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An alternative to "Target of Target"


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One of my pet peeves about the Star Wars: The Old Republic UI, is the total lack of a "Target of Target" window. Although I do understand Bioware's argument of not including the function, I would like to suggest an alternative:


The game currently has a "threat indicator" located between the Player Frame and the Target Frame. This is indicated with a Yellow Icon, when potential enemies are nearby, and indicated with a Red Icon, when you are engaged in combat. My suggestion, is to add a 3rd "status" to the indicator, when someone is targeting you. I don't mind the "not knowing" who is targeting me, but I would like to atleast know WHEN or IF something is targeting me.


A 3rd indicator could be accomplished by using the current "Target reticule" icon which is used for marking enemy targets, as an indicator for when you yourself are being targeted. Or possibly a brand new icon entirely.



Edited by Meurik
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