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Complete failure on talent trees.


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I've herd this argument before from a guy called Ghostcrawler, you'd like him he's a dev on a fun little game with pandas in it that's going to have the talent trees you'd prefer.


That 'little' game has roughly six times the sub numbers as this game. With leveling up a huge part of this game you'd think they would make rewarding talents to receive when you level up. But nope same ole garbage of:


Increase/Decrease by 'x' percent. Cannot occur more than once every 'y' seconds.


Apparently innovation is best left with experts and creative geniuses not found here yes?

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Talent trees are fine.


Wanna know what talent trees are not fine?



Talents are an archaic system, that blizzard themselves admitted they wish they had never done, because it only gives you the illusion of choice.


But of course TOR just ignores 7 years of innovations and is still trying to emulate beta WoW.

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You guessed wrong. Do us all a favor and next time stay away from guessing. I'd like talents that are somewhat fun to look forward to putting points in no matter what class.


You may not think the talents are fun but so far plenty of others do. If you like the way WOW has the talents then go back to that game. The talents here are fine.

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That 'little' game has roughly six times the sub numbers as this game. With leveling up a huge part of this game you'd think they would make rewarding talents to receive when you level up. But nope same ole garbage of:


Increase/Decrease by 'x' percent. Cannot occur more than once every 'y' seconds.


Apparently innovation is best left with experts and creative geniuses not found here yes?


They had the same type of talents this game was developed with for several years in which time they had more subs than they do now.

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Talents are an archaic system, that blizzard themselves admitted they wish they had never done, because it only gives you the illusion of choice.


But of course TOR just ignores 7 years of innovations and is still trying to emulate beta WoW.


Nobody cares.

Talent trees are fine.

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You may not think the talents are fun but so far plenty of others do. If you like the way WOW has the talents then go back to that game. The talents here are fine.


You really need to simmer down, where did I say in the original post I enjoyed WoW talents? Honestly if you can't follow the discussion then it's best for you to stay away from it.

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I actually agree with the OP, not the way he put it, but the jest of the post. I'm not coming from WoW or other games where raiding and PVP mentality is big and I'm pretty good at math and know that 3% adds up, but it doesn't excite me to get to pick another point when I level. Take that as you will. I'm not going to argue over it.


I still enjoy the game, just kind of bleh about the whole pay for your abilities and choose a place to put your point when you level. I don't feel excited about what the next level will get me.


I guess its the lack of customization I feel my characters have. I'm not max level on either of my current mains, and won't be for quite some time. I suppose I'll probably "get" what all the craze is about with this type of talent system by then.


Balance this way is kind of boring me. I like feeling like I can tweak builds to make them awesome, but I'm thinking builds become cookiecutter in this system or close enough to not really matter. I guess I'll just need to work on my "rotation" and other reflex/hand-eye-coordination skills to be awesome, but I'd like some extra-excitement about next level when playing.


I'm not putting the game down in any real way, I love the stories and environments, just not blown away by the talent tree thing in some MMOs and lack of feeling like I can build characters my own way. I don't know, I'm having difficulty putting it into words, I've been out sick for 3 days and still have a fever. I'll think on it some more.

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You really need to simmer down, where did I say in the original post I enjoyed WoW talents? Honestly if you can't follow the discussion then it's best for you to stay away from it.


There is no discussion going on here. It's you complaining about the talent trees, posting three talents you came up with that you think are better than anything the devs could come up with, and telling everyone who disagrees with you that they are wrong.

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Hey folks,


While we do appreciate and read feedback, both positive and negative, we do ask that said feedback is constructive and respectful. If you need some guidelines for doing so, we do have a post here via our Dev Tracker that explains it:



In addition there is a thread which has a compilation of feedback you may want to read and post in here:



We'll be closing this thread, but do encourage folks to post constructive feedback about the game in future threads. Thanks for your understanding!

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