your life when my lightsaber scatters

We gangs of the empire will never die - just multiply

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aight it is simple job for marauders, you can actually get pretty far with the ball, your key skills for huttball is:


Force charge: use to forcecharge back on the people who knock you back. use to charge through fire with the ball to score (or up from the pit to the endzone)


undieing rage: gives u "immunity", really good if u are carrying the ball through the last fire trap.


unleash: u need to use it so you dont get stunned in fire traps.


initmidating roar: always helps to keep them off you.


(ofc the rest of ur defensive skills needs to be popped, especially predation for a little extra movement buff)


When I play huttball i can sometimes score with the help of my teammates, if I am lucky that the enemy is positioned poorly (for my force charge)


If you are not running the ball, go for the casters in the background, try to move around the edges, and when they have the ball use deadly throw on the ball carrier to give him trauma (reduction in the healing they recieve) and kill the healers in the back

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one thing that I recently picked up on is to preemptively have the huttball targeting retical out before you decide you're going to pass.


don't think I wanna pass, then hit the key. have the retical ready in advance so you can chuck it at a moment's notice. multitask!


as long as your team mate is in the blue ring when the ball lands it counts as a catch. just a precaution enemies within the circle can intercept the catch, so it's always a risk you take.


also, running in front of the ball carrier is better than running behind in many cases, that way they can always toss the ball forward to you, and so on


if someone runs too far for a pass (which happens way too often) instead of standing there like a dummy just throw the ball the furthest you can. if they're smart enough they'll double back for the catch. if not just blame them


when you're not using your leftover rage do sweeping slash to bulid up fury out of combat, then you'll have predation already loaded and you can hit it at the best possible time eg. when someone catches a pass etc. consider taking the talent that reduces the cost of sweeping slash in the annihilation tree

Edited by HBninjaX
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undieing rage: gives u "immunity", really good if u are carrying the ball through the last fire trap.


unleash: u need to use it so you dont get stunned in fire traps.


initmidating roar: always helps to keep them off you.



Thanks for the advice. Regarding the above abilities. I'll keep them in mind, but I don't have that utility yet being 34.


Force Cloak let's go of the ball right?

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when you're not using your leftover rage do sweeping slash to bulid up fury out of combat, then you'll have predation already loaded and you can hit it at the best possible time eg. when someone catches a pass etc. consider taking the talent that reduces the cost of sweeping slash in the annihilation tree


Do you mean just Sweep the air? That builds fury?

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Force Cloak let's go of the ball right?


good call. yes it does, sometimes it advantageous to reset the ball, especially if you're close to your endzone and you have people stationed near the ball spawn.


DON'T get in the habit of panicking and hitting force camo because you can lose the ball on a crucial play (i admit i've done it once before, shameful i know)


Do you mean just Sweep the air? That builds fury?


heck yeah it does. try it, your game will go up another 20% just from that tip alone ;)

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I loathe huttball.


I am getting decent with my mara. (Annihilate, lvl 34). I enjoy the other WZs and can fair pretty well. Huttball... not so much.


Problems I am having:


--If I am on ramps, I am knocked back/down out of a fight. (I've learned how to position myself on certain ramps so that I am pushed into something that keeps me on the ramp, like a wall or up ramp)


--If I am not on the ramps, the ranged players on the ramps target me. Generally 2+ seekers and/or lightning to keep me smothered. Because of this I completely avoid the center as well.


--I have no idea my role on the huttball field. I can 1v1 stragglers, but the rest of his team is scoring points and controlling the ball. I feel like an annoying flea that gets swatted around or squished. Im of no real relevance to my team.




Save Force Charge for when you are knocked back


Stay away from the middle if you see ranged on the cat walks. If they are there, use the side ramps to get up there and force charge up when you get knocked off. Avoid engaging ranged enemies when there are more than 1.


Predation helps. Traveling with the ball carrier is key, we are easy to pick off alone, but with a group we can help, we are nearby to apply predation and we can pick off opponents trying attack the ball carrier. Aslo chances are you wont be targeted because the ball carrier makes a temping target.

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Yeah using sweeping slash is an awesome trick to build fury on the go. If I have the ball or a teammate I am running with I always use that to build fury then pop it. Another good trick if you have the 100% no dmg with force camo is to camo infront of the ball carry through the fire for a pass. You would be surprised at the number of people that try to follow you and die lol.


Another obvious one is to take the ball in the pit having their team chase you then charge back up to a cat walk or a noob standing on the edge by the goal shooting you. It should be no surprise that a handful of mercs will stand there spamming tracer.


Our nitch is support and quick ball movement imo although a good group wont stand where we can easily leap to them.

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One thing to remember is you can avoid the ramps. You can try to force charge people near to the line if you're offensive, very useful for when you have the huttball or for taking opportunities where healers haven't actually got to the ramps as yet. Even if you can't kill a healer, holding them back really decrements the other team since that's healing they're not getting.


It does risk having other people who have re-spawned attacking you when they come out tho, so you do have to weigh the benefit vs. the risk. It has tactical advantages but can backfire as well.


Do you mean just Sweep the air? That builds fury?


altho this has already been answered, I toke advantage of this little oddity once for building up predation while taking on Gharj in Eternity Vault. Since I have predation buffed in my build since it's half-ops/half-pvp based it helped the team get to the next platform a lot quicker... it's an awesome trick. It's back when I had weaker gear and each AoE would put me down to about 20~30% HP which meant I had to pull back occasionally as to not die... I've got better gear now so it wouldn't be such an issue; I think that was 2~3 days after I hit 50.

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