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Some PvP Questions


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Preface: I have a BM Sage, and do my WZ daily, but she is pretty faceroll. I have alts of all classes but Guardian and Vanguard - all are at least 20s, but I have really gotten into my Sentinel lately - she is up to 37 now. I only level through PvP.


I think the main reason that I am so drawn to the Sentinel is that it requires much smarter play than any other toons I have leveled (especially my Sage who has so few buttons, I use 1 for throw the Huttball). I have been playing Watchman lately after dabbling in all three trees - the constant pressure suits my playstyle best.


Anyway, I am always trying to improve my game, and I have stumbled across some issues that I don't fully understand, and I'm looking for some guidance:


Force Leap - this ability is always supposed to root the target - what are the exceptions? I figured the shield from Guardian/Jugg is one, full resolve sometimes seems to prevent the root, but other times not (no idea why), Shadow/Assassin immune ability, and that's all I know. Are there others? It's such an important ability that I'd like to know when the root aspect doesn't work, and some tips on how to recognize it's not going to root.


Master Slash - I think that's what it's called - the long channeled animation. It seems to really suck in PvP as the enemy will either interrupt/stun me, or simply move out of range. I never seem to finish it, and it's frustrating since the damage seems to be very backloaded - is there an opportune time to use it other than a teammate has stunned my enemy?


Force Stasis - when do you use it? I am admittedly terrible about using my stuns on all toons, and seem to only use it when my kick is down and I'm preventing a heal/bad thing coming my direction (or I am mad that I'm about to die) - so I only use it defensively - do you use it offensively?


Zen vs. Transcendence - it really feels like bleeds have been nerfed in this patch even though BW says damage was buffed - are you using the latter more now?


I'm sure there are more questions, but this post is long enough. Thanks in advance for your replies.

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Force Leap - No clue like you. All I know is it gets really buggy if your leap path is over the huttball launch area : (.


Master Slash - There is almost 0 reasons to use as watchman, mainly because it doesn't generate focus. You got a time where you have to decide when it is good, after using a adrenal and relic and inspiration: do you make focus/dump focus/or master slash. 90% of the time i choose the 2 former.


Force Stasis - I honestly don't use it as much as I should. I use it mostly to let burns tick before some dies/stop them from stealthing/and then execute. I rarely use it as a emergency interupt. I use it pretty often in WZs to help take objectives ie cap/plant doors.


Zen vs. Transcendence - I always use Zen unless I want to move faster.

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Don't recall my leaps ever failing against anything that hasn't used a form of cc immunity. Though once in a while it does seem to bug my location a bit and fail the root as well.


I'm combat spec so I actually have a reason to use it for the root. As a Watchman I'd use it when my main dps skills were on cooldown and I wanted to get a quick bit of burst in to finish someone. Even the first 2 hits do pretty good damage and are quick. Other than that, a snare is usually enough for me to get a strike in unless the target has some form of movement speed. Still, it's definitely more situational for a Watchman and I assume for a Focus sent as well.


Again, I'm a combat spec, which makes it entirely utility for me. I'll use it to get a melee off a healer or to prevent someone's death, I'll use it to interrupt a cast--usually a heal--and bide time for my blade storm to cooldown, delay for objectives, etc. Another big reason is to force them to break out of it. If someone desperately wants a specific kill, heal, etc, then they are very likely to break out of my stasis asap and then I can continue laying some smackdown on that player and/or his buddies. Breaking out of my channeled stun = Free stun from someone else with little to no option to deal with it.


Basically, I use it for the team more often than not. Stasis someone trying to interrupt a cap and watch for their break, then pop awe for the longer mez. Very useful. Watchman have the option to dot stack and stasis as well, which actually does impressive damage, but I prefer using it as utility.


Zen vs Tran is entirely situation dependent. If I feel my team needs speed then I use Tran. Quicker capping, help another melee getting kited, reach the goal/node quicker, etc. Also if I get it when I'm close to death I'll pop it. Otherwise I use zen if I'm just looking to burn something down fast.

Edited by Calouse
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Ok, I'm nearly battle master (59) and I'm fully champ gear (which helps ALOT!!) I like to think I'm better than average in pvp, and have been playing pvp in many other mmos.


That being said here is my advice for the questions you brought up about watchman in pvp.


First, master strike is useless for watchman. We don't gain the root, and a 3 second channel

Is an eternity. I would advise you to remove that skill from your bar.


Second, force stasis is a great tool and should be used often. When it should be used is completely situational however. Some examples would be when you are focusing a healer, have burned your interrupt already, your force leap is on cool down, and the healer is about 20% hp. I use force stasis then, followed by dispatch( your finisher) and its an easy kill. If someone is low enough and slowed you and trying to run, and your force leap is on cool down, use it and by the time it finishes your force leap should be up and you can root them then finish them. Again completely situational, but you should always be looking for the perfect situation to use it.


Lastly, more often than not, force leap will root the enemy. Every now and then it'll glitch and you will miss the enemy, take your cool down and not root them, but this is rare. Many classes have cc immune bubbles, and even I don't know them all. It's hard to know what buffs are up with this basic UI that SWTOR uses, so I would try force leap whenever needed and hope for the best haha.


And another thing, it's always best to force leap, and immediately use cauterize. Make sure you spec into the slow for that ability. I force leap, cauterize, then zealous strike, followed by OS,, then go from there.


Hope this helps a little and wasn't too redundant! Enjoy your watchman! I'm having a blast on mine and can usually be top 3 DPS in wzs, while actually helping the team with objectives (defending doors/nodes, focusing healers, being a team player in huttball, etc.)

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Oh, and Zen is a must! As of now (pre-nerf to surge patch) I'm stacking surge in my champ gear. I have around 84% crit multiplier, so when I use zen + overload saber, all my attacks get a burn that auto crits for crazy damage. Also, when you get higher you get the ability which gives you 30 centering, so I use zen, recharge my centering then the Inspiration buff which gives me an extra 15% damage. Watchman can definitely pack a punch when they get going!
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I'm not sure about the leap root thing either.


Master strike. Only situationaly useful, but it can be useful. Do not take it off your bars.

Team gankage: For example Alderaan. You are trying to cap a turret. You outnumber the enemy or you have one Imp trying to prevent the cap till help arrives. Master strike does MASSIVE damage. So yes, using it one someone that is either CC'd or not targeting you is a very viable use to drop that annoyance asap. And it costs no focus. Bonus. Cheesy yes, but stil good.

You would not believe how often people stand there and try to stay toe to toe with you. Not many people have the interupts we do, so popping master forces them to react to you. Either with an interupt, or running away. Either way they are reacting to you, not doing what they want to be doing.


Zen. After the changes this is way more more important than it used to be. You need to be popping this with full dots running everytime you can.

Which brings up the next topic. Stasis. Yes it's an ok emergency interupt. Also usefull for a basic CC. For stopping people interupting a bomb plant or turret cap. Also fantastic for freezing ball carries in fire zones. Usually I'll pop awe on the enemy group as they are going thru, and if the carrier uses their anti CC ability, use stasis on them.

But my favourite is to get full dots running, pop zen then stasis them. By the time it's all done, your abilities will be coming off CD, you will have a nice chunk of focus to play with and they just got hit by a truck...

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Force Leap -

Master Slash -

Force Stasis -

Zen vs. Transcendence -


I don't claim to be any kind of "expert" in PvP, but I definitely feel very strong in WZs as a watchman. Here's my 2 cents:


As far as force leap is concerned, it doesn't seem like it roots very often or very long in PvP at all. Haven't tried the talented version (Stagger--bottom tier in focus tree); maybe that makes a difference.


Master Strike--I use this often when fighting targets that can't/won't move. It *is* situational, so I can understand why some have said they don't use it at all. But it's *free*, and it hits hard. However, it's interruptable and requires the target to stay in range. Up to you, I guess.


Force stasis--I love this ability. I love to load up burns on the target, hit zen than hit stasis so that they fry while I heal. I love to use stasis to finish a target that is low on health. I love to use stasis to hold up a ball carrier in huttball while waiting for help to arrive. I really love to stasis an enemy over a flame vent in huttball, though most folks are too wary to allow that to happen. It's a great, multipurpose tool.


Zen--Zen is our bread and butter. It's the source of our burst damage and our heals (which are not overwhelming, but still make a difference). I seldom use transcendence because Zen is too awesome by comparison.

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The reason why I say not to use master strike is simple. We don't get the root, and it's a channeled 3 sec attack. While it doesn't use focus, it also doesn't give focus. At level 50, you can do 2613-3141 DMG non-crit, but again most of that is tail end of the 3 second channel. Seldom will u find someone who will just sit there and take it, and not just move away. They don't have to use an interrupt to break master strike, just take two steps.


In 3 seconds I can dish out way mOre damage than master strike, with the added benefit of applying a burn that in turn does more damage. If you really love the move then by all means use it. I can't justify wasting 3 seconds standing still plus a gcd not gaining any focus, and applying minimal damage.

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I really appreciate the replies - you guys have me even more excited to get back in WZs as you are talking about abilities that I don't even have yet ! (awe, inspiration, dispatch) - I don't even have merciless strike yet, nor can I spec for the cauterize slow, but I'm looking forward to the full template !


The full dots + Zen + Stasis has been my big takeaway from this so far - I can see how that is a sick combo.


And I'm glad it's not just me that feels Force Leap immobilize seems to randomly not work.


It does bring up another question though with Zen: I notice a buff with 6 charges when I pop it - how exactly does this mechanic work? My next 6 dot ticks are crits, and both cauterize and OS burns count independently as one each?


Since you are reading this and I don't have Merciless Strike yet, is that priority #1 to keep on CD? Something like Zealous Strike -> Cauterize -> Strike -> Merciless Slash ?


Keep the good advice coming. :)

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Ya, my usual rotations is force leap, cauterize, zealous strike, overload saber, merciless slash, then blade storm. Of course this changes, but when you get fully spec'd into Watchman, your burns have a chance to replenish some extra focus, etc, and also the cooldown on your merciless slash lowers with everytime you use it. Overload Saber and your merciless slash are your priority attacks, as well as cauterize. With healers, its also good to mix in Crippling Throw here and there to keep that 20% debuff on them, as well as cauterize to keep them slowed.


Now I'm not sure about the exact mechanic for zen, cause there isn't a combat log, and in PVP it can get very hectic as your focusing on your rotation and building focus, but I make sure to always pop my zen after i get some focus buil up so I can immediately go into DESTROY mode haha. This tree is very resourceful as well as very flexible to many different situations, so it makes for a great pvp spec and i personally love this character more than my sage, which in all honesty is pretty boring.

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I really appreciate the replies - you guys have me even more excited to get back in WZs as you are talking about abilities that I don't even have yet ! (awe, inspiration, dispatch) - I don't even have merciless strike yet, nor can I spec for the cauterize slow, but I'm looking forward to the full template !


The full dots + Zen + Stasis has been my big takeaway from this so far - I can see how that is a sick combo.


And I'm glad it's not just me that feels Force Leap immobilize seems to randomly not work.


It does bring up another question though with Zen: I notice a buff with 6 charges when I pop it - how exactly does this mechanic work? My next 6 dot ticks are crits, and both cauterize and OS burns count independently as one each?


Since you are reading this and I don't have Merciless Strike yet, is that priority #1 to keep on CD? Something like Zealous Strike -> Cauterize -> Strike -> Merciless Slash ?


Keep the good advice coming. :)


I only do that combo when it is safe for me.


Im not 100% but i think each has 3 ticks, with OS possible to have more if you roll the debuff over. OS and Caut def count independently as one, so if you have both up, it will take 2 stacks off when the dot ticks.


For me that is 3rd priority. I try to keep OS #1 Cauterize #2 and Merciless #3 since it will refresh Cauterize. I of course haven't read much or really looked at what other peoples priority are for this, so when it comes to this aspect I could be way off.

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I'd disagree with the remove master strike comments. It may not be in my main rotation but honestly it still does have its uses... It costs no focus and imo camoing behind someone who is in cover and blasting them with master strike should not be sniffed at IMO.


In my opinion to sum up its uses..

  • Opponents in cover
  • People that are stupid enough to stay in one spot while fighting a jedi sentinel..
  • Opponents caught in a teammates stun
  • You need a strong attack on short notice, you're short of focus and zealous is still on cooldown


Also zen "vs" transcendence

I use them both.

Transcendence is useful if you need to get to an objective fast.. valorous call and transcendence is a combination i use whenever i need to get to something in a hurry..

Zen i use it when i see it... its easy to forget about it but it does massive damage and great healing in juyo.

Edited by AngusFTW
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