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Give Battlemasters a reason to not leave doomed matches.


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Quoted for truth. Seriously with all the premades republic exploititng groups (12-14 repubs in a warzone/huttball/, speed hackers, invis hackers, voidstar door glitchers) i just want my 3 freaking wins and never que up again till the zones are fixed.


so why should i be punished again?? give me an incentive to actually stay and fight.



Here is my proposal:


1,000 warzone commendations + 500 Champion commendations = 1 Battlemaster token




500 Warzone + 500 champion commendations = 1 battlemaster box with chance at Battlemaster token.



Then i'll consider staying. The system right now only rewards people farming champion/centurion gear and gives no incentive to stick out a losing or pretty much a sure lost game. also doesn't entice anyone BM rank that gets pulled in to an allmost match to stay and try turn things arround.


Right now only way of getting BM gear is to get lucky 2-3 times a week, IF AND ONLY IF they can get their daily 3 wins and weekly 9 wins (let's not even start the boxes and kill bugs in illum) and still have to put up with .. games not counting, opposing faction exploiting to get their daily/weekly done)


Frankly in the state with all the abuse of bugs and exploits it's getting to be less and less fun. I want my gear and i want to have fun in pvp but with the above stated at the moment i just want toget my stuff done and be ready for when bioware fixes things.


Let Battlemasters have their own bracket. Then their quitting only screws themselves.

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Why single out BM's? Before this last patch, piece drops were insanely low for champ bags as well. What the OP proposed is more like extending the grind than an incentive. BM comms are a random drop, get used to it.


Id love to see a deserter debuff, the only problem is all the people who CTD or back to the login screen. I don't crash that often, but I shouldn't be penalized for that. For the record, I have been in quite a few matches where my team has overcome a huge deficit to win in the end. As a kid, did you watch off the playground basketball court, because you were losing 10-0? Seems kind of silly to justify leaving a warzone.,


I am actually having fun in wz's, mostly because I PvP quite a bit (solo and grouped with guildies) and I can hold my own in lvl50 warzones. I hit lvl50 about 2 weeks ago and Ive gained 12 valor ranks (at 52 now) with a full set of armour (minus one relic).


The crying is going to be incredibly satisfying when the level cap is raised, please BW raise it to 75. It will happen eventually.

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here's one reason:


How about pride? Battle Masters are supposed to be harden veterans, elite soldiers, with good gear and the experience to use them. Instead all the BM are babies that leave the field when it's not going their way.


Are you really battle masters? Or baby masters.


I mentioned pride a few pages back. Seems to have generated all of zero comments.


Apparently rank 60s are just in it for the daily credit. What I find funny, is that idiot leaving, sometimes make room for someone who actually contributes and we end up winning. It frustrates me to no end to see 2-3 people drop the WZ when the other team scores 1 point, or we lose middle on Aldraan.


If you refuse to use your gear to fight people then why do you want the gear? Why is win credit for the daily more important than playing the game?

Edited by Hethroin
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Only time my "pride and honour" kicks in is when i see another bm/good player in opposing team,then i will stay to fight him again and again.If there is no such opponent i leave scrubs to get rolled and requene.


Unfortunately most of the players i enjoy fighting either left the game or dont pvp much lately,so that incensitive is out.

Edited by cosmov
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So invis hackers exist?


NO wonder once in Void Star, i went to a door, saw no one around, then 2 seconds later the door was placed with a bomb... and too late... i had to fight a couple of guys and the door blew up..


I was thinking something fishy was going on... but I wasnt 100% sure.


Now i know.


Hackers deserved to be banned. No mercy.


Depending on when this was, it may have been a bug, not a hack. There was a bug up until a patch or two ago that allowed people to re-stealth immediately after starting planting the bomb (or capturing a point in civil war, I believe), so if you blinked, you missed it. That was patched out recently.

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But I agree - "win 3 warzones" has to be replaced. It's a disaster for PvP and should be listed in books as example how not to design daily quests.


I think you have a good point. The issue is that for quest purposes, only wins matter, so clear losses are nearly worthless. Why not make it a system that rewards participation as well as wins? Something like "Win 3 warzone matches or participate in a total of 5 warzone matches" to complete the daily, and scale it up for the weekly. Maybe even give a bonus if both conditions are met. This way it encourages staying through completion, since they'll get the commendations/valor plus build towards quest objectives, and the time spent loading and in queue would nearly even out the time spent in the losing effort, so you may as well take your valor and commendations for it. This way a loss is still counted towards your objective, but you have an incentive to play harder to get there quicker.

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There is no debuff long enough that would stop me from leaving a losing match at that ratio of gear efficiency. I have other things to do.


This reminds me of the ridiculously senseless argument the GOP makes when it comes to taxing the rich at a couple % more: "Why even bother spending my time making money when they'll just take it?" In reality the more money they make, the more they still make even when it's a higher tax rate. This is no different; if your goal is to progess in PvP gear or rank, then leaving and suffering some length of debuff by which you cannot progress that goal sets you back in the long run.


If you have other things you would rather do in place of playing a losing match then that's great, but if so then don't make your argument have anything to do with how little you'll get for a loss when you'd be getting less by leaving the match and having a debuff anyway (which is what you've said you'll do). Pick your poison and argue that point, instead of sounding like a whiner who is only saying "the current situation sucks, gimme gimme gimme while I set myself back."

Edited by ThaLunatik
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