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Ilum PvP Shenanigans


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Ilum has been annoying lately, not that it's never annoying really. On the Republic we're pretty much always camped at our base getting 20 valor a kill facing 2:1 odds or more. That's pretty usual. Doesn't bother me. I'm a Battlemaster and fishing is good.


The Imps on top of our base raining random lightning aoes down is pretty normal too. I used to be able to just go up their and kill them and that was it. Now I go up there and kill them and they just respawn right there with full health. If I manage to kill them again, guess what? They're back a short time later.


In fact they don't just do that on top of our base, it's everywhere. I can't kill an imp anywhere without them magically respawning with full health. And on Ilum you don't get credit for killing them twice in a row. And of course when they do kill you after respawning with full health while you're still recovering from the battle with them you had a second ago, they get 150 to 200 valor. Seems fair.


So it's pointless, they can sit up on our base for all I care. Raining down aoes and insults as usual. Cause we're the cowards for not wanting to die repeatedly to the numberless hoard while a slide show of red plays across the screen. Right...


I realize it's an exploit, but does everyone have to do it? Do we have to stoop down to their level? And why? We are already suffering from ridiculous odds. Outnumbered and outgeared, we now have to deal with this.


It's getting harder and harder to keep playing. I barely had the patience to grind my way to the Valor and Gear I have and things weren't nearly this bad. I'm really afraid for the new 50 Republic players and even the old 50s. Nobody wants to put themselves through this frustration anymore.

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Ilum has been annoying lately, not that it's never annoying really. On the Republic we're pretty much always camped at our base getting 20 valor a kill facing 2:1 odds or more. That's pretty usual. Doesn't bother me. I'm a Battlemaster and fishing is good.


The Imps on top of our base raining random lightning aoes down is pretty normal too. I used to be able to just go up their and kill them and that was it. Now I go up there and kill them and they just respawn right there with full health. If I manage to kill them again, guess what? They're back a short time later.


In fact they don't just do that on top of our base, it's everywhere. I can't kill an imp anywhere without them magically respawning with full health. And on Ilum you don't get credit for killing them twice in a row. And of course when they do kill you after respawning with full health while you're still recovering from the battle with them you had a second ago, they get 150 to 200 valor. Seems fair.


So it's pointless, they can sit up on our base for all I care. Raining down aoes and insults as usual. Cause we're the cowards for not wanting to die repeatedly to the numberless hoard while a slide show of red plays across the screen. Right...


I realize it's an exploit, but does everyone have to do it? Do we have to stoop down to their level? And why? We are already suffering from ridiculous odds. Outnumbered and outgeared, we now have to deal with this.


It's getting harder and harder to keep playing. I barely had the patience to grind my way to the Valor and Gear I have and things weren't nearly this bad. I'm really afraid for the new 50 Republic players and even the old 50s. Nobody wants to put themselves through this frustration anymore.


Just unsub dude for real..

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I totally would except I like the game and I think it has potential, especially if Bioware fixes stuff. Plus I enjoyed KoTOR and I still haven't played all of the class stories yet.


I feel you, I as a player just reaches a point of true frustration while playing that I haven't experience in a while. Just playing the game I can literally feel how broken alot of the things are.


Mechanic wise as well as in design. I only said unsub not to troll but to help you also to AVOID the headache that you will enevitably feel while playing SWTOR..


Maybe unsub now so you don't spoil any chance the game might have in the future if they fix stuff..


Your choice, your time, your money, .. #twocents

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I feel you, I as a player just reaches a point of true frustration while playing that I haven't experience in a while. Just playing the game I can literally feel how broken alot of the things are.


Mechanic wise as well as in design. I only said unsub not to troll but to help you also to AVOID the headache that you will enevitably feel while playing SWTOR..


Maybe unsub now so you don't spoil any chance the game might have in the future if they fix stuff..


Your choice, your time, your money, .. #twocents


why are you even hear? i assume you took your own advice? right? so why keep posting on a game you dont play forums? you talk about choice, time, money... yet you are spending YOUR time here while telling others to unsub and leave.

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why are you even hear? i assume you took your own advice? right? so why keep posting on a game you dont play forums? you talk about choice, time, money... yet you are spending YOUR time here while telling others to unsub and leave.


I like to lump the people that quit already in with those instant satisfaction folks the good 'ol USA likes to turn out these days.


You know the type. They got participation trophies for sucking at t-ball. They got to retake tests in school until the passed instead of being allowed to fail. Mom and daddy got them what ever they wanted, so they didn't have to get a job when they were 15 to buy their own car and so forth.


The opulent generation that's all grown up and still has their hands out and mouths open. I really feel sorry for any younger women. Their men won't try hard enough to help them reach climax since it easier to just get their kicks and quit.


So they quit an MMO when a few things are screwed up. We are 2 months in. TWO. Things take some time to iron out. You have an RPG team trying to do an MMO and having way too many people to appease. If you lack the patience to stick it out a bit fine, your loss, and your girlfriends too.

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Every time i go to iilum the rebs are slightly out numbered but never come out because they assume there are hundreds of us. When they do come out only half come because the others lack a back bone. You guys would do better if you actually tried.
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Every time i go to iilum the rebs are slightly out numbered but never come out because they assume there are hundreds of us. When they do come out only half come because the others lack a back bone. You guys would do better if you actually tried.


Your pubs never come out? I've been a part of quite a number of routs. If we're lucky we can get a full pug raid. Mostly we have like half of one. Occasionally a bunch of guilds group up and just run through the imps, but that only happens every so often and it's usually a scheduled thing. When we do rout them we usually hang out in central and try to hold it while waves of imps crash into us until eventually we are overrun. Good times.


It always looks like the imps have atleast two ops. One full one plus half another at our base with the rest fighting over armaments central. It's real fun when there's only like 5 pubs on Ilum and you're trying to solo the daily against that.

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Every time i go to iilum the rebs are slightly out numbered but never come out because they assume there are hundreds of us. When they do come out only half come because the others lack a back bone. You guys would do better if you actually tried.


Reps: stealth behind the zerg and particle cannon them down. Trust me, 99% of the empire dudes are either afk or brain dead, the few that will notice you shooting will die before they can reach you.

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ive seen the pubs steamroll the imps. if ppl are trading, then when the imps give u kills, just steam roll the rest of em, then cap some nodes as a group, then u can cap central until the imps get their ish together. the game is designed such that both factions fight over central, with smaller squads getting off central nodes. problem is, there are not enough armamenets at central to make the cap worth it. Edited by dipstik
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Reps: stealth behind the zerg and particle cannon them down. Trust me, 99% of the empire dudes are either afk or brain dead, the few that will notice you shooting will die before they can reach you.


Would love to but that usually only works like once a day before they just stun whoever's on it and then sit on it. The majority of the time the cannons are broken, so that's not even something we can do.

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Would love to but that usually only works like once a day before they just stun whoever's on it and then sit on it. The majority of the time the cannons are broken, so that's not even something we can do.




but if it's one of the "/y get the <beep> back you <beep>"-moments, some of us will definately look the other way when people take the particle cannons (if they are up).


In fact, I've even tried to convince others to look the other way, so the reps can murder the "less than intelligent members of the empire".

Edited by Illwill-
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