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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tanking Stat Distribution Analysis


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I wish my tankasin had juggers CDs, while tankasins CDs arent bad (50%defense 12 sec, 5sec force/tech immunity (this one has 45s CD), and 10%lolheal) those still are way worse than juggers, so you cant really complain here. As for mitigation - some bosses do a lot of tech/force damage where SA shield and defense bonus doesnt help (and SA armor is way lower), some do nice bursts and chew through dark ward, thus shield is even lower there, and shield/defense doesnt work when stunned/knocked down which is important during some boss fights, so the juggs are worse by 4% only on paper. Now threat, thats another story...


p.s. I find defense the most expensive thus useless stat to stack... just saying...

p.p.s. Anyway the tables are off, 2set jugger bonus isnt 5% shield, no calc of healing from dark charge and juggs mini self barrier. No armor mitigation in calcs. No armor bonuses from merc/sorc healing (these are quite useless for SA). Needs work, needs work...

Edited by Vesperr
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I wish my tankasin had juggers CDs, while tankasins CDs arent bad (50%defense 12 sec, 5sec force/tech immunity (this one has 45s CD), and 10%lolheal) those still are way worse than juggers, so you cant really complain here. As for mitigation - some bosses do a lot of tech/force damage where SA shield and defense bonus doesnt help (and SA armor is way lower), some do nice bursts and chew through dark ward, thus shield is even lower there, and shield/defense doesnt work when stunned/knocked down which is important during some boss fights, so the juggs are worse by 4% only on paper. Now threat, thats another story...


p.s. I find defense the most expensive thus useless stat to stack... just saying...

p.p.s. Anyway the tables are off, 2set jugger bonus isnt 5% shield, no calc of healing from dark charge and juggs mini self barrier. No armor mitigation in calcs. No armor bonuses from merc/sorc healing (these are quite useless for SA). Needs work, needs work...


You do realize that Assassins have the highest tech/force & elemental damage resistance right? In addition dont discount Force Shroud, it is amazing. It works great for eating Ball Lightning while tanking Soa and for killing mouse droids on Karagga. These are just a couple of situations I can think of, but they come up all the time. Saves my healers the stress of having to heal me when they need to heal others. Force Shroud is borderline OP for tanking especially since it is only a 45 sec CD.

Edited by Dukibritches
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Method to reading graphs:

1) calculate your total stats (ie. defense rating + shield rating + absorb rating). Use the character panel in game.

2) find the value calculated from 1) on the x-axis on the graph of the corresponding chart to your class

3) from that spot on the x-axis, create a vertical line

4) find intersections between this line and the curves on the chart.

5) use legend to figure out which curve means what

6) note the y-values where the intersection occurs for each curve

7) These y-values are the optimal defense rating, shield rating, or absorb rating (according to 5) )


Sorry if this sounds noobish, but I'm just making sure I get this totally correct. It looks like I'm gonna be the MT for my guild & I wanna make darn sure I've got this. For #1, do you add your Damage Reduction, Defense Chance, Shield Chance & Shield Absorb, or just Defense, Shield Chance & Absorb?



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He also didn't properly handle the case of crit chance + shield chance being greater than 100%.


In order to "properly handle it" you must first include it; which it is not, in my calc anyway. Let's not also mention that Shield + Crit will never exceed 100%. It's not mathematically possible with the parameters given.


The original Mean Mitigation calc was far more complex and more inclusive of other variables. I received a lot of negative feed back because it was too difficult for your average forum user to follow so over the course of several iterations, both pre and post launch wipe, it became what it is today.


A simple, easy to use tool in which a person can ball park their average mitigation and more advanced users can still inject other variables if they so wish for more specific circumstances.

Edited by Gankstah
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  • 3 weeks later...
Its irrelevant to show these numbers because they are complete throwaways, even on 16 man nightmare, the turrets mean functionally nothing to the the encounter.


If you are having problems beating the turret boss then I truly think you have greater problems as a operation than any BW developer can address.


Resilience, deflection and an absorb adrenal completely nullify any multi-mob tanking issues SA's have. If you refuse to use your (shorter than all other tanking classes) CD's to do the job, that's really just your problem and is not indicative to a problem with the game itself.


Learn to read. Not a single line in my post talk about any problems with turrets or anything else you yapp about. To make it easier for you: the numbers are only correct in single target fights. Now there you go.

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This seriously needs to be stickied. (forum mods?)


These charts are a fantastic way to see what stats you need to stack. This is also extremely valuable as a raid leader, weighing main-tank vs off-tank on a statistical basis (augmenting the obvious ability-based judgements).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I saw a lot of numbers and scratched my head at what asterisks and ^ whatever you call it imean, then tried to apply BODMAS and then gave up.



Does anyone know where a good guide that gives you the facts in simple english (as opposed to throw a pile of Math at you) is?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

At what point is it more viable to stack Shield rating over Absorb rating?


With the new augment slots in 1.3 Gaining another 9% Absorb ontop of 60% feels a little worthless while shield rating still hangs at 40%


With a loss in armor i.e: Raw Damage reduction from Armour which affects hits crits and shielded hits means damage is going to be more spikier without added shield, right?

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