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Poison medic, need feedback


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Build : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401rcfMzhMozZZGrbkMr.1


I'm looking for feedback on this build and whether or not you guys think it would be viable or not in PvP and in PvE.


I love healing, but I hate being a full healer. I've thought about doing the conceal hybrid but it just doesn't seem like it would boost my survivability at all really if I used it, so, the thought behind this is to be sort of a poison-based medic that heals really well still but can throw dots for some utility and has a ton of energy gain due to the stim boost and poison crit energy talent.


I realize not getting the +critical chance for poison effects talents might make it kinda pointless to get the energy return on crit or at least not as useful to get it.


So here's an alternative build : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401rcfMzhMozZZGrbkMbM.1


This increases survivability by a little bit (lower cooldown on evasion + cc break) instead of the energy return which is already pretty much covered by stim boost, maybe.


Any thoughts/changes/suggestions/etc. please feel free to throw them at me.

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Well PvE you usually want to be the top of your role. Being an ok healer and an decent damage doesnt do much...


It would only work if you feel like your grp wont suffer with not having all the healing tools. So thats up to you and your grp.


PvP its great I agree...I sometimes out damage my healing in aldaraan. Very un friendly healing pvp zone. Thats at full healing spec too.

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You end up with lots of energy and corrosive grenades is really really helpful in PvP as well.


As a healer in PvP I question the utility of the improved CC break. CC tends to mean one of two things, I'm getting gang tackle stunned for death (most times). Or I've been side CC'd and it's an opportunto get my energy back while my 2XKP tics on myself.


It's rare the CC is incident to a 1v1 and even then they will break it for me if my break is down.


Now if your the DPS going for the kill before a heal I really get it's utility I only use my CC break when it's advantageous to do so myself and theres plenty of times I can easily wait out the CC assuming it wasn't gang tackle execution CC where breaking it also isn't very helpful.


As a healer dual spec, I'ld take the energy over it.


And I love the medic lethality builds but you will absolutely notice the lack of accomplished doctor. How I wish I could have it and a snaring corrosive grenade.

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Sitting in a 4 second stun in 1v1, against a good player, usually means you're dead. -30sec CC Break is an excellent choice for 2 points in that spec.


yes but the difference between a stun or a mez effect and whether it's 1 guy or 3 coming at you. It's pretty rare an extra CC break would save my life. It's a pretty complex decision matrix. What type of CC, is my stun/flashbang up, wheres my health and energy, How close am I to a LOS/escape backup, Is my vanish up and what DOT's are on me, did I drop a dot on the target etc...


It's relatively common more energy will let me save more lives, aka I've blown both my energy fixes dumping burst heals to keep DPS up than the extra CC break would save me.


I find myself wanting more energy more often than going darn if I could have broken that CC...


And if I'm in a 1v1 I made a mistake or I engaged knowing the status of my CD's.

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Looks good for pvp, but for pve you might want to pick up accomplished dock and advanced adrenaline probe and drop shiv and the 3rd tier of lethality tree. In PvE you have to be able to full time heal, and wasting 2 cooldowns for dots isn't an option sometimes, so when you really need the extra energy from dots you won't get it and you won't make enough back to offset the dart and nade anyway.


Stim Boost being available more often and returning energy is amazing for PvE though. It allows you to use your 3 main heals almost constantly if you KI - SP with a Toxic Scan in there when needed. Seems worth letting go of shield and an aoe hot that is situational and I feel confident enough in my energy regen that I took Diagnostic Scan off my bar and haven't missed it at all.


I don't heal Ops yet, just HMs, so not sure if the build will be valid for end game PvE. For HMs my added dps with dots has let us beat the enrage timer when dps is lacking. Your build might be better for that actually with the energy return on dots, but losing out on the big KI crits will hurt.

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In my personal opinion it's a toss up in getting the extra 3% healing to everything and 9% healing bonus to yourself (12% total to yourself I believe), over 30% AOE ranged slow/vanish/lethal purpose.


I may give your build a shot and take those points out of survival training to place into lethality.

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